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Reforming Familial Bond

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 12:48 pm
by Seventhwatcher
In the last couple of years I've learned that not only is my family on both sides quite naturally adept at the use of magick, at birth they used that magick agaisnt me as they saw me as what they term as a "Blue."

They deny magick completely due to their apparent faith in Christianity. And yet, on multiple occasions I have found them acting against myself and my friends rather recklessly.

In light of this? I decided to completely reform my bond to my ancestors. Bypassing my living family and anyone like them in my Line. This has resulted in a huge release of energy within me that is quite painful. Not overwhelming any longer as I simply let it Be. Detach from it.

If anyone has any tips or advice or would be willing to speak with me one on one, I would greatly appreciate it. Any ideas or similar situations or stories/resources. I don't identify with any path though I feel a pull to Egyptian and Babylonian cultures so anything you got I'm willing to learn about.

Thank you

Re: Reforming Familial Bond

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 4:49 pm
by Vesca
I wanted to respond to this earlier, but I didn't have enough mental cohesion to form sentences properly earlier. :tongueout:

I can't begin to imagine your family's history, but it sounds a bit frustrating. My response is the same anyway.

Ancestor worship is a common practice in paganism, across many paths and it goes back in world history for centuries (probably much longer than only centuries). There are several books out on the topic, and it's probably worth doing some reading up if you're interested in it.

You don't necessarily have to revere all your ancestors, or any particular one. It's really up to you in the end. I've known some people who keep a photo of a grandparent on their altar, and I've known people who worship the "collective human ancestry." That is, ancestors that are not limited to your blood line. You don't even need to have any names in mind for your own genetic tree if you don't feel comfortable with it; instead you could create a practice around the good-heartedness of your ancestors who came before you in general.

Re: Reforming Familial Bond

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 5:00 pm
by Seventhwatcher
Ah I see. It wouldnt be a form of worship. Or reverence honestly. My family here and the one I remember are quite similar. I want to break away from them all as much as I can and start something completely new or join with something already made.

Do the ancestors have to be..... "real"? Or can I literally make them.

Cause I would tots be down for being a Bennet witch hahaha.

Re: Reforming Familial Bond

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2015 1:22 am
by Echo_of_shadows
If you don't mind a bit of reading, I'd like to suggest Kassandra's thread The Ancestor Altar. This is the part that gave me the feels:
"Adopted" Ancestors

Hoodoo takes into account that everybody's family situation isn't the same, nor ideal. Some people don't even know who their blood relatives are. Some don't feel "connected" to their family of origin. Some are adopted by non-bloodline people. In hoodoo, there is allowance for all this. A practitioner could simply "adopt" any "new" ancestors to whom they feel a truly strong connection. Adopted ancestors are just as important as bloodline ones are, and all of the above about bloodline ancestors would likewise apply.
Hoodoo, as far as I know, isn't a closed spiritual practice, so you could incorporate ancestral adoption into you own practices if you wish.
My personal belief is that if you don't want anything to do with your living family, you don't need to. I've got all kinds of living relatives, but very few made much of an effort to have any contact with me during these 29 years that I've been alive. Aunts, uncles, even half siblings, you name it, I've been ignored by them. My grandmother lived half a block away from me for years and not once did she reach out to me. Does it bother me? Not at all. You can't miss the people you don't know. halfsm

Re: Reforming Familial Bond

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 9:42 pm
by Seventhwatcher
Thank you for your reply. Things have been turning around very well. Making peace with various aspects of the new family as it seems we have all been great enemies. Still are, but there's nothing to really be done at this point. :)