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Reiki and magic

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 4:47 pm
by barker
My reiki is very strict. I find it takes over my spirit voices... yes I basically reikied my whole inner universe. It's very physical and strong. Does that mean I am supposed to be doing my magic with the spirits predominately, or does somebody have a suggestion about how they integrate reiki into their practice. barker

Re: Reiki and magic

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 10:10 am
by corvidus
In my understanding, Reiki is specifically for healing the energy body. So I think it would work well with spells for health and healing.

I also know that it opens up the energy channels, so if you practice internal energy work, it is beneficial for that as well.

Re: Reiki and magic

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 6:42 am
by barker
"Free love," i see is the reason for reiki being popular in Wicca. Free love has the truth, doesn't just act like it. It is very good at making it so that you feel open and equanimatible. I have gone so far into reiki that it has started closing me in a little. I think that means that I am near to fruition which I see as a flagpole representing sanity... another reason magicians might use it.

Re: Reiki and magic

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 11:26 am
by Firebird
I believe that many of us have adopted this practice because Wiccans and witches use a craft that is moving and manipulating energy, Reiki is just another method of using energy.
Say there Ollie, could you swing by the intros and let us know a bit more about yourself? Thanks :fairy:
Bb, Firebird