How to make Plasticine

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How to make Plasticine

Post by Traumwandlerin »

You can easily make your own plasticine in a few minutes. It will last about 6 months if you put it in the fridge and do not let it contact with air (it well get dry otherwise). Also it will get hard in the air after a few days, so you can make yourself runes and the like. Just like with salt dough, but it's easier to use and has a nicer surface.

400g Wheat flour
200g Salt (without iodine, that probably reacts with the alum)
2 spoons of Alum
500ml of boiling water
2 spoons of Oil

Mix the flour, the salt and the alum. Add the boiling water while mixing. When you've mixed it thoroughly you should have a nice gum. Now add the oil and the color (optional) and mix it again.

The alum will make the plasticine, without it you will just get dough. Also alum is not healthy, so don't eat it. Since this recipe is used quite often here in Germany to make plasticine for kids this is probably a good advise. But I guess you wouldn't eat it anyway.

Also I've used the metric system, since it's international (and the one I use at home), hope you have not trouble converting it to your system. I guess most here are from US.
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