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Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:45 am
by goth-kid555
the children are 12,14and 18 ,so i guess they'll have to remain with the father ,right?

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:52 am
by Pav
like elem said its unlikely they will if they're at risk of abuse, no sensible person would willing put the kids in danger by leaving them with a man who could hurt them when they could be left with a mother who wouldnt

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:49 pm
by Malvok
something that would be helpful with the hole divorce laws part would be what country you are in? other than that...

you said it would be better if the parents didn't split up, but from the sounds of what you've said it sounds like it might be for the best. I know your not going to like hearing this but it could very well be.

Yes, divorcing parents can have a negative impact on children. But staying together when otherwise they would be devoiced can actually have a much WORSE effect on their kids.

For example if my parents had of stayed together, i probably would of woken up to discover a bloody murder scene... seriously I'm not joking.

Adverse marriage can cause worse effects on a child than a separation or divorce.

So i ask you this IF her parents stay together how would that have an effect on how they act around their kids, talk to each other publicly treat each other. verses if they separate and rarely see and or talk to each other.

And you said your friend was 18? well at that age most places she would be a legal adult(at least here) the court in awarding custody would take into account. her wishes of where she wants to live.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:18 am
by goth-kid555
they are in american now ,spending summer there,the mother is american

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 9:57 am
by Malvok
well then their divorce would likely be going through the American legal system and you mentioned your friend she was 18 wasn't she? there wouldn't be a custody battle over her i don't think because she's the age of majority her siblings who i wouldn't think are too much younger than her they would likely have a say in which parent they want to go live with. but ultimately the court decides which parent gets custody deciding on who would be capable of caring for the kids. They also tend to favor the mothers over fathers for custody.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:10 am
by Sobek
"They also tend to favor the mothers over fathers for custody."

very true, so long as thier mother can feed and clothe them the father would have to have a damn good reason to deem her unfit to keep the children.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 3:22 pm
by Eretik
"They also tend to favor the mothers over fathers for custody." If the divorce is put before an American court,ithat is,if the couple resided in Dubai,[ where Goth kid lives]then chances are it will be petitioned there,laws in Islamic states vary,but often, custody is awarded to the father as the Muslim partner has precedence in Islamic countries [ is the mother an Islamic convert,Goth kid?] The mother can petition in the States,but there has to be reasonable grounds [i.e. threat of harm or kidnap,human rights of the child issues, etc.] This sounds a difficult situation,it depends on the parents themselves, if this is hostile or amicable.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 4:01 pm
by Pixie Tales
ok as much as i feel bad for your friend and her siblings to have to go through a divorce.. sometimes its for the best.. love spells never work.. why stay in an unhappy marriage and hurt the children, family and friends by dragging them all into an unhappy situation?

if you and your friend are indeed that close... well then no divorce and no move even if out of the counrty will ever keep you apart.. emails, phone calls, visits, vacations.. yea it wont be the same as having here in the flesh but at least it is something..

the 18 year old will be able to do what they want

the younger 2 (if in america) will also be able to make choices.. i believe the law is 13 to make decisions.. the 12 year old may be 13 before they divorce.. the 14 year old is already over the age..

please dont experiment on spells on others that may be able to bite you in the rear.. as well as.. experimenting with a spell you dont know how to handle alone..


i know you are sad for your friend.. i know you want to help.. and i know you may even feel useless since you cant help.. but just remember.. just be there for her and be the best friend, shoulder and heart she will need when her parents go through a divorce..


Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:16 pm
by lentamente_morrendo
I really love what Elem said...

Stopping the divorce could do more harm then good sure the children love their parents and not many kids want mommy and daddy to break up but sometimes it's for the best if he's strict and mean I can't imagine wanting to have him around and I'm pretty certain that mom would get full custody.

You could always do a spell for things to work out in moms favor...a spell to keep in touch or a spell to keep your friends out of harms way.

But I wouldn't do a spell to keep these 2 together..there could be a lot better things out there for them sometimes you just have to roll with the punches :wink:

Think about all of your options (with a clear head) I believe in love spells and I don't think they're totally bad...but not for this situation.