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Come out, come out, wherever you are!!

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:27 am
by [ShadowPhoenix]
Where are all my gays at?! I want a show of hands on who's gay. I made the post so I could see who's gay...or who is not...I am gay who else is?! I don't believe in bisexuality, you are one or the other, and if you like both are either confused or greedy! lol but come out anyway. I want to know more about our little E-Coven members! :D

Edit by Starwitch: I apologize for the "confused or greedy" remarks by original poster. "Confused or greedy" (referring to bisexuals) used to be the third option in the poll, but I changed it to "Bisexual or not sure yet" on 05/08/11. Then on 8/23/11 I also added "Pansexual" and "other" as poll options (at the request of a moderator), but that apparently reset all the votes back to zero. Before it was reset, the votes were Gay: 38%, Bisexual or not sure yet: 33% , and Straight: 29%, but that would be expected here in the GLBT forum. Anyway, it's about time we started this poll over with appropriate options.

To learn about the continuum of human sexuality, click here -->Continuum of Human Sexuality.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:13 pm
by Moon_Stone
LMAO, you crack me up, Shadow Phoenix!! I especially love the title of this post... it's great! :28:

I must say, it's awesome that you are so open with yourself and with your sexuality... and are either so comfortable or flippant (flippant in a good way, I mean. :wink:) that you're happy to shout it out from the rooftops! There is a lot to be said for confidence. :28:

-On that note, I do hope that no one feels they're being put between a rock and a hard place... each person's sexuality is theirs alone.. and keeping that to oneself is never anything to feel shameful about. If you don't want to tell... don't. :28: If you do, go ahead... but no pressure either way. :wink:

So far as the bisexual comment though: mind you, I do understand where you're coming from, but on the other hand I don't think that you're entirely correct. Those who are bisexual are not just confused or greedy- a person can legitimately like being with both genders, and there's nothing wrong with that. Just as a conservative straight person would call being gay a disease of the mind and fully and sincerely believe it, you're kind of doing the same thing by saying that you don't believe a bisexual's motives or feelings are legitimate. Even though it's not something you personally choose to believe as true or valid, doesn't mean that your truth is the only truth. Remember to the conservative, their way is the only truth as well. It's in our acceptance of each and every person that sets us apart- discrimination against anyone makes it okay for an exercise of discrimination against everyone.


~Bright Blessings~

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:34 pm
by [ShadowPhoenix]
That was actually my little gay joke of the day so I decided to also include that in the poll I do believe that one can be attracted to members of both sexes, it has however been my experience through relationships, that when dating a bisexual person they later tell me they don't know what they want or once I actually did have them tell me, "I guess I'm just greedy." so that's how that came about... :wink:

As Moonstone said, do not feel pressured into coming out it, it can be difficult even online to strangers...I would know do only what makes you feel comfortable, and blessed be.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:51 pm
by Moon_Stone
Well said, Shadow Phoenix. :28: --And I certainly wasn't trying to jump down your throat there- I just wanted to mention. :wink:

I think too, a lot of gay people in general, whether "bi"or not, go through a time when they feel that they 'don't know what they want.' -It's really common, actually. Society, their family, their brought-up-with morals and their church are all telling them that they're wrong for feeling what they're feeling and for desiring what they're desiring... so of course it makes sense for those people (who is sadly a very large bunch), feel that their personal desires should be put in the back-burner so they can be "good people"... know what I mean? :28: (Not to say that all people have this issue, but granted, there are a lot of gay christians/catholics out there and they do have to fight very hard against this particular internal battle.)

Ugh, doesn't the world suck sometimes?!? :?

~BB~ :28:

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:09 pm
by [ShadowPhoenix]
Oh, too true, I fought with everything myself for a while. I didn't know what to do with going to church on Sundays and hearing the preacher tell us that gays were an abomination...actually I have an entertaining little story about that lol...One bright and sunny day I went to church, and in that church they were teaching the love of God. I was sitting in the very first pew, and then the preacher started in on how homosexuals are an abomination, I stood up CLEAREDEDEDED my throat (notice it wasn't just cleared my throat, I made sure I had EVERYONE'S attention)
I then asked him why it was such an abomination for one to be born the way they were. His reply, "........Well ummm, because the bible says so." and then I start in, "Because the bible says? and do you believe every word you read? Because the bible ALSO says that eating pork, shrimp, and lobster is an abomination as well, so who's to say that the road to hell isn't paved with that bacon you were eating earlier?!" I then LIT a cigarette and walked out of the church.

