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Videos No Longer Require BBCode

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2021 11:28 am
by Starwitch
A new BBCode has been added. It's the [media] BBCode. [YouTube] and [Video] have been deleted. [Video] had stopped working completely, and [YouTube] was only working occasionally. So I found a solution, which is the [media] code. You don't even have to use it in most cases. If you simply post a URL, it will automatically turn it into a video. And it supposedly works with all the different media websites (except FOX News, which I disabled for hopefully obvious reasons.) Most of what we post here is YouTube anyway. So yeah, just post the URL of your favorite video (in the appropriate forum) and, viola!, a video will show up in your post. If, for some reason, it's not working, you can try surrounding the URL with the [media] BBCode (the button is the little TV icon to the right of where it says "Normal".) In the example below, all I did was post the plain URL, like:

Re: Videos No Longer Require BBCode

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2021 1:21 pm
by Starwitch
Firebirdflys, look what I found in one of your old posts from 2015:


lol, you posted the same video.

Re: Videos No Longer Require BBCode

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2021 12:50 am
by Firebird
What can I say? Great minds :fairy: LoL