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Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 10:55 pm
by Ginger Faith!
Having an equivalent of all of the elements is very good as well. Balance, i love the earth, but im not grounded, i love the wind, but i wouldnt be caught dead messing around with wind. Fire and Water, polar opposites, are totally my 'thing'.

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:45 pm
by Y0m
Elements are meaningless.. we cannot be them, but we can barrow them for our bodies and material things. They are outside of 'us'

Ask yourself "who am I really?"

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 5:15 pm
by Beothany
Y0m wrote:Elements are meaningless.. we cannot be them, but we can barrow them for our bodies and material things. They are outside of 'us'

Ask yourself "who am I really?"
How do you know? You just basically put down everyone in this conversations beliefs. It would have been nicer to say 'I don't believe we have elements.' or something like that. The way you said it sounded kind of rude.

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:15 am
by Chatters
Beothany wrote:
Y0m wrote:
How do you know? You just basically put down everyone in this conversations beliefs. It would have been nicer to say 'I don't believe we have elements.' or something like that. The way you said it sounded kind of rude.

I don't think Yom meant to be rude. I think he or she likes to challenge people to think about things.

But I agree that this is your opinion Yom. We all know we are made up of all the elements, but some of us, as do I, believe in the 5th element being the spirit and so take the whole of the body, mind and spirit into consideration which for me includes the elements also.

The four elements (air, fire, water, earth) are universal energies since they are grounded not only in the nature of the earth but in our bodies as well, think of it, your skeleton, your lungs and flesh are all earth, your blood has water, the heat your body generates is fire, air fills your lungs and helps your whole body to work correctly. We have air inside and outside of us. There is no empty space, and energy holds all of this together. Of course I know it is much more complex then this if I wanted to get into the science of it, but I think that is a whole other post.

What I am getting at is how can this not influence us. It must at least influence our emotions. I also think people simply attribute personalty types to certain elements, not that they are the elements themselves, but like the elements.

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:15 pm
by Purple_wind
I'm also Air =).
Ginger Faith! wrote:Having an equivalent of all of the elements is very good as well. Balance, i love the earth, but im not grounded, i love the wind, but i wouldnt be caught dead messing around with wind. Fire and Water, polar opposites, are totally my 'thing'.

Why wouldn't you be caught dead messing around with wind? It's my element and the only thing I can move. I pull energy from all but enjoy Earth energy's feeling the most. I hardly ever try to mess with Fire because it's bad in the way of drawing evil beings. I had a bad luck demon from playing with fire when I did.

Does anyone know what "emotions and personallity types" can show elements? I can feel elements in people but it's really hard for me to tell the difference between Earth and Water. My friend is supposed to be Fire by his sign but he feels like Water or Earth.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 9:52 am
by [bluephoenix]
i am an air my sign is cancer. by the way did you know air is the element of communication ?

Re: Air?

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:00 am
by out_to_lunch :P
[quote="Fallen Angel"]I think Air is my element and i was wondering if Air and Spirits have anything to do with each other?[/quote]
i think of spirits as what remains after the elements/body has left that person. I figure a connection with any element would be helpful, since you would maybe be able to use that energy productively. Air i always associated with logical thought, but after reading (was it blue pheonix's?) post about air being associated with communication im having an 'oh duh!' moment.. :mrgreen:

By the way, when you say "air is my element" are you going by some sort of zodiac sign, or personal experience? I've been wondering how people go about finding their 'element'.