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Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 1:47 am
by Rein
Oh my, you have no idea what you've gotten yourselves into letting me in here! I shall begin posting the strangness soon!

A personal tale laden with irony

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:52 am
by amunptah777
I'll share a sketch of my thoughts on this matter.

As I was growing up, I had a cat. A long haired grey.

My parents had gotten two kittens, one white, named Angel
my cat, they called Diablo. (later simply devil)

My father is a baptist minister so,'s funny to me.

Angel died as a kitten...I'm not sure how.

Devil was with me until I entered adolescence.

The Spirits later informed me he was a message, from the Goddess.

I'll leave gaps in the story, so you can fill them in as you desire.

But needless to say, now I'm an adult, and a pagan, who's childhood pet was a grey cat named Diablo...I find that very amusing.


Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 3:40 am
by rawrjess
Everybody has some fantastic stories! I'm so glad we can all relate and connect with animals like this. :]

My story is incredibly short, but rather amusing. lol

When I first started looking into wicca, I was a really naive person at the time. I attempted to cast a spell to bring love - not romance, just more love for myself and others.

[Wicca slipped out of my hands for a while because I wasn't really as thoughtful about it as I should have been, but I picked it back up a year and a half ago.]

I worded my spell wrong, and rather than getting love in the form of a person or self love, I got a kitten. Sally - the kitten - has been with me for about three years and now that I really think about it, my spell did work.

I needed more appreciation for myself, not more friends or a boyfriend, and taking care of Sally has taught me responsibility. I love my kitten very much and she loves me right back - I can tell, she begs to be let in my room at night to sleep on one of my pillows.

Also, I recall being extremely sick one day after I first got her. She was only about 7 or 8 weeks old and I was in a bad mood from my cold. My mom would laugh because she'd jump in my lap, I'd push her away; I'd lay down, she'd lay on my chest, I'd push her away - but she would just NOT stop trying to lick my face or purr at me.

Now that I think about it, I didn't really word it wrong and it didn't backfire.

Simply, the Goddess in all her glory and wisdom, sent me what I truly wanted and needed at the time. Love. :]

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 7:48 pm
by Moon_Stone
Wow, Kiwi- that is a totally awesome story!

Thank you for sharing. :28:

~Blessed Be~

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 3:10 pm
by VisaRayn
I have greatly enjoyed reading all of the stories in this thread. And I thought that I would stop and share something as well. It's not so much a story, more like my very quirky dog.

Sassy was a dog that was given to my sister as a Christmas present, actually, however she kind of fell to me to take care of when my sister was away for school.

Sassy was a very quirky dog in these little ways.

She was stung on the nose when she was a puppy and ever since then she would snap anything buzzing about her head to the ground and then proceed to play with the little bug for a while.

And when it snowed in my area it would freeze her water bowl over and she liked to flip the bowl over and waller all over the ice block. ^_^

She though I was her puppy when I was little and she also kind of adopted a kitten that I brough home (His name was Sidekick) Sassy and Sidekick even slept together and were hardely ever seen apart.

Figured I would share ^_^
Blessed Be

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:33 pm
by Moon_Stone
Aww, cute story VisaRayn- thank you for sharing too!

"Animals leave footprints on our hearts"


Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:24 pm
by One Walker
Hey MoonStone! I have a true animal story (several actually, plus other entity-related ones) that I think people would like. I'd like to post it but it's rather long (I wrote it out some years ago in a short story format). Can I put in in Animals and Pets as a stand-alone post or would you and the other Moderators prefer I do so in the Stories section? Also, do you want me to cut the story down to a more 'highlights' version? I''m not sure what the 'acceptable' rule is for length. If needs be, I could send you a copy of it by PM or mail for a Go/No Go ruling. Thanks!

One Walker.

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 5:17 pm
by Moon_Stone
Yes, please do post your stories, One Walker! We'd all love to hear about your experiences. -I don't think shortening it is necessary, unless you want to shorten it some. You may have more readers complete the story if you make it a bit shorter (or post in "parts", that may work best)... because a lot of readers are discouraged when they open a post and see a giant article... many will skip those over.

