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Can’t Tell the Difference

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 7:08 am
by LC
Usually I don’t post right after something has happened but these freaked me out. It may just be silly and nothing.
Last night I woke up (not even sure about this) and there was a huge black shadow bug climbing up my wall on my right. I looked to my right at my window and nothing was on it. When I looked back to my left, it wasn’t there. So I went back to sleep.

Couple hours later, I opened my eyes and there was a huge black swirling mass around my only ceiling light above me. I said “No no no,please stop” but it sort of started to stretch itself. I turned on my lamp and it disappeared

I’m not sure if it was just a dream or not. Everything seemed to move as if I was awake but visually it was different??? I’m not sure how to explain. I had posted about a spirit waking me up but this wasn’t it. Not sure how I know but I just get a feeling it isn’t.

I honestly hope it’s nothing but I want to check.


Re: Can’t Tell the Difference

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 8:18 am
by barker
Little things in our eyes are always self! Prehaps you have been making yo'self known..! :)

Re: Can’t Tell the Difference

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 1:40 pm
by SpiritTalker
That hypnogogia state of half awake half asleep, not being here nor there, does experience those creepy crawly bug-like splotches that appear as if on the wall, ceiling, curtains - wherever the eyes attempted to focus. Ive seen them from time to time & have been so convinced that they were real that I got up fully awake & swept the curtains with a broom. As a kid I'd see a rolling black smudge across the ceiling & hid under the covers.

If I understand the effect it's a combination of a state of consciousness & normal rapid eye movement at work during dream-states and not an intrusive astral presence. It has no sense of Presence to it. Just the same It startles the bejeebers out of me, but once I'd learned to call it's bluff by purposefully waking completely, i realized it is an effect of the mind and body.

2 years ago I'd gotten an eye floater & still have it. The eye doctor said It's nothing dangerous - except for my reflexively ducking from it & whacking my head. It is definitely not the same thing as the black spots. I've seen both at the same time & the floater slides rapidly across my eye while the buggy spots stay put. The buggy spots remind me of a close up of a nerve cell or a branching of tiny blood veins. I have no idea if the human eye can discern a microscopic item from the inside-out or what role the 3rd eye might play at the same moment of hypnogogia. It's just a what-if musing.

Re: Can’t Tell the Difference

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 3:12 pm
by barker
I think bugs specifically might mean a lack of belief... in self. Me and some highschool friends all saw the same "bug" at the same time on LSD. It wasn't really there at all. We were NOT believing very much that evening, lol! One of my friends decided he was having a bad trip and stuff like that...

Re: Can’t Tell the Difference

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2019 6:11 pm
by LC
SpiritTalker wrote:That hypnogogia state of half awake half asleep, not being here nor there, does experience those creepy crawly bug-like splotches that appear as if on the wall, ceiling, curtains - wherever the eyes attempted to focus. Ive seen them from time to time & have been so convinced that they were real that I got up fully awake & swept the curtains with a broom. As a kid I'd see a rolling black smudge across the ceiling & hid under the covers.

If I understand the effect it's a combination of a state of consciousness & normal rapid eye movement at work during dream-states and not an intrusive astral presence. It has no sense of Presence to it. Just the same It startles the bejeebers out of me, but once I'd learned to call it's bluff by purposefully waking completely, i realized it is an effect of the mind and body.

2 years ago I'd gotten an eye floater & still have it. The eye doctor said It's nothing dangerous - except for my reflexively ducking from it & whacking my head. It is definitely not the same thing as the black spots. I've seen both at the same time & the floater slides rapidly across my eye while the buggy spots stay put. The buggy spots remind me of a close up of a nerve cell or a branching of tiny blood veins. I have no idea if the human eye can discern a microscopic item from the inside-out or what role the 3rd eye might play at the same moment of hypnogogia. It's just a what-if musing.
I am so glad it’s just a mind body thing. It makes sense because I felt like I was half awake and still felt like I was dreaming. My sleep was also really crappy with a period of being awake for a couple of hours.
