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Re: ET asked is there a God?

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 7:16 am
by Shekinah
Yes there are many and not all honest nor devoid of ill intent just look at us. Fortunately we demons usually fail to survive ourselves as power becomes intoxicating evil self destructs long before it ventures to infect other worlds. The wisdom of Natural Law protects fledgling civilizations from critter such as we. We are currently in a most dangerous evolutionary situation, will we or will we not prove noble mettle and survive into deep time?

Re: ET asked is there a God?

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 8:23 am
by Shireside
autumn swan wrote: So I guess I'm still not convinced but that's okay. Not everybody has to believe the same right? :wink2:
Yeh, you're not alone. Some ideas simply fail to cross my threshold of belief, and much of this fits into that category. Oh well~

Re: ET asked is there a God?

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 10:13 am
by SpiritTalker
Shekinah, the things that have been noted here about the Ancient Ones authoritative presence within consciousness, and about knowing vs believing, and sadly about mankind and the governments we create, are things that have been slotted into my thick skull time and again during meditations. I'm still working on getting my head around quantum physics & part of me intuits the info. My day-to-day side hasn't caught up yet. So far, the top of my head buzzes, so I'm probably stirring up something. I just hope it's useful. Can you provide some development tips? Or books? I mean, something that doesn't endanger the planet and evolution? :)

Remote influencing is familiar to hippies from the mid-60s-70s ... It seems every neighborhood study group was having a go at it back then. And again in the 90s. It probably is continuous but I haven't been paying attention.

Re: ET asked is there a God?

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 5:16 pm
by planewalker
I'd guess that people have been tring remote influencing for the last 200,000 yrs. If for nothing else then to get dates.

Re: ET asked is there a God?

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 5:24 pm
by SpiritTalker
LMAO! At bad puns :lol: better than on-line dating services. They call that spell casting, right?

Re: ET asked is there a God?

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2017 6:23 pm
by planewalker
Even after all these years there are times I'm not sure myself.