I think if the story is animal-related, it belongs here; in the animals/pets section... though if you'd like, you can conceivably post in both areas. (Or post here and in a personal blog, if you create one of those.) It may be best to confine the stories to the applicable section and a personal blog rather than in the 'Stories' forum, that way you have the story in your personal arena and in the most applicable area of the forum. (So if you have any other stories about, let's say, OBE's; you can post that story in the OBE forum and again in your blog section.) -That way we can all easily access the entire One Walker Literary Library if we want to... in that blog section. :wink:

I look forward to reading!
-Ultimately though, you are the author and this is entirely your creation... so do with your work, whatever feels right to you.

Bright Blessings!

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 7:39 pm
by One Walker
Okay. Thanks MoonStone! All good ideas (as usual). :D I'll be getting stories and my own blog up soon.

Blessings to you and your household!

One Walker.

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 8:00 pm
by Moon_Stone
Thanks to you too, One Walker!

I'll keep my eyes peeled for your stories!


I had an English Bulldog named Milo

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 11:09 pm
by sabanfanman
He was my right hand man. Loved him so much. I did not have to say anything to correct him, he knew by my expression if he was in trouble or if he had done wrong. Many nights he would sleep with me in my recliner. One particular night I was asleep and he begen to paw at me to wake me up. When I awoke I just knew that something was wrong. I tried to comfort him but never could, The next day I took him to the vet and found out that he was dying of lymphoma. He was trying to tell me something was wrong and wanted me to fix it just as I always had. I watched him fad away over four weeks. To this day I feel guilty because I could not help him though I tried. I miss him terribly and built him a Very Nice little box to be buried in. I cried for weeks
On a lighter note I have a new English Bulldog named Brutus. He is the total polar opposite of milo but awesome.He is fun loving and his tail wags all the time. He looks at me the same way milo did at times as if he can see all the way into my soul.

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:11 am
by sylphaxiom
I never really knew what my familiar was until I just randomly got my cat, Loki. I was living alone and didn't have too many friends around or much of a life since I worked all the time, and a friend I work with moved out to her parents and she couldn't keep her cat anymore (this would be Loki, and he was just a baby at the time) so I was lonely and I thought I'd take him off her hands. Well I went over and met Loki (his name was actually Baby at the time since he was a little, all white cat, and they thought it was a girl) and we just kinda clicked from the start. As time went on, Loki and I began to have more of a connection and I realized that he is exactly like me, but a cat instead of a human hahaha. He would always lay with me or sit with me no matter what I was doing. He became my best friend. Well now that I have moved back home to my own parents for a short time, I was able to keep him but I had to keep him in my room which is upstairs. There are usually people in the house and whenever I'm not there Loki is quiet and just lays around my room, but the second I pull into the driveway Loki always starts to meow and cry for me. He doesn't do this when anyone else comes home or moves about downstairs, only me. He and I have a wonderful psychic connection, and I believe he has become my physical familiar. He has helped me to understand a lot about myself and my spiritual journey just by being around. He always knows more than he should and can always read my feelings and know what I want or need, and I can do the same for him. I never would have thought that my familiar would end up being a little white cat, especially since I was never very fond of them to begin with. I always thought they were lazy, arrogant creatures, but now I know that I have my familiar with me and I wouldn't trade him or give him up for anything in the world.

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 2:24 am
by Miripet97
I have quiet a few stories about my friends.(I consider "pets" friends, because they shouldn't need to be owned, in my opinion.)

Peaches and Groucho, my two little babies were born in our garage, along with four other kittens. There were as follows:
Groucho-a cute, but demanding short-haired calico, girl
Peaches-the runt of the litter, a fat and lazy "all-american-ginger-tabby" cat, girl
Bat Boy-a sweet little thing, barely bigger than peaches at birth, with bigger ears than I've ever seen on a kitten!,boy
Mr. Happy- always comforted and cheered up our little posse
Mr. Adventure- believe it or not, one day we came home to him taking a nap on the cieling fan! That's how he got his name...
and lastly, our little darling...
Ginger. I decided to name her that before we buried her, the day after she was found.

Ginger's story:
Ginger had starved to death, we found her on my bed, with a paw on my hand, and all the other kittens mewling sadly. Even though you aren't supposed to "demolish" property near an apartment complex, I found it fit to bury her propely. I loved her the second I saw the little kitten. She was practically Peaches' twin. There was a tall oak tree near the pond, and i knew the second I saw it she would want to be put to rest there. I visited it every day for a week and never forgot the poor thing.

