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Don't want him to die...

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:55 pm
by Kenzie..Kat
My best friend who I love sooooooo much, tried to kill himself tonight. He took 30 something pills and drank a coffee cup full of vodka. He survived(Thanks to the Goddess) but I thought he died because I wasnt there and he wouldnt answer me. I cried and cried and cried, my heart still hurts, he has tried to kill himself 17 nhow 18 times. Is there anything I can do to make him stop? He is too important to lose....

Re: Don't want him to die...

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 2:06 am
by findapath
Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do to FORCE him to stop. But, there are some things you can to do help him see that his life is valuable and he is wanted, loved and cared for. Try telling and showing him how important he is to you, how much he means to you, and how devastated you would be if he died. That might open his eyes a bit. Sometimes all it takes is a bit of well timed and well placed love to bring someone back from that darkness. Sometimes it takes a lot more than that. Do you know if he has ever received, or is receiving, any sort of proper psychological therapy?

Also, maybe if you knew the reasons why he wants so badly to die, that might help you accept his choices a little easier.

Re: Don't want him to die...

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 4:28 pm
by Kenzie..Kat
He goes to councling and he has been to regianal west plenty of times... trust me, plenty of people show him that. He just doesnt care. He is ment to be here if he has tried to die soooo many times but has never succeded. He just cant see that...

Re: Don't want him to die...

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 4:26 am
by Armina
So very sorry to hear this. Seams to me that he is lost in life for some reason and the only person that can make him stop doing this is himself. I very sorry to have to say this, I tried many, many times when I was a lot younger and very lost in life thorough lots of reasons, I will not go into. It was only when I realised what I was doing to the people around me and thought that I will not let the actions or lack of actions from other people dictate who I am. I realised that there is only one person to change how I act and behave and this is me. IT wasn't until I realised this that I changed my ways. Don't get me wrong I had lots of people around me supporting me etc. but it was my choice at the end of the day. Maybe your friend needs you just to be there for him regardless and I hope he finds his path in life before it is too late and he can't change. Maybe it might just be who he is and its a choice he has to make.

Re: Don't want him to die...

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:58 am
by Traumwandlerin
Sorry for your and his hard time. But I also have to add a few harsh words:

If he tried to kill himself 18 times and didn't get it along, he won't kill himself. He is just an attention whore. He needs those crying out for helpds, cause he sees no other way out to point to his inner and deep feelings. His pain is real, but he just uses the attempts to kill himself to get more attention on his pain. He will stop it, when everyone starts ignoring those sad attempts and just give attention to the real problems in his life. Again: he will never kill himself (unless he makes a stupid mistake, but this is rare), so be assured and calm down.