morning sickness

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morning sickness

Post by imaginari »

I hope this is the right place for this. Does anyone know any natural ways to help alleviate morning sickness? Thank you!
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Re: morning sickness

Post by Tylluan »

Ginger is brilliant for helping morning sickness. Just nibble on a ginger biscuit and it really helps :)
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Re: morning sickness

Post by imaginari »

Thank you! I'll try that! I didn't have it this bad last time I was pregnant.
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Re: morning sickness

Post by FireQueen »

The following is what I followed during my second pregnancy, however, I was under the professional supervision of a Naturopath and I strongly recommend consulting with a professional for remedies specific to your symptoms.

Good quality B5 and B6 vitamin supplements (make sure that you take a B complex as well or it won't be taken up by your body effectively) in conjunction with chromium, zinc and/or magnesium and vitamin K.

Tissue salts are also efficacious if there is reflux: potassium chloride, sodium phosphate.

Small quantities of bitter herbs: meadowsweet, chamomile, aniseed, peppermint.

Digestive enzymes: papaya fruit.

Herbs for nausea: meadowsweet, wild yam, peppermint, lemon balm, aniseed, squaw vine, peach leaves, raspberry (especially if it continues into the second trimester).

Liver treatments: fringetree, globe artichoke, bupleurum, dandelion root, (the next two are only under professional supervision: burdock and St Mary's thistle. Lemon juice in small quantities.

Herbal teas: ginger, peppermint, spearmint, aniseed, clove, chamomile, lemon balm, meadowsweet, raspberry. Go easy on the ginger or clove as they can over stimulate circulation in the reproductive system.

Umeboshi plums and miso soup (watch out for flavour enhancers in the miso).

Rub an essential oil onto your abdomen: ginger, grapefruit, lime, mandarin, petitgran, sweet orange, chamomile, tangerine. Lavender oil is also recommended but ONLY if it is Levendula officianalis, Levendula augustifolia, Levendula spika or Levendula intermedia as other types of lavender are contra indicated during pregnancy!

Homeopathics: equal parts combination of Chelidonium 6x and Pulsatilla 6x; Ipecac 200c for vomiting; Sepia and Nux Vomica for nausea.

Yoga specific exercise: tongue pull.... grasp your tongue using a dry, clean cloth and pull it straight out until it feels quite strained and uncomfortable and hold for 30 seconds.

Eat small frequent meals and/or nutritious snacks helps by regulating blood sugar levels and keeping them stable.

Avoid fats, acidic foods and fizzy drinks and foods with high processed sugar content.

Eat a protein rich snack just before bed at night. Keep a snack on your bedside table so that you can eat it first thing upon waking.

Drink plenty of water especially if you are throwing up.

Good luck and brightest blessings.
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