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Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 10:43 am
by Kolohe
The difference is when you are an adult if you have something it is generally because you have a job and worked for it. Don't you think there might be a difference in the appreciation level between a teen who got an ipod because he or she whined a little to mom and dad, versus a kid who bagged groceries or flipped burgers for hours to get the same thing? I know teens who go to both extremes, but agree with PM the average American teen (and adult) has a very soft life. You all have the same point, when things come very easily we do not have much appreciation, if you've ever been poor or had to work very hard to put food on the table, then you are very happy simply to have food, true for both kids and adults. But in our culture after the necessities have been met, people are still focused on having more and more material things, it's never enough. I could digress and say the parents are the ones who need lectured for being enablers. Her original point was a good one, we all have so much, help some one out and if someone gave you something or helped you out take time to enjoy what you do have and say "thank you" instead of immediately moving on and asking for more.


Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 10:47 am
by Sobek
You obviously have no earthly idea what you are talking about. And don't tell me calling something I say bullshit is not an attack or civil.
I know exactly what I'm talking about. I personally don't see what I said as an attack, just a different opinion, see it how you wish because it's no skin off my back.
My post is truth. A lot of young people are spoiled. Don't believe it? Go to your local mall and watch. Did i say everyone was? No. But it is simple fact a good many, probably most are.
Oh for fucks sake I never said that you were f*cking wrong damnit! so stop feeling bloody victimised! My only problem, and if you would have read what I said properly without calling for blood the moment my opinion didn't match yours exactly, was that it was as uncalled to go straight for the young ones as you think my wording was uncalled for.

Now as far as I'm concerned, this issue is over, nothing more constructive can be added. Continuation of this argument will result in the post being locked. If your problems with me still exist, make friendly with the PM function.

Thanks Sobek

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 10:55 am
by Eretik
Oops, I responded to Pav's post but Kolohe and Sobek posted while I was writing,hope this is still in context.

Yes, that's very true.The adults teach the young ones, so where does the ultimate responsibility lie? I get that point.I also see that PM is commenting generally on the attitudes of the young folk around him,himself included,at times.I see that around me too.It's not universal by any means,but sadly all too common. I have taught my kids to appreciate what they have and they know that a safe,secure environment with a caring family beats the latest gadgets/toys hands down.They have boundaries.My friends have sought my help at times as they got caught up in the 'I want my kids to have all the things I didn't' and the 'I will never be like my harsh, cruel parents,to my children' mentalities.Noble ideas, but discipline and structure are necessary for kids well being.By discipline, I mean order in the home environment,caring for others in your family and being respectful, but also nurturing the strengths and creativity of each,so that all can benefit from a happy home.Chores and teamwork need to be a part of that,in my opinion. You also need to spend 'fun' time with kids to teach them that life can be simply joyful [kicking leaves in the park.etc] This is hard for a lot of parents who are working themselves into the ground to provide for ever more expensive needs and wants. Both sides lose out.Many are too tired to work on thier family relationships and give in to material demands as it 'keeps the kids happy' It's little wonder these kids learn to be self oriented.Many would, I think love to have pro-active parents and a family that can enjoy each other.My 'nieces and nephews'[friends kids] love coming on a fun walk with me.We do silly things, we interact with the environment, we get down with the 'jumping in puddles' they know to be considerate and polite, they like it.They have a listening voice in me, I mediate between them and their parents sometimes.I also like 'cool music'[Rock/Metal] and understand the Gothy tendencies of the older My kids pals tend to think I'm a cool mum,my kids got embarrassed by that,every kid goes through 'parental acute embarrassment stage' no matter how much they get on with thier is [rambling good style] both of you have very valid points in this debate. Both of you have strong opinions and both have clashed on this topic.Sobek is very blunt PM and so you are too,that can be refreshing, but this is getting heated. Please talk with each other instead of to/at each other. I hope I've made sense.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 11:01 am
by juliaki
When I was a teen, I got no allowance. If I wanted something, I had to work for it. By age 10, I was winning professional speech competitions and writing contests. That's how I paid for the things I wanted in life. I also felt driven to give back to those less fortunate than me and spent hours upon hours doing community service every month through my school, church, the Girl Scouts, and 4-H.

