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Spelling, Grammar, and Respect

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 11:34 am
by ThePaganMafia
This for the teens out there. Constantly I see terribly typed posts with more grammar and spelling errors than drunken rednecks.
Spelling and grammar aren't that hard. You go to school everyday and learn it. I generally don't listen to posts that are typed in internet speak and that are poorly written. Being able to spell and use correct grammar brings respect.
Having respect means more people will like and listen to you. It is a very useful thing.
Being able to spell and speak correctly is essential. Please learn how to do it.

By the way this post wasn't directed at any certain person it was just to all people who can't talk correctly in general.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 11:41 am
by Sobek
The grammar concern is stated in the rules. And i agree with you, its a total pain...
wrote:I'd like to request that if you use this message board, please write in plain, normal English and try to not use slang. It's hard for old people to understand that kind of writing.

Here is an example of how NOT to write. I've bolded the parts that are wrong:

hey, thanks GD. how old r u? i mean, i've seen tons of ur posts, (obviously not the 1 were u say ur age - unless u dont wanna tell any1, in which case, dont bother answering this.) & u sound pretty young 2 me. like, late teens/early 20's style young. so, i reckon there will be 3 pages on this topic once this post gets posted.... Y O Y CANT THERE B ANY OTHER AUSSIE'S ON THE BOARD! IT (oops, i accidently pushed the capitals button) feels like every Aussie has been wiped out from some disease and im the only 1 left!

Now here is how you SHOULD write:

Hey, thanks GenevieveDawn. How old are you? I've seen tons of your posts (obviously not the one where you say your age - unless you don't want to tell anyone, in which case, don't bother answering this), and you sound pretty young to me, like, late teens/early 20's style young. So, I reckon there will be three pages on this topic once this post gets posted...
Why oh why can't there be any other Aussie's on the board! (oops, I accidentally pushed the capitals button). Feels like every Aussie has been wiped out from some disease and I'm the only one left!

If you honestly can't write well, I understand. But don't write badly on purpose, please. We all make mistakes, even me, and I don't expect anyone to be perfect, but write normally, like you would write for a school paper, not like you would write in an AOL chat room.

Copied right from the post with the rule. ... .php?t=465

Entire post there.

If you need help, please speak in a manner that can be understood. It makes helping alot easier.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 11:45 am
by ThePaganMafia
Im sorry sometimes things need to be stated in more than just the rules. I thought if the subjct of spelling and grammar could be brought into discussion it may help some.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 11:51 am
by Sobek
Ofcourse, It's not often people actually read the rules. That's why i felt it prudent to put the rule in question in this post and link to the post where it people say how they feel about excessive bad grammar. For perspective sake.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:59 pm
by juliaki
Anyone else notice the irony of a small rant about grammar having grammatical errors in it? :?

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 5:26 pm
by ThePaganMafia
Im sorry it was not up to your literary standards. Im not trying to write like Hugo or Tolstoy. Im talking about all the people who type idiotically on purpose.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 5:26 pm
by applepolice
Well, I didn't be the one to say it, Juliaki. ;)

As far as grammar/spelling goes, there are some simple cures for what ails certain members:

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 5:31 pm
by juliaki
ThePaganMafia wrote:Im sorry it was not up to your literary standards. Im not trying to write like Hugo or Tolstoy. Im talking about all the people who type idiotically on purpose.
See, the thing is that if you're busy trying to tear other people down, it's hard for you to do so if you're doing the exact same thing as they're doing. Does it matter that you're doing it a little bit less than they are? Maybe to you, but instead of trying to tear others down, why not work on those same issues that you have within yourself?

(And what, pray tell, is an "Im"?)

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 5:36 pm
by ThePaganMafia
Excuse me? Im trying to tear other people down? Oh please. My apoligies if I miss out a comma or mispell a word every now and then. I guess you don't mind the idiotic crap that some people type.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 5:43 pm
by juliaki
Oh, I do mind it. I also mind when people complain about the actions of other people when they are equally as guilty about the same actions. I appreciate you ranting against poor grammar. I'd love to see you be able to lead by example on how to communicate effectively with the written word, however. I challenge you to be a leader to those who are still struggling with communication issues, if you feel that you are capable of leading by example.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 5:48 pm
by ThePaganMafia
My grammar is just fine. I get my point across rather well. Iam not guilty of typing like an idiot. I do communicate effectively and I have alot of people who can back that up.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 5:54 pm
by juliaki
I think you're missing the point. It isn't about effective communication. Apparently the person who you decided to tear into earlier was able to communicate in such a way that you were able to respond to the question asked (albeit with grammatical errors in your reply). I'm just concerned that you feel the need to try and tear down other people about something that you appear to struggle with in your own communication practices.

Iam is not a word.

"Alot" is not a word.

Those two very elementary errors in your most recent post harm your credibility when it comes to criticizing others about their grammatical errors. I'm not saying don't criticize others for their errors. I'm charging you to take responsibility for your own actions first and foremost and then help to guide others.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 5:56 pm
by applepolice
Don't get too up in arms about this. I don't think Juliaki meant it as an attack on you or your ability to communicate, per se, but merely wanted to point out that there were a few errors in a post maligning those with less-than-perfect grammar abilities. Of course, J. did make a valid point. Glass houses, my friend. ;)

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 6:23 pm
by ThePaganMafia
This article was in contect to people who talk like this:
yo im ChRiS I LyKe studieInG paganism
They are out there. Some not talking to that degree and some who are.
Juliaki really every time I come out with a rant you have found ways to criticize them. Im starting to begin to think your just doing it for fun. There was nothing to criticize about this. How many people concern themselves over small and unintentional errors.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 6:32 pm
by juliaki
Perhaps I'm merely manifesting threefold return? You put out a rant designed to cause negative feelings (re: harm) in others, and then you receive a reply that you find brings up negative feelings within yourself. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

Do I find working with newcomers to the Craft to help them become better practitioners "fun"? I'm not sure I would use that word, no.

Was there anything to criticize about this particular rant? I believe that there was, although you certainly have the right to disagree.

How many people concern themselves over small and unintentional errors.
Well, I get paid pretty hefty rates to concern myself over issues like that in my day job. When I'm not being paid, I don't worry about it. I am curious why *you* felt the need to attack someone for something that you appear to be willing to do as well. That's what I was commenting on. Why not take pride in your words and use them well and as an example to others about how to write in a professional manner instead of merely ranting against those who are doing nothing different from your own actions? Why not simply say "Gee, I'm going to watch how I write before I criticize other people", learn from the lesson, and move on?