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Re: Who wants to write a book with me???

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:32 pm
by wiccawitchgirl
ohh okay then

Re: Who wants to write a book with me???

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 6:49 pm
by wiccawitchgirl
whats up with everyone???

Re: Who wants to write a book with me???

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 9:47 pm
by The Judge
I am so so sorry. A lot has been going on here with life catching up to me. And a new relationship that's got my full attention. >.< I'll see what I can do, but I'm not posting anything hastily written. I want it to be good. >.<

Re: Who wants to write a book with me???

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:24 am
by Merridian
I'd like to write, maybe. How do I get in on this? And if I can't write, you kids need an editor?

Re: Who wants to write a book with me???

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:55 pm
by wiccawitchgirl
thats okay and thanks @ The Judge cangrats! Merridian i would love for you to take a character just PM me and ill give you details!

Re: Who wants to write a book with me???

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:06 pm
by wiccawitchgirl

Names of people writing the characters
Name of characters


Sebastian McGrey- taken/Todd
Nimue Blevins-taken/Gwendolyn
Selina Gardner-taken/Lexy
21 century

Dalia Irving- not taken
Bridget McCarthur-taken/Tabitha
Addison Ivory-not taken


Teens(unknow number at the time) from the 21 century in London learn they are from a line of witches. They somehow temper with time and go back to the Victorian era. Where they meet Sebastian McGrey, a wealthy young male witch with a great power and a reputation he cares deeply for ( this is only ideas, you can change anything you want of your character), Nimue Blevins, a welsh teen who rather be unmarried unless she finds someone she truly loves, and study her magic abilities, and Selina Gardner a young lady with amazing abilities to heal. Together they teach each other magic in secret. Soon after the teens arrive in London, a secret society plans to take their magic away from them to control England. Can they work together? Help save the future of England? Secrets lurk between them, keeping them at distance.

Re: Who wants to write a book with me???

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:29 pm
by Merridian
Claire Elizabeth Laurie - 21st century the quintessential bad girl :D (but not a villan!)

Now how does one get started? I checked out insanejournal and....not to keen on the layout and where is everything else at?

Re: Who wants to write a book with me???

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:34 am
by wiccawitchgirl
just make an acount and send me a pm with your username and i will add you and then we will go on from there

Re: Who wants to write a book with me???

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:38 am
by wiccawitchgirl

Names of people writing the characters
Name of characters


Sebastian McGrey- taken/Todd
Nimue Blevins-taken/Gwendolyn
Selina Gardner-taken/Lexy
21 century

Bridget McCarthur-taken/Tabitha
Addison Ivory-not taken
Arianna Black- taken/ Fariha
Claire Elizabeth Laurie- taken/Merridian

Teens(unknow number at the time) from the 21 century in London learn they are from a line of witches. They somehow temper with time and go back to the Victorian era. Where they meet Sebastian McGrey, a wealthy young male witch with a great power and a reputation he cares deeply for ( this is only ideas, you can change anything you want of your character), Nimue Blevins, a welsh teen who rather be unmarried unless she finds someone she truly loves, and study her magic abilities, and Selina Gardner a young lady with amazing abilities to heal. Together they teach each other magic in secret. Soon after the teens arrive in London, a secret society plans to take their magic away from them to control England. Can they work together? Help save the future of England? Secrets lurk between them, keeping them at distance.

Re: Who wants to write a book with me???

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:02 am
by wiccawitchgirl
Characters so far:


Hi! I am Arianna Black. When someone looks at me, they think I'm a perfect normal teenager, but there is nothing normal about me.I have secret, a secret so dark that it can turn my life upside down if anyone else gets to know. You see, I am a Witch, in fact a very powerful one. No one knows about it, not a single soul.I know what will happen if one knows. I have read about the Salem Witch Trials. My first sign of magick was when I was walking home alone from school on a very rainy day. I was muttering something which sounded like some kind of chant. I was also praying to Hecate, the Crone of all Witches, but at that time I didn't know anything. One moment I was chanting and the next moment, BOOOM!!! The rain stopped! I tried this again on a rainy day and it worked! It was time when I discovered the biggest truth about myself.