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:19 pm
by Moon_Stone
You Rock!!! :grin:

That's an awesome story, Shadow Phoenix- thank you for sharing it with us. (And Right on!!) :wink:

I don't know much about Christian religion in general but I do know that there are a lot of contradictions in just the Bible itself- and my closest friend had nearly the same "conversation" with his preacher while he was growing up... though it ended with his being asked to leave the church.

There are so many things that are an "abomination", it's really comical when looking at it as an outsider looking in. Wow. And people believe this stuff as truth?!? :roll: -Honestly though, I really don't get it. How did this become the main stream faith? WTF?!? (pardon my abbreviated French, there.) I think that any religion that teaches hate is a very, very skewed belief system.

"Road to hell is paved with bacon".... ha, ha, ha! You're great! :28:


Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 6:35 pm
by Kaskade
Well you're not alone. I'm gay and my partner of 4 years is also a member of this forum (Esseiker). You were very brave to do what you did in front of your whole church. Moonstone's right, you do rock. Sounds almost like something I'd do.

And Moonstone, you're right about being full of contradictions. The same book in the bible that says gays are going to hell is also the one that ShadowPhoenix is refering to I think, which does say shellfish and pork will send you to hell, along with sex with a woman while menstruating. And I can't remember off the top of my head but it also tells how to either sacrific that pig....or goat....some kind of livestock lol

This 3 page article about gays in the bible is very interesting. It actually points out that the story of King David and his friend Jonathan is one of the oldest gay love stories (and OH MY STARS IT'S IN THE BIBLE! Imagine that, a condradiction, LMAO)

It also points out that the one man/one woman thing was to stop polygamy, not same sex unions.

Wow sorry my gay advocate side is jumping out

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:19 pm
by [ShadowPhoenix]
Ohhh, yes it was a big thing for me to do that in front of the church, considering I am the great-grandson of the Deacon of the church lol. (oops it just kinda slipped grandfather :twisted: )

But you are right the bible is the most contradicting piece of work I've ever laid eyes upon, one minute it's telling you this and 4 pages later it's okay? I mean come one make up your mind lol....and that's ok Kaskade you can be an advocate that what this page is for, it seems to be somewhat neglected I want to bring it to LIFE!!

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:24 pm
by stormer89
lol straight but open-minded. to me its whatever floats your boat.

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:27 pm
by andreagoth
Haha! I'm not gay. I'm Bisexual. :)
And I go to the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade almost every year. :)

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:33 pm
by purplesummer
I just came out of the closet about a month ago. It feels good to be out.

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:38 am
by [ShadowPhoenix]
andreagoth wrote:Haha! I'm not gay. I'm Bisexual. :)
And I go to the San Francisco Gay Pride Parade almost every year. :)
So you're greedy then? lol :D :P ::coolglasses:: j/k aww I wanna gooooooooo! my friend's and I go to Southern Decadence New Orleans :D cuz I live here lol or close enough to it and gay pride in Pensacola! :wink: oh yea good times

hey all

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 4:13 am
by )(Apollo the Good)(
What's up!? :)
Gay here!
Out & Proud

its so wonderful
to see so many others
who are wiccan
and gay as well!

So much more accepting/
than Christianity, no? ;)

Light and Love,

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:30 am
by Silverslayer
Straight here, but I have no problem with gays. I personally have had, and still do have, several friends who are gay. Be who you want to be :).

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 2:22 am
by Grafitti Sky
I guess you could say I'm kind of confused, or greedy, haha
I'm not really closeted, but im not parading it around.
Guess its hard for me to choose a side cause I have to deal with a daily parade of stupid. :lol: