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Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 12:48 pm
by Orion
Only annoying thing is I still haven't configured my Thunderbird, so I'm still using Outlook Express. It's... well crappy. And it would only show the two images, I couldn't figure out how to unblock the rest until I transfered the email to Thunderbird and got the charts in glorious detail :) Saved every bit to a folder already for quick reference hehe.

And people, these things are accurate... oh my goodness... It's kind of disturbing that someone can tell you more about you, than you can lol

Simply Amazing!

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 5:31 pm
by apollo
BSP, I want to thank you for the charts I recieved today! They are simply amazing! :D They are so accurate, I don't think people comprehend how accurate they are. They just blow me away. You have my deepest gratitude!! I hope that other people have the opportunity to recieve a chart from you, they have no idea what they're missing out on. Just words cannot express how thankful I am to get these, lol. :P.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:00 pm
by being-singular-plural
Thanks Apollo,

The graciousness of your soul is well noted and if you ever need any more astrology work just say the word!

Thank you also Orion, it is nice to see that you are learning yourself in dramatic ways. Both of you have reminded me why it is such a pleasure to share light!

If any other members want some of this light through astrology, just let me know. If there are any questions of astrological matters please post them here as I know that some of the information can be confusing and contradictory.

I may do some posts about some general information on astrology in the near future to help people learn some of the basics of reading the birth chart. But, there is other work to be done beforehand. . . baby04

Blessings to you all,


Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:14 pm
by Starwitch
That's a great idea Chris. If you are interested in being the moderator for the astrology forum, just say the word. We'd all be happy to have you running it.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:47 pm
by being-singular-plural
ya . I'd love that. Moderator's sound important!! What de we have to do?


Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:50 pm
by Orion
Three w00t's for Chris!
green_jump w00t
w00t :bounce:
smiley_dance w00tage! smiley_dance

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 8:37 am
by hedge*
being-singular-plural wrote: Moderator's sound important!!


That's exactly what I thought :wink:


Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 8:46 am
by Starwitch
Well, it means your name would be on the main page with the Astrology forum and that you can delete and edit posts that are in this category, or lock them, move them, etc. You will also have "moderator" under your name (or avatar) so everyone knows you are important. :)

When you are moderator, you just take care of your forum (Astrology) and do whatever you want to do. I used to tell people to try to do something interesting in their forum that would make people want to visit it, but that's not really that important anymore. You are free to do whatever you want. Oh yeah, the main function of the moderator is to answer questions people might have about your area of expertise, which is what you already do here.

I'll add your name as moderator. Thanks for helping out the forum!

Hedgewitch is a moderator too, for the Herbs forum.

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 8:47 am
by Starwitch
What does "being-singular-plural" mean?

By the way, I fixed all the moderators so that they now say "moderator" under or over your avatar (depending on where you are viewing it). I only had a few of the older ones done that way, but I have fixed them all now. I remembered you have to change it in two different places for it to be complete like that. Sorry about that Hedge and everyone else

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 11:01 am
by being-singular-plural
Hi ,

Thanks for setting this up for me; I appreciate it immensely. Being-singular-plural is what I am writing my thesis on in philosophy. It is a term created by a contemporary French philosopher named Jean-Luc Nancy. His version of it does not include the mystical, but mine does. As I have said in other posts, what is singularity without plurality? Most would think that the singular precedes the plural but Nancy (and I agree) that plurality sets up the singular in advance. A bounded ego thinking it knows what it is, is singular; a pluralized self knows it is always, in part, a mystery and cannot be reduced to one "self." In mystical terms, think of the many "bodies" we have--our physical, our etheric, etc... Hence, the focalized physical body may appear to be singular, but, in fact, it is and was always already plural. Hope this makes sense. I am delighted to be a moderator on these awesome forums. There is no other place on the net I would rather be!!!



Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 3:02 pm
by JBRaven
Congrats on making Mod. you are now cool like me ( j/k).

How are you adding mystical to Nancy's works? I love social science and physiology.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2005 3:31 pm
by being-singular-plural
Thanks Jay,

You have been an inspiration for all of this!! Nancy is not a physiologist, but a philosopher, through and through. If you have read up on Deconstruction (Derrida, Lyotard, De Man, Nancy, etc...) then you would see that contemporary philosophy cannot be pinned down to a "meaning" or "movement" as language itself always eludes any set meaning. When I say "one" I am not saying "two, theree, four etc." Each siginifier signifies what it is NOT, as well as what it is. Thus, in gender terms, Man is "Not Woman," and vice versa but they both include the other in their very utterance!! Thus, being-singular-plural has to be thought TOGETHER, despite the problems we have in the rational sciences of thinking simultaneity. To be, is to be singularized already in and through plurality--does this make sense? Is this too pedantic? Probably, sorry. . . Perhaps one day I will write a book on deconstructing witchcraft!!

Bless you Jay,


Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 2:28 pm
by JBRaven
If you ever write that book I will be the first to buy it.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 12:43 am
by being-singular-plural
Hah! Thanks Jay, I'll be sure to send you the manuscript if I ever get around to writing it! You are very kind.



Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 9:00 am
by Starwitch
Sorry it took so long to respond Chris. Thanks for the explanation. I can't say I completely understand it, but I kind of get the gist of what you are saying. It's a bit over my head as a simple, Southern girl. lol. Sounds like you are really into some deep stuff though!