Skin: Porcelian
Hair: Straight black hair with side bangs
Height: 5'4
Eyes: Pearl Grey
Weight: 110 lbs
Style: Pullovers and jeans.
Style when I'm alone: Cami and shorts
Likes: Art, music, books, nature
Dislikes: Supergirly chicks, flirty boys, being stuck at home


9:48am: Nimue Blevins
Hello my name is Nimue. Blevins. I am 17 and not yet have made my debut. My family is from Wales. My mother is a gifted healer. Although I am not a healer I am what people here call a ‘witch’. They misuse the term. I live in London, with my mother and father. My family is well known here. My father is a business man and likes to drink with his fellow co workers. Everyone thinks where are perfect. We’re not. My father is never home, and my mother is dying. I am not like other girls here in London. I dislike balls, I want to stay unmarried, and of course I have a gift. Or a curse. Some times when I don’t want to use the magic it just happens, and I don’t know how to control it. No one knows about my mother and me. Well maybe except the gypsies. The gypsies are kind to us. They teach us. I don’t want to go to balls, I just want to paint and practice my magic. I told my tutors that. I left out the part about the magic. All they say is “it’s not proper’ and “we teach you the arts, not to love them but to be able to know them and to entertain your future husband”. I know no Gentlemen ever wanted to call on me. They find me too…interesting.

Age: 17
Birthday: May 13th
Hair: long straight brown
Eyes: Dark blue
Height: 5’4
Weight 125
Style: Proper dresses, dark colors, corset
Style when I am alone: long light blues/greens thin dresses, no corsets.
Likes: trees, plants, pets, books, art, tea, and rain.
Dislikes: super sunny days, balls, corsets, meat, rude men, and having my hair worn up.


Hi, I'm Bridget McCarthur. I'm 17, about to be 18, living in London. I've been what you call "strange" my whole life. I'm alienated at school, people try to stay away from me, try not to touch me. All because of this gift, this gift I feel like is a curse. It started when I was 6 years old. My grandma passed away and I was devastated. I touched grandma's arm in the hospital, and I saw everything from her past lives. American Civil War time witch, healer in London times, a Lady of the Lake in Avalon. Thats when I found out that I am also a witch. I saw what I thought was a bunch of weird people, that turns out to be my bloodline. I told people about it, and they all think that I'm crazy, or evil. I can't touch someone without seeing all their past lives. Sometimes they are a murderer in a past life, or a priest, or a breadbaker. The worst are the people who have been murdered in a past life. I can feel their pain, its horrible! Now I live with my mom and dad, who hardly talk to me because they're afraid of me, too. Whats a girl to do?"

Age: 17
Birthday: April 13th
Hair: Red, Curly, Shoulder-length
Eyes: Bright blue
height: 5'5"
weight: 140
dresses like: Normal, jeans and tee-shirt
Is quite, likes reading, vampires, and rock music.

The Judge-

Well met, I am Sebastian McGrey. My family comes from a long line of knights connected to the English crown. We have not had the best fortune over the past few generations, however, we have made due and now live comfortably in London. I am 18 (*subject to change if you want*) and beginning into a new life. I most often wear black with a dark green trim. I include a black cape with a dark green velvet lining on the inside (*Also subject to change, possibly red, but it was used by female witches to denote healers, not sure yet how it will play*). For many generations we have held close the knowledge of witchcraft within our family. Our knowledge has been passed down from generation to generation, using it to help others.

