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Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 1:14 pm
by Imalorki
Ok with that...Weather, Nature is the MOST POWERFUL force in the world...and she is very picky on who she listens to...this is energy manipulation that you need. But keep in mind that if you mess with that system it will mess and screw up the rest of the worlds weather. There is a reason why its there and it will pass through. But if you really need it moved...

First off...sacrifice a big chunk of your energy BEFORE you do anything...if you don't She'll take way more than she needs as retaliation. How you do this is you imagine the energy of yourself flowing out of every pore you possess into the air with the purpose of moving the storm. This involves a lot of focus AND imagination. Then ASKKKKK it to do as you wish. Never command or force it, She gets really mad when you do that.

I suppose there are spells in the world for this but I believe that the only kind are forcing, compelling Her to change. Hence why I give energy...
When I'd like it windy or cloudy I ask her nicely to do so.
I first realized I could do this (before I realized I was witch and psychic) was when I was in Hawaii and in the ocean at one of the beaches of Oahu. There were almost no waves where I was and I asked the water to make really big waves, and yay it did...that to me how it happened was no coincidence.

So yes be nice to weather or she won't be nice to you

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:30 pm
by mnpred
DO NOT TRY AN CONTROL THE WEATHER!!!! Think of the weather as a sepret entity all to gether, it will do whot it wants. but it also takes into acound the needs of thoes with whom it is goeing to effect. Dont demand something, ask and make it clear that you are aware and will accept whatever dission it comes to. rember the weather will do what it wants.

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 1:24 pm
by Mikhael
I disagree with the above. Weather working is fine and dandy as long as you're working on small things such as causing a light wind or make a small shower if your area is in a drought. Trying to cause full blown storms or change actual patterns drastically on the other hand can have a large effect on the planet.

Remember, a butterfly flapping its wings on one side of the world is a hurricane on the other.

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 2:25 pm
by AP670
for me dancing helps.

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 3:12 pm
by witchcraft_saga
I have to say, I agree with all sorta...

mnpred and Imalorki both had similar posts in the sense of not playing around with the weather. Then again, Mikhael had a good point in pointing out that changing something small doesn't do much harm but still said not to play to much as it could hurt the other side of the world. Although, her main topic was stating she though something small would be okay.

The reason I think you are both right is because you both (mnpred and Imalorki as one) stated two things that went together. Lady Ninox asked for a spell to stop a flood (which in my opinion is pretty big.) So Mikhael was almost talking about something completely different.

I wouldn't play with the weather to much though ;)

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 9:06 am
by AP670
You could rain dance/walk the weather to a safer location. But that would be a lot of work, and well I don't know how to exactly do it.