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Post by reikihealer83 »


This is my first post to this new "blog" and I have a reiki treatment with a friend today. I cannot wait. I have been so blocked lately to the point where I cannot sit long enough to meditate for even 5 minutes let alone do anything else. I have been thinking about how to add to my BOS and my brain is just taxed. To be honest, I have not done much since finishing my MBA and I think that is, in part because I have not been able to effectively clear my mind and aura of all the stress that came with it.

I am hoping that at the end of this session I will be able to have a clearer mind to start over again. More next time!
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Post by reikihealer83 »

Post Treatment Update:

Ok, so I had my treatment today and I feel MUCH better! During the course of the treatment, we figured out that the blocks were all over the place and especially in my third eye area. I was able to release the built up energy and frustrations that were plaguing my aura for so long. I was instructed to make a list of my dream job and what it would be like so I plan to do just that.

I feel that I will be able to meditate tonight before bed and finish clearing some of my aura. At the start of the treatment I was told to pick an animal totem card and I chose (blindly mind you) the otter which mean to surrender. I need to basically surrender all my frustration to the higher powers and work on that. An amazing session today!
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Just having issues

Post by reikihealer83 »


I started my day good but ended it on a note that was less than great. I all of a sudden got upset, angry, frustrated and just all around negetive. I have no idea why but I am definately bored at my job. I feel like I need to do something more and I am just spinning my wheels. I think that I need to speak to my boss but I am getting nowhere. I am going to continue my job and hope something opens up.
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So Excited!

Post by reikihealer83 »

I am so excited that my friend from college is visiting me this weekend. We are meeting up at my house on Friday night he is crashing until Sunday. I am so excited to see him as it has been almost 2 years and we talk a lot but we did not get a lot of time last time he was here. I am so ready for the weekend!
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No More Excuses!

Post by reikihealer83 »


I finally have had enough! I have made excuse after excuse about not exercising. I either do not have time, am too tired, etc. Well I am no better than where I was back in December when I started this journey and I am always looking at myself in the mirror and not liking what I see. I made a choice tonight at my local Wal-Mart and bought a couple of 3 lb weights to start out. I am now looking for a good workout that combines cardio, strength training and ab work and am seriously looking at the Jillian Michaels 30 Day shred even though it scares the crap out of me. I have heard it is a GREAT workout despite being very tough. No matter what I choose to do, I need to do SOMETHING and no more excuses! I CAN DO IT!!!
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Getting Back Into It

Post by reikihealer83 »


It is amazing what a break up will do for your spiritual journey. I was in a great relationship for over a year but it came at the expense of my spiritual journey. I pushed myself and parts of myself aside for the relationship even though it was unintentional. I realized that part of the reason I was not happy toward the end of the relationship was because I was starting to see that parts of myself had indeed gone by the wayside. Now, I am getting back into the swing of things and it has been great! Onward and upward!
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Listening to My Heart

Post by reikihealer83 »

Well my journey has ended where I am currently living and it is time for me to move back home near my family. It has become clear I am not going anywhere where I am working and that is not going to change. There are no opportunities for me out where I am either. There are things open near my folks so I am working on getting out of this situation and changing it. Usually one does not bail on one job without having another lined up but in this case I am not close enough to the opportunities that I see to do it that way so I may have to just move home and then do the job part meaning a bit backwards. I am so excited!
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