Becoming a witch.

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Post by Storm »

Do you have some incense to burn? I often use this to represent the element of air.

Post by witchy_woman_0506 »

No, I don't have any incense.
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Post by Sercee »

Journals & BoSs (Book of Shadows) are wonderful tools. How can anyone be successful at being a witch without keeping track of her feelings, experiences, spells, herbal recipes, whatever she uses. You grow with knowledge, and books are a great place for that!
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Post by Storm »

How about picking up hands full of leaves! ? <smacks forehead for not having thought of it before>.
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Post by juliaki »

In my opinion, if you're finding that you don't have the tools available to do what you feel you need to do, that's a sign from the gods that maybe you should slow down for a bit and let your growth process happen before jumping in headfirst.
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Post by Storm »

I wouldn't class making a simple altar and meditating in front of it 'jumping in head first'. Just my opinion though :) .
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Post by Sercee »

As far as your learning material goes, remember that there is only so much information in books. The best information is found by doing. Make sure you go outside and observe the environment. Not just watch it, but learn from it. See how the plants grow and shape themselves, watch the movements a bird makes. Look at the stones by a river and see the patterns on them. Sit in the snow and close your eyes, feel the cool tingle of the wind and flakes against your cheeks.
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Post by Storm »

Absolutely. Most of my most intense magical experiences have been outisde while connecting with nature (are we ever even disconnected? Another thread needed, lol).

Post by Fintroll666 »

Read as much as u can in books and online. there is no true way. just gain knowledge and choose ur own path.
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Re: Becoming a witch.

Post by SpiritTalker »

Journaling prompts
. What specifically draws you to witchcraft? Or to the Wiccan faith?
. What do witches do?
. What is magic?
. Describe your “happy place”. Can you go there in your mind?
. Describe how you personally experience Nature. Which senses do you use most?
. What do you want to accomplish?

. Use your empathic intuition to connect to nature, feel it
. Create an altar. Meditate daily 10-20 min.
. Use the tools that attract you
. Don’t get hung up in labels

Elemental Symbols - short list for altar decor & spells
Air - 🟡, wand, incense, aerosols, bubbles, hand fan, whistle, tiger-eye, sage
Fire - 🔴, blade, candle or LED-lite, olive oil, Yule lights, volcanic obsidian, rosemary
Water - 🔵, chalice, water & beverages, moon, mirror, seashell, river stones, thyme
Earth - 🟢, pentacle, stones, potted plant, grains, seeds, salt, Quartz, hematite, mugwort
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Re: Becoming a witch.

Post by SpiritTalker »

Whether initiated into a coven or self dedicating as a Solitary to “become a witch” one makes an oath to take on to themselves the mindset, values & concepts of the desired path. Usually an aspirant is cleansed before the oath is made and anointed after it’s spoken to seal the energy. Oaths are serious spiritual commitments and should be preceded by enough study so the inquirer knows what they’re getting into and what they are committing to. However, oath taking is not a universal practice for Solitaries. Renouncing former commitments is not required to practice magic.

1st Year STUDY suggestions
. Triple Goddess & Horned God represent duality of Nature
. The holidays as a cycle Samhain 🎃, Imbolc 🦔, Beltane 🌻, Lughnasa 🍞
. Basic texts the Charge of the Goddess & the Wiccan Rede long form as guides for practice
. The Elements: the passive energies Water=liquids & Earth=solids & active energies Air=vapor, Fire=plasma
. Basic Spells - Candle, 9-knots, stone grids, sigils, Witches bottle, Witches Ladder, incantations
. Moon phases cycle & power

. Ground your energy down the spine from your crown into the Earth
. Center by drawing power on the breath from the Earth & sky into your belly
. Projecting - 1st Center, focus on 1 goal, & then push power from the belly & out thru the hands 🙌🏽
. Focus - keep your gaze on a candle flame‘s hypnotic dance & don’t let your mind wander

. Table: purify with salt-water, bless with incense, anoint with oil, charge 🙌🏽 with power
. Gear - Incense💨 - candles🕯, oil⚱️ - H2O 🍸 - salt🧂, herbs🌿🌺, stones🪨
. Direct energy with yours hands 👆🏽

Easy Peasy 💫Circle Rite -
. Put your gear inside the planned work area. Start & end each circuit at North.
. Broom sweep ↪️ widdershins to cleanse; Air draw 👆🏽the invoking pentagram ↙️⭐️;
. then walk deosil ↩️, pull power on the breath to the belly, point 👆🏽& project the circle 💫.
. Do your spell or reflection on the seasonal cycles
. Say thanks & ground yourself. Air draw 👆🏽the banishing pentagram ↗️⭐️ to end. You’re Done. blue_flee

DIY INCENSE - source Annie’s Mirth & Reverence, you tube
. Use a bowl & the back of a spoon as mortar & pestle to grind to coarse powder small amounts of dry herbs like basil, bay leaf, rosemary or cinnamon, coffee beans
. Roll a 3-inch square of plain paper into a tube like a cigarette. Stand the tube in a cup with salt or sand to hold it up right.
. Fill tube with herb or spice mix of your choice & light the top so the herbs smolder
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