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Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 2:32 pm
by Bluerose31
I am glad to have found this site. It is a beautiful site for witches. I am a devotee of Hecate. I am glad to have this site to come to. All my family and friends are Christian. It is good to have support here and a place I can write about my Goddess. I cant write about Hecate at home because someone might accidentally read my journal. It is good to have this blog. I have had a difficult year but I can feel Hecate healing me and showing me her love.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 7:43 pm
by SnowCat
We're glad you joined us. It's good to have companions on a journey.


Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 1:38 pm
by Bluerose31
SnowCat wrote:We're glad you joined us. It's good to have companions on a journey.

Thank you so much for your kind words Snow :)

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2017 3:44 pm
by Bluerose31
Hecate was with me today. She told me I had to be strong. She told me I have suffered a lot in my life and I am an extremely wounded person. She said that I will become what I most want to be, a healer. She said I will learn how to heal myself and heal others. That is what I deeply desire. I had prayers to her this morning and throughout the day and she soothed my soul. She reminded me that I am free and safe with her.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 11:59 pm
by planewalker
Healing is why I'm here. There is healing here in the atmosphere. You have come to a place that you don't need to chase it. That never really works.Become one with it and all you need do is open yourself and accept it.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 6:26 pm
by Bluerose31
planewalker wrote:Healing is why I'm here. There is healing here in the atmosphere. You have come to a place that you don't need to chase it. That never really works.Become one with it and all you need do is open yourself and accept it.
Thank you so much Planewalker. I agree, healing is here and all I have to do is accept it. I am glad you have this place to heal as well.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 7:03 pm
by Bluerose31
Hecate has been holding me together. I know this Winter and Yule she will bring healing for me. I am loving the cool weather and the snow. I have been praying to my Goddess that she would save me from my pain. I know she will. I love serving Hecate. I know she will not let me down. She has protected me all of Autumn and comforted me. Even though I am broken she sustains me. I know things will be okay.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 12:31 am
by planewalker
Have heart. The deepest wounds take time to heal. I think that's so we can see the other side of things. Would you know what pleasure is without pain. Would we know the light if we had never been in the dark. The only thing we must guard against is letting our healing diminish us. Healed scars can twist the flesh they affect, They can also heal straight and true and armour us as nothing else can. Learn strength and understanding. I think your doing that right now. You've set yourself a worthy goal to attend your journey, helping others. All of us here on the forum are here for you. It is a sign of strength to ask for help, not weakness as some think. Only if your sure of who you are will you seek help out. All of us have fallen, all of us have been wounded and beaten down. There is no one who hasn't been. The courage and the start of real healing is asking others to help. It's not the fall, it's that you stood back up.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 3:06 pm
by Bluerose31
planewalker wrote:Have heart. The deepest wounds take time to heal. I think that's so we can see the other side of things. Would you know what pleasure is without pain. Would we know the light if we had never been in the dark. The only thing we must guard against is letting our healing diminish us. Healed scars can twist the flesh they affect, They can also heal straight and true and armour us as nothing else can. Learn strength and understanding. I think your doing that right now. You've set yourself a worthy goal to attend your journey, helping others. All of us here on the forum are here for you. It is a sign of strength to ask for help, not weakness as some think. Only if your sure of who you are will you seek help out. All of us have fallen, all of us have been wounded and beaten down. There is no one who hasn't been. The courage and the start of real healing is asking others to help. It's not the fall, it's that you stood back up.
Thank you so much for this message Planewalker :) I really appreciate it. You are right that we would not know what pleasure is without pain. I have a very bad past because of my kidnapping and torture but I know my Goddess will strengthen me and help me heal. It may take some time, but it will happen. I am glad to be on this site and to have the support of others.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 8:44 pm
by Bluerose31
Only 10 days till Yule. I am excited. I know Yule will bring healing. I can barely wait. Hecate has told me to hang on and that I am being protected by the God. I know one day I will look back at this time in peace and I will no longer shed tears about it, and not feel ache in my heart. Hecate is with me and she is helping me everyday. I know one day I will heal from my torture and that Hecate and the God will bring me through.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 10:19 pm
by planewalker

You will heal and sometimes it will be one step forward and two steps back. There may be times when you seem to go side wise. Sometime's the side trips you may take have extreme importence. Your just learning that you can heal and not have to look over your shoulder in fear all the time. Here, on the forum, the faces you see will have smiles or looks of concern, even the ones you see when you look behind you.


Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 12:56 pm
by Bluerose31
planewalker wrote:Rose,

You will heal and sometimes it will be one step forward and two steps back. There may be times when you seem to go side wise. Sometime's the side trips you may take have extreme importence. Your just learning that you can heal and not have to look over your shoulder in fear all the time. Here, on the forum, the faces you see will have smiles or looks of concern, even the ones you see when you look behind you.

Thank you so much for this Planewalker. I really needed these words. I love this forum. It is beautiful and the people here are kind. Thank you for saying that I am beginning to learn that I can heal and not look over my shoulder in fear.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 7:43 pm
by Bluerose31
Today I became Christian. My family is Christian and I know they needed me to be Christian too. I am sad to leave paganism, something I love deeply but I will still stay on this site. I love pagans and I love the Goddess and God still, and always will. I will always love Hecate as well. I used to be Christian and I prayed to Jesus. I still love Jesus, so that helps me feel some comfort with Christianity. I know my family needs me to be like them. It is a sacrifice, one I have to make. I will always wear my crystal hematite pendant which symbolizes Hecate. I'll wear that until I die. I am still looking forward to getting to know everyone here. Blessings.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 1:45 am
by planewalker
It doesn't matter what you call yourself. It really doesn't matter what others call you. Where you go, or never go, to religious services only matters as it being important to you because of how you make others feel. I was baptized and took classes in my mother's church for inclusion for membership. That means I'm Christian, if you want to look at it that way. I already knew what I was, but it made her happy. She figured out "what" I was and started a valiant attempt to "save my soul" from the time I was seventeen. She finally gave up after I had consented to being "Examined" by her minister. I swear I thought I was going to be called for witch trials. We got together and talked for quit some time. She hasn't been soul saving on my soul since then. He told her he wished any of his parishioners had the knowledge of the Bible I did and about 1/2 would be lucky to be considered as moral as I was. We'd get together and talk shop from time to time until he rotated parishes. I had just become an Adept. He hit sermon writer's block once so I crafted a few sermons for him. If some of my sermons are active does that mean I'm Christian? Got me. I think Jesus was a great man with a vision of how mankind could improve. He was a Jewish Rabbi with all that entailed. We never got a Christian religion until the Edict of Milan in 313 CE and we only got the rapture and the Pope becoming infallible in 1853 CE. Hold dear what you believe in and how you believe it. Let others think what they will.

Re: Bluerose's Blog

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 12:51 pm
by Bluerose31
Thank you Planewalker :) Thank you for sharing some of your story with me. I am not sure if I will stay Christian but for now I will try it out and see how it goes. I will miss Hecate a lot. I think I'll always be pagan deep inside.