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Can I be a Christian Witch?

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 9:19 am
by JackFrost102
I'm curious about all forms of Witchcraft - however the aspect I have found most interesting is where most other religions can incorporate it. Is Christian Witchcraft possible or is it a contradiction?

Re: Can I be a Christian Witch?

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 9:35 am
by Xiao Rong
Hi Jack. Welcome to EUTM -- mind making an introduction in the Member Profiles & Introduction forum?

I've also moved this particular thread to the Christian Witchcraft subforum. There have been many discussions over the years over whether or not one can simultaneously be a Christian and a witch, to which I'll say:

1. There are many people who do consider themselves Christian witches (as you can see from other threads in this subforum), and historically many Christians have practiced magic. In truth, virtually all religions incorporate magic and ritual, and all cultures have folk beliefs and superstitions -- although they may not resemble the practices that we associate with modern witchcraft and magic today.

2. Some people find that there is a contradiction between Christianity and witchcraft (namely, that the Bible prohibits practicing witchcraft). But of course, there are many contradictions both within the Bible and with how people interpret and live out the teachings of the Bible today. How you address those contradictions is a personal choice. There are some who are perfectly comfortable with those contradictions and are happy to be Christian witches; others cannot reconcile the difference between Christianity and witchcraft and choose a different path instead.

Re: Can I be a Christian Witch?

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 8:13 pm
by corvidus

You might be interested in the kabbalah. It's basically the mystical philosophy of christianity, which is analogous to the theory of Wiccan and other systems of witchcraft.


Re: Can I be a Christian Witch?

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 9:13 am
by SpiritTalker
Consider “Pow Wow“
re POW Wow system using book “Long Lost Friend” by John G. Hohman, & “ Christian Candle Magic -The Magical Use of Candles in the Christian Home” by Agostino Taumaturgo

Re: Can I be a Christian Witch?

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2020 4:34 am
by Lord_of_Nightmares
Pow wow, folk Catholicism, brujeria, and hoodoo are good starters.

Re: Can I be a Christian Witch?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2020 8:48 am
by Shekinah
Once introduced to the limitless horizons of Witchcraft it is hard to fathom why one would still want to remain subjugated to any of the Abrahamic ideologies.

Re: Can I be a Christian Witch?

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 7:30 pm
by SpiritTalker
Can you be a Christian witch?

Italian Folk Magic: Rue's Kitchen Witchery by Mary-Grace Fahrun is Catholic folk magic.
Powers of the Psalms by Anna Riva is for candle magic
See the posts Christian Candle Magic and Candle Magic with Psalms.

A Christian Witch might pray to The Father-Mother God and petition intercession of Angels & Saints with prayer-offerings. You can look up prayers honoring Archangels, Guardian Angels & Patron Saints, & print Patron lists.

A Spell Candle would be cleansed with Holy💦Water, anointed with💧oil, 👏🏽 charged with the intention, placed in a holder & lit; & prayers, Bible verses or Psalms offered. Sigil 🔡& petition📝papers can be placed under candles & 💎crystals, holy🎇cards &🥇medals as tag locks can be added beside the holder. Let a candle burn itself out & dispose of spent stubs 🚮


Re: Can I be a Christian Witch?

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2022 2:42 am
by Silent Ponny
If you look the canons of Christianity, then no. In the old testament it is forbidden to have such practices and one may never enter heaven. Paganism doesn't have room for Christianity and Islam in it. Budhism on the other hand have more open hands.