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Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 8:22 pm
by anythingbutnormal
or under crazy incidents from Wisconsin...

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 12:37 am
by Frank N Sense
*sigh* when you have enemies errr I mean friends like I have there wouldn't be enough room for all the stories under the Crazy Incidents from Wisconsin section.

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 10:59 am
by JBRaven
Hey there is a really good book where they interview 'real" vamps. It is called Something In The Blood I forget who it is by but....really good read if any one wants to read it.

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 3:00 pm
by thasme
OH Kewl I'll have to look around for it. Thanks for the tip..

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 3:12 pm
by JBRaven
Wow I feel special normally you are the one telling people about all the cool things

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2004 9:33 pm
by Starwitch
I believe in psychic vampires, for sure. Most people aren't aware they do it and they don't do intentionally. On my spells page on the web site, I have a banishing spell that I made up myself and the reason I made it (I may have mentioned it on the page) was to banish a neighbor of mine. She was a psychic vampire. She was loud and obnoxious and sucked everyone's energy from them, especially mine. I couldn't stand to be around her, but since my apartment was the cool place to hang out at that time, she kept trying to come around and party with us, even though no one really liked her (but everyone was too nice to say so.) So I did the banishing spell on her and she ended up finding a new boyfriend (she had been dating my lesbian neighbor previously) and she moved across town to live with her boyfriend. It worked very quickly and I was impressed. I did that with another neighbor in the same building (a pretty bad place to live.) She was a crack-head that would knock on your door at 3am to try to get you to give her a ride downtown (to buy crack obviously.) I tried to just ignore her and avoid her as much as possible, but she was also intimidating and scary. She was a ghetto girl that was just really rough, loved to fight, and her brother was living right next door to me. I did a banishing spell on her to get her to go away because she was such a nuisance (and a psychic vampire as well). She moved to one of the apartments downstairs to live with this middle aged white man, and one day there was a commotion, and everyone ran outside, and she was beating this poor little man (he was very small for a man)... he was crouched down in fetal position and she was beating him in the head over and over. We called the cops, and she was arrested. After that, she was banned from coming back to the apartment building so the spell worked. :) I don't think the spell had anything to do with the guy getting his ass beat. He was just a sucker for letting her move in with him. Also, she was very persuasive (and threatening). He was probably afraid to tell her NO.

Sorry that was so long.

The way I protect myself from psychic vampires is to use the basic white light energy shield. No bad energy can come in and none of my good energy can get out. I visualize spinning the white light around me like a cocoon. Works for me.

back to the start

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 7:34 pm
by buffy
ok, back to the original topic (not that demonic turtles isnt funny lol) Psychic Vampires. is there actual vampires around (blood suckers)? or was that just a myth. cuz the other day i was with my bf, and he bit me on the neck. he licked my wound, (it was bleeding) and i felt woozy. i mustve dropped off, cuz i woke up in a bus stop downtown (we had been at the busstop when i fell asleep). my bf was gone, & everytime i c him now, i feel woozy, so i dumped him, sadly. (but not b4 he bit me a few other times) what i cant work out, was if he is a vampire, how can he eat garlic bread & walk around in daylight? & when i started suspecting him, i wore a silver cross around my neck, everytime he was close, id take it off and hold it in my hand.
give me answers plz!
luv buffster

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 4:07 pm
by Starwitch
You aren't serious are you? Just in case you are, I'll answer seriously. Your boyfriend (ex) isn't a vampire. He's a freak that likes to cause pain to women and even draw blood apparently. There are other freaks that claim to be vampires, but they are full of shit. It's just a weird kink some people are into. They think it's cool or something. And if they can actually convince you that they've had some kind of effect on you, then that will just boost their kinky ego even more. I'm glad you dumped him. I've been bit before by boyfriends and it hurts bad, and it's plain and simple abuse and no one should put up with it. I didn't dump my boyfriend. I'm glad you are smarter than me, because things just got worse after that. Don't worry about being woozy. If it only happens when you see him, then it's just psychological because you BELIEVE he did something (which he didn't), but if you get dizzy a lot, you need to probably see a doctor. You might have low blood sugar or some other medical problem.

PS. All that stuff about garlic and silver crosses, etc. is from the movies. Even if vampires were real, that shit wouldn't work. It would be like people thinking they can make a witch run away by holding up a cross. I can go around wearing a cross all day if I want and it will have no effect.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 10:24 pm
by buffy
hey, thanx 4 explaining. yeah, i was serious. just wondering, if u've been sitting down for 20mins or more, then stand up at normal speed, does everything go black for a few seconds? or, if u've been laying down and sit up or stand up, do u get dizzy? i do, i dunno what's wrong with me. also, i get bad headaches when i read anything more than 5metres away from me, but when i put my glasses on (they r 4 long distance), instead of being able to read easier or at least kill the headache, my head hurts more. once @ shcool, i was trying to read the board up the front of the class (i sit in the back row with my mates), but i couldnt. i put my glasses on, and collapsed. i woke up about 5 hours later in hospital, but no 1 could work out what was wrong with me, so they sent me home. is this sumthing normal 2 happen 2 a teen, or is this real bad? my friends have started avoiding me, they think im bad luck, that if they come near me, they'll catch sumthin and start collapsing- thats what they think anyway (i only ever collapsed once, but ive been sent home from school about once a month for 2 years cuz the school cant give me painkillers for my headaches.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2004 4:22 am
by Starwitch
The doctors really should check you out and see what's wrong. Low blood pressure can cause you to get dizzy or faint, but so can other things like brain tumors (and low blood suger like I mentioned.) You have a lot of symptoms of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), but I'm not doctor. That the opposite of diabetes. My Papaw (grandfather) had it. Here is a quiz you can take to see if you have the symptoms:

Let me know.

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2004 2:24 am
by poetry_princess
wow. ouch. intense conversation.

anyhow...i knew a psychic vampire, and everytime i got around her she made me feel like really sad. she knew what she was doing...and said it was as natural as drawing energy from the moon.

I dont agree...

I was dating one for awhile, and i didnt know about it. He would kind of make me feel dependent on his if i wasnt around him i felt like crap. Is that weird? He said he was doing it because he wanted me to want to be around him. grrrrr. i was a pist witch. i still wonder if i would have eventually figured out what he was doing if he hadnt have told me.

i felt like a huge dumbass.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 1:24 am
by Starwitch
That's abusive in a weird and sneaky way. But what else do we expect from men? Sorry you went through that.

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 11:27 am
by poetry_princess
thanks, me too. the creep got what he deserved.

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 1:24 pm
by Cassie
Sometimes I think I am a psychic vampire magnet. It seems like every time I meet new people (at a new job, in a class) the one person who makes and effort to befriend me ends up being a psychic vampire.

They always seem so down and I guess the motherly instinct in me wants to cheer them up... and I try, and while they seem better, I constantly feel worse because they're so emotionally draining to be around.

Anyway..... yeah

You can be you own vampire to yourself...

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2004 1:27 pm
by Dubh Barin
I have been told over and over again that if you think hard enough about bad things, they happen.. well same case about yourself.. I have had that happen to myself a lot .. I wish I knew how to stop it..
any ideas..