It really shocked me as an adult to see the number of adults who felt that they were entitled to this or that because they live in the U.S. Whenever I run into someone who is having financial troubles and suggest that one way to save money is to cut off cable TV for a few months, you'd think that I suggested they should sacrifice their firstborn child!

I guess it wouldn't be surprising as many adults seem to lose gratitude, they pass those ethics onto their offspring as well. Scary stuff....we'll see where we are in a decade or two. Will things get worse or will there be a rebound?

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 12:45 pm
by [EarthWitch]
When I worked in the emergency room I had a family come in for treatment. Needless to say the whole family wanted to be seen by the emergency room doctor (non urgent..back pain, headache, sore throat, etc...). At that time, there was no "fast track", meaning that we had no area for non-emergent treatment, kind of like a anyone could be seen if they wanted to wait, because emergent cases were seen first. There were six of them. Dad, Mom, and 4 kids. Two of the kids were teenagers. When I was triaging them, the eldest teenager picked up a leaflet that talked about payment for services. He looked it over and threw it in my direction and stated, "I don't have to pay for anything. I have the "gold card" ." The gold card he was talking about was Medicaid (public insurance in the USA that the tax payers support --to be brief about the description). Anyway, the rest of the family started laughing and the father stated, "None of us pay for anything. We are all disabled because of our "nerves", and I have a back problem. We all get a check every month and food stamps." He then looked at me and said, "I'm, glad you are working. We need someone to pay our bills." and laughed. Being a public servant. I could do nothing. I wanted to puke. I looked at the two smaller children and thought that they will probably grow up with the same attitude and never work, and live off the government. They, like their two elder siblings, their mother and their father, will be a product of their environment. I am not saying that there are those who do not deserve the government aid paid my and your ability to work and pay taxes. But when I looked outside, as the teen daughter went back to the car to get her ipod because she was going to have to wait to be seen, I watched her climb in to a Lincoln Navigator. I again wanted to puke. So ends my rant. This may have nothing to do with the topic whatsoever, but I just had to get it off my chest. Thanks for listening......but anyway the kids learn by example....

Re: Appreciating what you have.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 5:37 pm
by hedge*
ThePaganMafia wrote: Spoiled children are a problem in our society. They don't understand the hard work that was put in to give the what they have. What's most terrible is is that they do not care. They are self absorbed and foolish.
Who do we blame for kids having this attitude?
Surely the parents have to take responsibility.
If parents are as self absorbed and as ignorant as they are being, then they are raising a new generation of spoiled brats themselves.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 5:44 pm
by Blazewind
When I was triaging them, the eldest teenager picked up a leaflet that talked about payment for services. He looked it over and threw it in my direction and stated, "I don't have to pay for anything. I have the "gold card" ." The gold card he was talking about was Medicaid (public insurance in the USA that the tax payers support --to be brief about the description). Anyway, the rest of the family started laughing and the father stated, "None of us pay for anything. We are all disabled because of our "nerves", and I have a back problem. We all get a check every month and food stamps." He then looked at me and said, "I'm, glad you are working. We need someone to pay our bills." and laughed.
It would seem to me, in my humble opinion, that this young man, may not have been spoiled and ungreatful, for what he had. Instead I think he might have simply been a product of his enviroment If he heard his parents all his life, acting as though the tax pays should keep them alive and well, then of course he is going to learn to act that way himself.
Just my two cents on the matter

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 1:52 pm
by [EarthWitch]
I agree...a product of their environment.....

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 4:00 pm
by ThePaganMafia
Yes they are a product of their enviroment. I would agree with that and unforuntatley there is no changing that.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 4:17 pm
by The Judge
Though its been a while I would appreciate it if Sobekand PM could stop throwing insults and just listen to each other. Everyone in this topic has a valid point.

