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anti divorce spell

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:13 am
by goth-kid555
my friend's parents are getting divorce and she and her sibilings are going through a hard time,is there any spell that would make her parents love each other and keep married?i know that you all would say it's dangerous to mess with people's feelings but she's really desperate and i want to help her

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:25 am
by Pav
Maybe the best you can do is just be there for her when her parents do split up. Like you said people hear aren't likely to give a spell on how to make people love each other. Maybe the parents would be better when they're not together.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:40 am
by goth-kid555
it's better for the kids that they stay together,her mom is american but her dad is from another country,so if they get divorced he'll take the kids home with him,and he's so strict he might harm the kids.
my friend wants to get back here but she'll has to get back with her dad and she'll be in hell with him
that's why i really need a spell,anything that'll make her parents fall inlove or make him nicer

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 5:46 am
by Pav
Why wouldn't her mum be able to get custody of the kids? I'm not completely sure how divorces work I've never had any dealings with any before, but if the fact that the father could harm the kids if they're left with him comes up surely that will only make it obvious to anyone that they should stick with the mother, and she should more of a chance/right to take custody of them

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:06 am
by goth-kid555
ya i know,but she wants to come back here ,she doesn't want them to divorce

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:13 am
by Pav
I know, but sometimes you just can't help things like that, its life countless things dont work out like we want them to. We lose people, we lose things hell we may even lose hope and think everythings ruined. Im not sure if there is a spell that can help but if there isnt she'll need to try and deal with whats going on, it'll be hard of course but then thats what friends are for, she'll have people like you who'll help her. in time things might get better

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:16 am
by goth-kid555
if they divorce i'll never ever see her again :(

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:23 am
by Pav
thats not good, you could still stay in touch though right?

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:27 am
by goth-kid555
i'm not sure about that,coz she and her mom will have to get a job and start saving to get their own place,they'll live wit her mom's family untill then,she's the eldest and one of her brothers is autistic!it's gonna b so hard for an 18 years old girl to take all that responsability suddenly

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:44 am
by Pav
sounds like it would be :( i can see why'd you want a spell to help, couldnt she bring these points up with her parents? maybe something could get sorted out

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:50 am
by goth-kid555
she did that,and her dad said :stay out of it

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:54 am
by Pav
well that was a crap thing for him to do -_- theres got to be some way they can talk about it properly, even if its just her and the mother, because if the edads a danger to the kids then they definatly should not be forced to stay with him

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:56 am
by goth-kid555
the problem is that they'll get the divorce papers today! i need a spell quickly :cry:

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 6:59 am
by Pav
:( im not sure if anyone will give you one, not because they dont want to help but from what ive seen any sort of love spell for whatever reason seems to be generally frowned upon

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 8:52 am
by Elem
any sort of love spell for whatever reason seems to be generally frowned upon
I think that this is far from the point, to be quite honest.. 'Love' spells are frowned upon because the stereotypical view of people asking for them is that they've flown in here on a whirlwind of 'fluffyness', eager to grab that love spell and do some 'OMG KEWL STUFF LIEK IN BUFFY!'... *cough*

They are also 'frowned upon' by some people, because it is against their personal beliefs to mess with 'free will'.. However, there are also people here who do not share in these beliefs, and as such will happily hand out a love spell.

However, one thing that is most definitely 'frowned upon', or at least viewed with a sceptical eye.. Is when someone is more willing to try and grab a spell to change things, than to accept the fact that spells and 'magick' cannot solve all of life's problems.

Unfortunate as it may be, it is a fact of life that 'bad' things will happen to us all at some point or another. Things we do not enjoy, or things that affect those we love. This is inevitable. I'm not saying that this makes them right.. I'm just saying that they are as much a part of life as all the good things that happen to us.

Sure, there's nothing wrong with trying to change a situation to make it better, especially if there is the potential for abuse (as in this case). However, as I've said, it should be recognised that spells are not the answer to problems like this. They may very well help facilitate the process of changing this bad situation into something good.. But they cannot be relied upon to make everything rosey again.

I am almost positive that in this case, if the father is abusive, he will not be given custody of the children. Why should he? I can't claim to know anything about divorce laws, but it would make very little sense for the courts to rule in his favour if he is a negligent parent.. I'm sure someone else here will be more enlightened on the subject than I am, though.

Either way, your doing a spell will not stop your friend's parents from divorcing each other. This is a choice they have made, and no matter how many spells or how much energy you throw at it.. You aren't going to revive a relationship that is dead. If they are divorcing, there must be good reason for it.. Else I'm sure they wouldn't. Again, it is a fact of life that sometimes relationships just don't work.. It is extremely unfortunate that, in some of these cases, children get caught in the cross-fire of their parents divorce.. And I only have the deepest sympathy for them, during what must be a horribly difficult time.

The best thing you can do is to support your friend - even if you are separated by distance. Keep in touch with her as much as you can, and lend her your ear and your shoulder. Use a spell to give her strength, send her energy, and protect her. This would be a better use of your energy by far, than trying to stop her parents.. Which just isn't going to happen, as it sounds that they have already reached their decision.

Good luck.


Edit: Apologies if this post sounded harsh, only realised afterwards that I'd taken quite a stern tone! I do have the deepest of sympathy for your friend's situation, I just don't want to see you directing your energies into something that won't help.. When you could do so much for your friend in other ways.