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Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 2:36 am
by kai
Dip pens are good, but are hard to find.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:45 am
by kai
Pencil Works fine :) i did a lil spell to get an A in a test that was gonna happen. :lol: A :D . I dunno for sure if it was for spell, but i didnt studied much for that test, but still, it was an easy one.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 1:30 pm
by Revolpathon
you probably got lucky to :P.

every math tast i had to take was cheated, i had this old calulator that i could program, so i programmed some tools and i just put straight text into it with all the formula's and stuff :P.

but some test are easy if you read the things that were in the test or remembered things from class.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 4:18 pm
by [cherokeewind]
The only thing I had ever used graphite for was wish spells. The reason why, wasn't any particular color associated with the symbol. Never tried it in any other kind of ritual. Maybe that is what pencil is good to use in...wish spells. My ritual candle, white because it is the best color to make a wish.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 10:04 pm
by kai
Lol Revolpathon, i was thinking that too :P since the exam was an easy one. I will try this in my final exams :D hope it works :P.

Cherokeewind yep i guess you are right wish spells can be good with pencils, maybe because of its shining color :). But candle color can be changed right? Depending upon what we are wishing for.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 4:04 pm
by [cherokeewind]
If you are going to distinguish wishes, from luck...a wish is usually something specific and you would really like to have happen. White as a color can be associated with several intents, including wishes. There might be other colors, but white is the only one I know about. A simple and easy to get wish herb is Dandelion.

White as a candle color:
1. Protection
2. Cleansing or removing a spell from objects
3. Spirituality
4. Wishes
5. Enlightenment or visions of understanding, guidance.

Sandalwood incense works with a white candle for 4 of the above intents. I have not tried that with wishes. I think Sandalwood might possibly work for wish spells. I don't use incense like when first started learning Pagan ways. So, I'm not really updated on the incense associations yet...

Yellow is a color that works for most of the above intents. Except yellow is more for psychic visions, dreams, very powerful protection. Yellow can be combined in some way with white candle spells for psychic work. Adding Amber to that white/yellow combination could turn it into a wish spell.

Moon as a planet, Cancer astrological sign, Hecate for a deity or just Guardian of the East. Depends on the intent, Isis is good for spirituality. :)

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 7:14 pm
by jcrowfoot
Vanilla or Tonqua bean are good wish herbs.

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 2:05 pm
by kai
hmm thanks. thats a lot of info i can use cherokeewind and jcrowfoot. but i never felt that much comfortable with sandalwood smell, i tried it once, at first i thought i might like it, but it kinda made me uncomfortable. after that i never tried it, but i guess i might wanna give it another try. and i love vanilla :D hehe. specially the icecream :). I never heard dandelion and tonqua though, what are they?

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:45 pm
by [cherokeewind]
Dandelion might be called by a different name where you live (Lion's Tooth, etc.), here is info and photos.

I haven't used Sandalwood for many years now. Can't say I like it either. You can omit or leave out the Sandalwood incense.

When using Dandelion for wishes, didn't use incense anyway. At the end of the ritual, before making a wish, would get this taste in my mouth. The only thing I could associate with the taste is marshmallow. if you have never seen one, it is a white very sweet and fluffy snack food. They come in a round shape, big bite size or miniature. I tried using a piece of one for taste before making the wish. It really seemed to help. I suppose Vanilla is very similar. Vanilla icecream might taste even better than marshmallow, if you could somehow keep it from melting. :D

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:53 pm
by jcrowfoot
Oops! I got the spelling wrong because I gathered it off of Cunningham's writings, and he used an idiosyncratic spelling that I think he picked up in Mexico, not how we spell it here. It's also called a Tonka bean, and was used to make the infamous Mexican vanilla. IT's banned in the US as a carcinogen, but they've since discovered that it really is NOT a carcinogen. The FDA doesn't admit to making mistakes or jumping to conclusions. :-P For all we know, they are just protecting the true vanilla importers.

At any rate, using it in a spell won't cause cancer. Most of the notorious "cancer causing" plants they talk about (like comfrey) are actually less carcinogenic in reasonable quantities than BEER is, but too many big companies make money off of beer. Besides, compared to using plastic, or eating soy, it's not that big. "Cancer causing" is an overused scare tactic for most things. Especially since we aren't sure what causes specific people to get cancer in the first place... we just know what makes cancer cells happy after they get started, and what *might* cause changes in the cells for some people! Oh yeah, and statistical data, which may or may not be misleading.

As for using vanilla ice cream in a wish spell, you could use one of those bonbons you can buy... and keep it wrapped up in a cold storage mylar bag that you see sometimes. You could stick it on some dry ice first, but be sure to use it much later, as it could be dangerously cold immediately after the dry ice bath!

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2007 2:40 pm
by kai
Marshmallow :( its very rare thing to find here, most of the people dont even know what it is, but we get vanilla flavored candies :D. They should be good enough if taste is the only concern?? right?? also if you have heard about that choco pie, we get a lot here, it doesnt taste that good, but it has marshmallow in it i guess. It isnt mentioned in the ingredient now, but they used to mention it earlier. But i dont think i can find marshmallow lying around in any store.

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 1:48 pm
by [cherokeewind]
Whatever works for you. if a spell you've already done works fine, no need to change it...unless you want to. The candies sound good...that would be easier than keeping ice cream cold. :D

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 4:53 pm
by kai
I dont think you can even call it a spell, it was more sort of a prayer. I just did it for a test, but it (test) was a pretty easy one. And if candies work fine, then candies it is :). Thanx. But what about vanillla essence??? Can it be used too?

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 6:50 pm
by [cherokeewind]
Vanillla essence? I suppose, you'll just have to try it. White candles are good for just simple prayers. I didn't list quite all that has been associated, as a candle color. Peace, joy, power, prayers, are a couple more. I think light blue is a better peace color.

I was looking at graphite under carbon in the encyclopedia today. It is a form of carbon, just as diamonds are. The name graphite comes from a Greek word meaning "to write". This may have been one of the contributing factors to the success of your prayer. I've used just a white candle at times, to make simple prayers or visualize something. A wish spell probably should have a wish herb or symbol. Graphite has some very unusual properties. Even when heated, is not affected by chemical agents or oxygen. Also is used as electrodes. You might want to try graphite in other candle color rituals. Green is good for luck. If graphite works for wishes, possibly the combo would bring a lucky result (?). Anyway, probably would be good to stick with what you know already works on your tests.

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:27 pm
by kai
Yep, diamonds and graphite do have similarities, but diamond being one of the hardest material on the planet and graphite being soft, but well if its working then its good :). Also if it means to write, then it might be better for writing then pens :D.

I find white candles more comfortable because as you said, they can be visualized to be of any color, it might have to do something with the fact that white is mixture of all colors :).