Age: 18
Birthday: August, 12
Hair: mid-length Black
Eyes: Dark Green
Height: 5’8
Weight 148
Style: Black surcoat and trousers, with dark green trim. Black Cape with Dark Green lining
Style when I am alone: Trousers and White shirt with ruffle cuffs
Likes: Fencing, Strategy, the earth, the moon, Poetry, art.
Dislikes: Witch hunters


Selina Gardner
"My name is Selina, Selina Gardner.My parents say I light the darkness like the moon.
I live in London of the United Kingdom, I am nineteen and the year is 1840. My Family is a upper middle class standard, due to my Father writing books on the usage of herbs and minerals. Right now he is teaching it at a seminar in College.
It seems our Family has more Foes than Friends, we have been accused of Sorcery, for centuries.
We must hide our gifts, from the world, as most Men of Society would have us locked up in the Mad Asylum.
I have the ability to heal. When I concentrate, this warm energy flows through my hands. Everyone in my family has a special gift, but this gift can be a curse. As I am of age, I should be married and expecting now, but the Gentlemen I have met seem so boring. And my warm and caring aura frightens them, or so I believe."

Age: 19
Birthday: March 13th
Hair: Long dark blonde hair.
Eyes: Green
height: 5'3"
weight: 145
Style: Proper buttoned up bustle dresses, mostly a darker color. Unless I am at my Grandmother's house. Then I wear flowing light fabrics and no corset.
I enjoy reading a book with a spot of Tea. I am quiet but I love to laugh, which a proper Lady never should do too loudly. I am a good listener and I follow my instinct.

Re: Who wants to write a book with me???

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:46 am
by Merridian
I put Claire's bio on insanejournal.

I swear I didn't start that fire! Nobody believes me.

I'm Claire Elizabeth Laurie, 16 going on 17. I was born in Paris, France and at the moment, I'm living with my super-strict over-zealous Catholic Grand-mum because my parents are too busy. Mum is professional photographer (you may have seen her stuff in this little rag called Vogue) and Dad is a heart surgeon. A while ago, I got into alot of trouble with the police...on a few separate occassions. It was Dad's idea to have his mother (my Nanna Laurie) move into our flat so she could "watch" me. It was like he was trying to make up for 16 years of not being there by sicking this evil little woman on me. She is evil. She hates my nose peircing, my black nail polish, and my pentagram necklace. Nanna calls me a witch. If she only knew...

Name: Claire Elizabeth Laurie
Age: 16
Birthday: October 31
Hair: waist length blond waves
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5’4
Weight: 8 1/2st
Wears: School uniform (knee-length navy skirt, collared white blouse, navy blazer with school crest over right pocket, white or blue knee socks, and black loafers) when not in school, wears what can be normally described as "cute clothes"
Piercings: right nostril, navel
Tatoos: TBA
Likes: Boys, Italy & Greece in the summer, Clubbing/ Dancing, Movies, Acting, Math, Biology, Cats, Gourmet Chocolate, Make-up
Dislikes: Her parents and Nanna Laurie, Mean People, Farrah Stiles (her rival at school)

- you all may have to stop me...I'm liable to take this plot and run...already have oodles of in particular that involves hijacking other characters and refining the plot.

Re: Who wants to write a book with me???

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:50 am
by wiccawitchgirl
lol sounds good so far... don't take my plot pease!!! if you have any ideas just Pm me and we'll talk about it

Re: Who wants to write a book with me???

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 11:18 am
by Merridian
I will pm you with the long boring polt synopsis that I plan on writing when I get home from workn's a bit involved, but my brain came up with a few cool scenes for character development.

Re: Who wants to write a book with me???

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 1:07 pm
by wiccawitchgirl
okay sounds good thanks!

Re: Who wants to write a book with me???

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:12 pm
by LA-Fairy
wiccawitchgirl wrote:don't take my plot pease!!!
*cough* Ummmm, you like my story concept, wouldn't that make it, my plot? #don'tmakeitweird :|

Anyway, I kinda did not continue writing because I am still unclear how this is going to go down.
Will you just take the posts, we make and print it like that? Or will you use the posts and re-write it to one fluid story?

And posting, since we have several people writing, in third person, how will we remain order and keep the story going/mash it up. Do you get what I am saying? Having so many people, and no structure can be messy and confusing.
If you want, I can make a sub board on my very inactive message board, and everyone that is part can register there, and we can have a bit more struction, by having a thread that will have just the profiles, a sticky thread with all the people names, the basic story goal.
And we could either, make 2 boards, one for the 21st century part, and one for the victorian, and then every person could post responding to the previous post.