Me, I just joined the military so all this on most people not appreciating what they have is not something I'm used to. I see a couple hundred people each day that decided "This iswhat I want to do for the people of this country". I know a little about not appreciating what you've got because I've watched the news read the paper and realized that even, though I'm 19 and decided to give up what was left of my time to protect a country at war, the people still wont appreciate what you do for them. This doesn't apply to everybody, I've met alot of great people who support the military but its those politicians thatalways get me they hardly appreciate that we even fight for them. Sorry, this has gotten off topic. Well that ends my rant for now thanks for listening.

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 6:17 pm
by wiccachicken
It is true indeed that alot of "young folk" are being spoiled to the point where they dont understand the value of money. I believe it is a result of not quite the right parenting (you cant say bad parenting really because no parent knows how to do it right) and also a result of peer pressure. Other kids see what their friends have and want to feel "cool".

When you're a kid you have to learn the hard way sometimes to know that you can't always get what you want. I remember trying all sorts of tricks to get what I wanted...tantrums, pleading, acting cute, crying...none of it worked, and I learnt. Unfortunately, some parents cant handle it and they give in. Not good.

There will always be brats around...and only through tough experiences can they learn. Most of the people I know who aren't brats have been through some extremely tough times where there was NO CHOICE but to accept a life of shit.


Sad fact but true. We can only hope to raise our own kids well enough not to let this happen. But I can tell you, from experience, that dealing with kids is hard and never ending!

Peace out kids! Mwah x x x

Re: Appreciating what you have.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:57 pm
by learn2lovem3
ThePaganMafia wrote:I feel a lot of kids these days just do not appreciate what they have. I know Im guilty of it. There are people in countrys who go for days without a bite to eat. Here in our cozy little world we have IPods, Mcdonalds, $300 jeans, fanct video games, the internet, etc.

There is nothing wrong with hvaing these things. They do make life nice. But we need to appreciate them. We need to appreciate our parents who work hard to give us a good life.

Spoiled children are a problem in our society. They don't understand the hard work that was put in to give the what they have. What's most terrible is is that they do not care. They are self absorbed and foolish.

I think the most important thing is giving back to your community. Make this world a better place. Appreciate what you have. Don't do it just during the holiday season. Don't do it just because you feel the obligation. Do it for your fellow human being. We are all on this Earth and all human. Help someone out.
I know this post is so old, but I wanted to put in my two cents worth. =P

But before I do, I do agree. The parents and/or adults are just as much to blame as the children and/or teenagers. Yay. Done with that. =D

What I do notice though, is the fact that the older some people get (meaning teens...) seem to take advantage of these things more and more.
I myself feel guilty for owning an iPod. My mom's ok with buying me it, but I still feel horribly guilty. I hate that I like it, lol. But that's how it is. :/
But, I'm not like all of my friends who have a new cellphone every other week and text up a storm more than half a day. I have a cell phone, but it's nothing crazy and it's only usable when my mother puts money on it. It's already expensive enough as it is. A phone plan would screw it all up. I don't use it much anyway. Only when I'm out of the house or something. You know, to be safe. Never know when I'll REALLY need it.
I'm not into games or anything. We only have a PS2 and it's usually only used by my sisters. We have DS's but we don't have more than two games each. And we don't ask for anything unless it's the holidays.
And even then, I feel guilty for wanting anything. But since I do a lot around my house and since I don't get an allowance like some and I don't get to do a lot of fact, I don't get to do anything, seriously, it doesn't seem like much in the end to want something.
But I still feel bad about it. =[

I dunno. I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't take advantage of the technology these days and I don't let it become a part of my life. Because in all honesty, the one thing I use the most is my iPod. That's it. Videogames aren't really my thing and I don't use a cell much, so yeah.
But some of the people I know wouldn't survive without a Wii or the new iPhones.