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Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:48 am
by Monica99
I'm curious about Voodoo, does anyone here know or practice Voodoo? If so please pm me, I have some questions!

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 1:34 pm
by WitchyLady506
You could just post your questions, no one here is going to have any issue. Are you interested in Voudon, Voodoo, or Hoodoo. They're similar but different. I do occasionally work in some Voodoo and Hoodoo aspects into my practice.


Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 1:57 pm
by Monica99
I'm not sure.. Just curious for now.. What's the difference between the 3 you listed? I've only seen voodoo on tv, and we know what tv does to magic! Does all voodoo spells have to have an artical of another person? Do they really sacrifice animals? I have more questions, but those are a few!


Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 3:39 pm
by Monica99
Also I'm just trying to figure out where I belong, I know I'm not wiccan, leaning more towards Witch.. But I want to know more about everything....

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:55 pm
by WitchyLady506
Voudon is an African religion. It's one of the main sources of Voodoo and Hoodoo. They do sacrifice animals, but it's during big rituals, they animals blood is drained and given to the earth. From there the animal tends to be eaten.

Voodoo, is very strongly related to Voudon but mixed with aspects of Catholicism. It has many of the same practices of Voudon, but will instead of calling the seven powers all the time, it will call upon the saints as well. There can be blood sacrifice, but will be on a smaller level. It's a basically how the slaves in Louisiana hid their Voudon practices by mixing or masking it with Catholicism.

Hoodoo is a mixture of Voodoo and folk magic in general. In it's taking from Voodoo is the calling on spirits and saints, but will also mix in aspects of folk magic from around the world. It has many similar aspects to Voodoo, but while Voodoo is still a bit religious, Hoodoo tends not to be as it's more of a hodge podge of workings for the most direct effect.

None of them need an aspect or something of another person's as the things normally seen on tv is about cursing people and with cursing in general, it's better if you have something of the person you're cursing.

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:58 pm
by Fernview
Hoodoo is African-American folk magick that has influences from European, African, and Native American magick.

Its a practice not a religion, so I know of a few Wiccans who also practice hoodoo. There is a debate among practitioners in that they feel if your not a Christian doing this, then your not really practicing hoodoo.

Some differences in hoodoo is that there is no circle casting, not as much emphasis on the moon phase, and its not uncommon to petition saints rather than Gods and Goddesses. The magickal properties of herbs are often diffrent then they are to Wicca. Another concept that is not commonly found in hoodoo is the concept of karma. There is no Karma, but the idea that your work needs to be justified. This can be determined through the use of divination (tarot, pendulum)

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 11:38 pm
by WitchyLady506
Fernview wrote: Some differences in hoodoo is that there is no circle casting, not as much emphasis on the moon phase, and its not uncommon to petition saints rather than Gods and Goddesses. The magickal properties of herbs are often diffrent then they are to Wicca. Another concept that is not commonly found in hoodoo is the concept of karma. There is no Karma, but the idea that your work needs to be justified. This can be determined through the use of divination (tarot, pendulum)
This is most witchcraft practices in general, not just Hoodoo. In almost every occult practice outside of Wicca, the only time a circle is cast is when you are calling up something that you need t protect yourself from, either by casting a circle around you or casing one to put something in. Same with the moon phases, and gods. Most just ask for spirits or ancestors, if they ask for anyone. Other forms of the craft also don't have anything to do with Karma, as the practitioner should think about what they do before they act to make sure they aren't just doing something out of spite or heat of the moment. Most also don't use divination to look at the possible results, as things are meant to be very specific, so they know the outcome and accept any liability.