Do you HAVE to have these for your rituals/spells?

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Astraea Luna Avani

Do you HAVE to have these for your rituals/spells?

Post by Astraea Luna Avani »

I'm still learning here, and I just ran across something else that sparked a question. In doing spells/rituals, do you HAVE to have an athame or sword to cut the circle? And do you HAVE to use 4 candles to mark your circle? Some people have been telling me you don't need anything at all, just your mind. But if it was that easy, nobody would buy any tools and they wouldn't even make them. So I want to know how necessary they are. Everything I read says you at least need the basics but that includes like 10 things! I am especially concerned about the 4 candles because I live in an apartment that is all carpet and I wouldn't even know where to lay them without it being a fire hazard. And being unemployed, I don't have money to buy the other things.
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Post by NightRose »

I prefer to think of them as aids ("tools") rather than necessary parts ("ingredients"). I like the recipe analogy, so I'm going to run with it. When you make a cake, it's a lot easier to make it in the right sized bowl, on the recommended heat, with an electric mixer, can be done just as well with a too big or too small bowl, heated longer at a lower heat, and with your own hands to beat it instead of the electric mixer. Ritual tools are much the same way. I have an electric candle that I've used in the past. My athame is a pocket knife. Maybe they aren't the exact "proper tools", but they work just fine for me. Maybe they would work better if I had the right ones, but when I don't have something, I might as well improvise.

It also depends on what path you're in. Wicca tends more towards the defined tools that you must have, whereas a lot of other paths don't push them as much. Does that mean one is right and the other wrong? No, it just means that some people need the extra boost the tools can give, maybe it makes it easier for them to connect with their magic. For some it is a traditional thing, and they use the tools to honor tradition. And for some it is experience--perhaps working with the tools helps a lot as a beginner, but as you grow more experienced, they become more of a handicap. I myself have been known to cast spells on the spot with little or no tools, at times where I don't have the time to go hunt down my athame or broom. They aren't always practical, and in my opinion, not always needed.

(note, of course, that I am not Wiccan, so I don't speak for that particular group. I believe I remember you are Wiccan, so if you'd like the official opinion, hang out and someone else will come along and answer it too. Hope I helped!)
Astraea Luna Avani

Post by Astraea Luna Avani »

Thanks Belinda! That definately was a big help, I like the recipe theory too. I just have a friend who has been telling me I don't need any tools at all until I learn magic itself, but I don't think I could get my mind into it that way. I think you are right that as a beginner I will "need" these things but not so much after I really learn and have confidence in myself.

I am not sure if I should label myself as Wiccan yet but so far it seems the best fit, but still not all parts of it resonate with me. But like others have said, there are no rules, and that's the beauty of it, you can make up your own rules. I just get confused then when I read the rules and then I think, 'wait, I thought there were no rules!?' :lol:
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Post by sheelanagig »

Many years ago when I started on my path, I too did not have much money, and I did not have a space that I could make sacred to me.

I started out by buying simple equipment to use on a makeshift alter that were every day commonplace items.
i.e. tablecloth, penknife, a nice brandy glass a small ornamental glass bell.

I made sure I could perform the ceremony I desired by planning when I could be alone and undisturbed by my family (lived with my in-laws for 2 years)

I also started using incence sticks as an excuse for covering the tobacco smell from the smokers in the household, therefore they did not realise I used them for my ceremonies too.

I used the library to borrow books, which were few and far between, and purchsed the prediction magazine, (which I still do) which in turn helped me find other avenues to find more information.

There were no computers or internet to help me on my path.

I have learned over the years that the imagery and ceremonial actions of spells and magik, focus the mind to amplify and manifest the desired out come of our focused thoughts.

If you want to see ceremonial magik in action go to any catholic service where they use incense, an alter knife, a chalice, candles, books, etc; on an alter draped in a ceremonial cloth.

There will be chanting of prayer or even song to amplify the priests desired outcome, Your obedience to the word of the Bible.
He will encourage the congregation to offer their energy by focusing on the sharing of the what he calls the body and blood of Christ, which he promises will save them from eternal damnation.

In this ceremony Christ is the offering, the sacrifuce to us, to ease our fear of the unknown beyond the death of our earthly bodies.

In the ceremonies I have done I have only given offerings of fresh fruit and/or crystals.

I have moved on now to just focus without any paraphernalia.
I still do offer gifts to the elemental spirits I work with and sometimes even work for, and have found the that my focused thoughts bring about the same outcomes as my earlier ceremonial spells.
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Post by shadowx »

I second what has been said about not needing the tools.

I see magic(k) as an energy, a universal energy in and around everything. Stones to people. Trees to dirt. All you need to manipulate this energy is mind and spirit. The tools, IMHO at least, act as focus points, the same way you can use a photo or possession of a person to cast a spell on/for them, it acts as something to focus your mind and energy on to send the magic where it is needed. The tools in witchcraft act as focus points to direct energy and thoughts and strengthen your belief in what you are doing which in turns strengthens the outcome.

I dont yet consider myself Wiccan, but i hope to next year, and this is the way i learned. Having said all of this I do want to acquire some tools of my own, or make them. But only for my own beliefs and not because witchcraft wont work without them.
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Post by WolfWitch »

I'm going to back the others here. My most effective rituals have had improvised gear and in some cases no gear save myself.

As long as your praise of God and Goddess is honest and sincere, they will hear you regardless of what you have with you.

Blessed Be and peace.
The greatest advice I was ever given: It matters not what you believe. Only that you believe it wholeheartedly.
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Re: Do you HAVE to have these for your rituals/spells?

Post by SpiritTalker »

:flyingwitch: if you aren’t planning to cut etheric energy during your ritual you won’t need the athame; or could substitute scissors if necessary; and you can project energy with your hand 👆🏽. IMO ritual tools are optional.

In a group it’s good to mark the circle in some way so that everyone knows the boundary and stays within. Some people lay a cord or use an elemental symbol associated with each direction. Some use a stone or Tarot cards. The purpose of the quarter candles is to illuminate the door for the elemental power, so just showing a light at each direction as you call the quarter is fine. It’s similar to turning on the porch light when you’re expecting guests. You could also use LED candles as the symbolism is obvious.

There are many ways to cleanse space & cast a circle. Folk magic simplifies. if you have no tools then use your hands 🙌🏽. See each part in your mind 💫 ; pull power on the breath to your gut, think it and push power from the belly & out through your hands.
. Start & end at the north. Cleanse space by 🧹broom sweeping a circular space widdershins 🔄 ; burn a sweet smelling herb, point 👆🏽& walk in a deosil ↩️ circle to cast the boundary. Give thanks when you end the rite & make an offering 🍞 for Nature outside.

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