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Re: UFO sighting log

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 1:11 am
by SpiritTalker
Oh, I remember that post...but not where it is.

Re: UFO sighting log

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 8:51 am
by Shekinah
Thanx, will check out those sightings.

Re: UFO sighting log

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 8:46 am
by planewalker
20/11/17 1915 approx., 7miles NNE of Albany NY., Moon had set approx 1830 to the WNW, Uranus & Neptune are the only planets visible. They are low on southern horizon, all others are Morning "Stars". Weather clear and cold. Visibility Unlimited.
A single point of light, split into three lights. Had at first had twinkle as a star would. Soon after the split, the twinkle effect stopped and the three appeared to grow and lose altitude on the same heading I had seen used by the SR71 "Black Bird" going into Griffiss AFB. The two smaller lights did not fully resolve. The middle light resolved to a very small black Triangular shape that showed intense light at each corner. Appreciation - TR3-B and two pinnacles on the reserved air corridor for Griffiss AFB. It would make an easy way to come back into atmosphere. If pinnacles were simply escorts they could pull back out of atmosphere over the Great Lakes.


I went with my wife to visit my Dad-in-Law. I took the opportunity to watch for meteors in an open field that is topographically elevated. It makes a nice clear horizon and is within a five minute walk of his house.


Re: UFO sighting log

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 7:32 pm
by planewalker
Newly declassified contact report. The only trouble is no one knows what was "contacted". In 2004 two Navy pilots, flying F/A-18f's from the USS Nimitz, 100 miles west of San Diego, were vectored onto a contact by the Guided Missal Cruiser USS Princeton. The Princeton had been "chasing contacts" for the previous two weeks. Commander Fravor and his wing man made visual with at least two "Objects". They played tag over a wide CAP area from just above the water to 80,000 feet where contact was lost with the objects still heading out of atmosphere. Cdr. Fravor said he could not identify what the object was,but he said "I sure want to fly one !".

Re: UFO sighting log

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 12:43 pm
by SpiritTalker
Hm. About time the Pentagon caught up.

Re: UFO sighting log

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 3:07 am
by planewalker
Yeah! The budget office brought up a program that needed clarification, too. Blue Book is alive and well. Like we hadn't figured that out. It really ticks me off when the government thinks I'm stupid. I expect them to lie to me. Whether it's a good thing or bad I've come to accept it. Put I don't think they should insult my intelligence.

Re: UFO sighting log

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2017 11:58 pm
by SpiritTalker
I wonder why they're tossing us this dog biscuit at this particular time? Diversionary tactics ya' think? There's nothing in the declassified vid we haven't already seen. The tease is they admit to what they already told us. So no one has really revealed anything at all. It's just empty peanut shells for the zoo.

Re: UFO sighting log

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 1:41 am
by planewalker
Not all are as brilliant and up on things as we are. Hello J. Q. Public - smack with a reality stick. Right between the eyes.

Re: UFO sighting log

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 10:50 am
by Shekinah
Humans make waves and incite problems. There are things the multitudes have no need to know. We still have flat earthers around and religions would not appreciate a truth that would relegate it to an unsavory demise.

Re: UFO sighting log

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 12:27 pm
by SpiritTalker
That suggests psychological programming of the masses for a preplanned long range agenda.

Re: UFO sighting log

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 5:55 pm
by planewalker
The bureaucrats that are the true power in government are long range thinkers. They play different interest groups and even other countries like so many violin strings. It takes time to follow the melody. It's harder to discern what key they're playing in. Picking up on discordant notes, whether they are true mistakes or planned dissonance in the work. It's us who are being played.

UFO sighting log

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 9:49 pm
by Shekinah
The masses have been programmed from the time the Ancient Egyptian priesthood dominated the Pharaoh with religious myth. Today religion remains the primary tool to sedate seduce and control the thoughts of people and governments. It makes the masses predictable and malleable and fearful of challenging the directives of leadership. An enlightened population is difficult to control and bamboozel. If we hope to survive ourselves we need a new world order as outlined on the Georgia Guidestones. We have proven ourselves incapable of handling too much freedom and making wise decisions. We still proliferated exponentially when we know humans will soon be obsolete as AI/robotics assumes most every function and will soon thereafter realize we are a problem.

Re: UFO sighting log

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2017 6:24 am
by planewalker
Robot executioners. Which side of the stone do you think you'll be on? We are by definition dangerous to a new world order. Which kind of accident do you think will claim you.? I'm not sure how dramatic I feel like going. We're high on the list of disposable entities. We think for ourselves. How long do you think independent thought can be allowed to run free?

Re: UFO sighting log

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 8:07 pm
by SpiritTalker
I believe there 's a chance that as groups awaken, we outnumber the NW.o . Their corruption is being exposed & discussed like common news. What we decide to do next is anybody's guess. We might all get taken out by another comet direct hit like 13000 years ago and reset, or we might crawl through & alter the timeline...again.

Anybody seen any UFOs or unidentified Ariel phenomena? UAP just doesn't roll of the tongue with the same ease.

Re: UFO sighting log

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 8:36 pm
by SpiritTalker
The moon isn't up yet so viewing is good. It's been sunny today & dry. Clear tonight. The Big Dipper is clearly visible with it's handle to east. At 9:04 I'd come inside from viewing. I'd been outside less than 10 minutes.

I had a UFO sighting while standing on my back deck. I was facing south & looking at Orion. I had my eyeglasses on. I "felt" something was there & just below Orion's left foot movement like a shadow against the stars caught my attention. I watched it for about 2 minutes total. It was about the size of my thumb nail held at arm's length.

It was grayish & clearly curved V-shaped, no lights or sound & moving at a moderate speed from east to west in a straight line. I signaled with my night vision red flashlight. It's course curved a bit to north & I lost sight of it over roof tops.

Edit - on 6/24 after hunting around on the internet I found the Horton Wing which looks something like a manta ray & is what I saw & had described as a "curved V".