Peaches' story:
She had almost starved to death, just like Ginger, but after seeing how ginger had gone, I refused to let that happen. My parents said they were going to give up, since there was only a slight chance she'd live, but I didn't care. I would force feed her when nessisary, I gave her all her baths, litter-box trained her, and took her to sleep with me every night, so she could stay warm. Although I admit she's fat and lazy because I parmpered her, I wouldn't have had it any other way. Now she would either be fat and lazy, or dead. I love my baby, because she's my baby.

Groucho's story:
She's such a tomboy, but oh my goddess, she is the most gorgeous cat you have ever seen! She has little black boots(cat lovers will know what I mean) and a creamy mustache, and that's why mommy decided to name her Groucho. After Groucho Marx. She's always been the "pack leader" and has always been drawn to the outdoors, so much she's now learned to both unlock doors, and then open them! It's the whole and only reason we gave her a collar. If she stayed in or only went out on occasion, we would never dream of putting a collar on mommy's baby girl.

Bat Boy's story:
Oh, to be completely honest, I love him more than all the other kittens, but he doesn't live with us any more. We had to give up the boys. Not because they were boys, but because we couldn't care for that many!(to tell the truth, Peaches and Groucho only stayed because we couldn't pick only one. Princess P is my baby, and Grouchy is mommy's baby.) But rest assured, he has a wonderful home, with one of my mom's very close friends.

Mr. Happy's story: he was your basic, everyday ally cat, actually, but he was the one who lead us to the kitties father. He got out one day, and ran behind the apartment, with us following him, and we found a lovely peach queen and jet-black warrior(I love those of you who get my references here!). They ran away, but we knew why Mr. Happy lead us there.

Mr. Adventure's story:
Okay, he is very simple, and has lots of stories, but they would be very boring, so i'll give you a little chart of his life-
-challenged Groucho for 'control' of the 'pack'...
-somehow got to the ceiling fan...
-took two hours to get him down.
-knocked over our first fish tank, ate the only one we had!
-mated with his younger sister, Peaches(bat boy was her second choice)
-went into a state of depression when we had to get Peaches nutered...poor boy.
-finally won over Groucho to be leader...
-and was given away all of two weeks later.

I love all our babies, no matter where they are, and i will cherish my memories of them for all of time. They are just as much our children as our "pets", they are my best friends, and they are my angels.

Re: Hey guys, where are all the great animal stories ???

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 12:26 am
by MsMollimizz

This is one that is truely missed, very much.
She was my best friend and gun; I had no need for any other protection...
When I finally decided to get another dog the lady next door to my Mom
had six. The Mother of the pups was chow and wolf, all the pups were different
looking. I chose Miss Molly cause she sat back while the others climbed all over
the fence wanting attention. The one closest looking to her was gray speckled
where she is brown.
Went to watch fireworks at the lake and brought her. we were kind of in the corner
so we really had no people close to us on either side. But it so happens were were
next to the pathway down to the water. I had to tell Miss Molly a few times that it
was alright, that they weren't stopping but kept going. The women she paid no mind
to unless they were larger than me. All I had to do is tell her to watch them, on duty she'd be.
One guy, quite husky came running down the path with Miss Molly right on his tail,
literally ! If he'd mis-stepped she'd have a mouth full of butt !
I miss my girl so much...
Now, I love my Charlie boy, we go outside now and then, him on a leash !
Gentle Light

Re: Hey guys, where are all the great animal stories ???

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:24 pm
by Purewitch22
Okay. Well, I have had a pet pig in the past. Completely stupid pig at that! I also had a cat name Rose-she was black, and a Rotti named Baby. They NEVER got along.

One day, when i was 7, a robber broke in. We were all asleep, but the robber had a gun. The pig woke ME up by jumping on me squeling-a little quietly at that. Then the cat started scratching my bed post and meowing. and Baby jumped on me as well. I was whispering "what do you want?!" and then Baby licked my mouuth as if she was saying 'shut up and follow me!' then they all got up and walked out of my room. I quietly walked out. I saw the robber!
Since I was young, i didn't know too much about protection. So I snuck up behind him, and knocked him down then jumped on him. Then the pets all piled on different parts of his body. I screamed and called 911. My family woke up and saw what had happened. he was arressted.

But honestly, if the pets never got qalong and woke me up, I probably wouldn't be here.

Shortly after the iccident, my dog died after we gave her to another family, the pig got hit by a car, and Rose is still living with me.