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Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 3:19 pm
by webbspinner
Ok anyone who has a chance to get the Flu vaccine next year do it! I've just spent 4 of the most miserable days in bed. Praise be that there is Tamaflu!!! I'm still not 100%, I'm trying. I prayed to every diety I knew, especially when I had fever hallucinations. Next year I'm going to que up for that shot... :shock:

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 8:45 am
by webbspinner
Well I missed Imbolc this year.~sigh~Been coughing for two weeks. No great words of wisdom, I'm not 100%, even then the wisdom is shaky! I guess I'll say a prayer and head for bed. Blessings to all....->o<-

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 7:40 am
by webbspinner
It's been a wild 4 months! I have been concentrating on the family, and I have been dreadfully neglectful of all my forums. Between the Flu outbreak, and my beloved cats passing I've been over whelmed. Hopefully I can get back in the saddle again. ->0<-

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:00 pm
by webbspinner
When you sign up at a Forum, you generally expect to post frequently. I've got my Web in twist, can't seem to find time for everyone. :( Life has been rolling on much as expected, ups and downs. I want to say to all the faithful posters, and Adm. here, you're doing a great job. If it weren't for you, posters like me wouldn't have a place to come and read, and post. Signed, Wish I had more time!