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Major World Changes (Feel Something is Coming)

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 6:52 pm
by Bychan Wulf
moonraingirl wrote:Things are getting seriously crazy on many levels of society.
Not long ago, I was kind of excited about the big change seemed normal and inevitable. However, I'm starting to be afraid now. Not of the game, of course, but of many evil events that are taking place all around the world. I fear that ww 3 will start soon.
Moon, I took the liberty to quote you here, in order not to fill that thread with this kind of comments, even though they are somehow related.

I'm sure many of us had the feeling that "something is coming"; the feeling of a change.
In my case, I always felt this as a sort of a bad thing. I have this feeling that something death-related is coming. This is not a problem for me; I never saw death as the worst thing that can happen...I don't value life as much as others do, but I also believe that others and not even us, have the right to take it away. Anyway, all this hate, sorrow and desire for money and power is destroying us. Instead of the humanity realising what is really important, everythinf just keeps getting worse. Humanity seems to have lost its humanity: the morality is almost forgotten and things seem to be upside down. The latest things that happened, made me think again, that death could work like a purifying power. I don't mean the man caused death, like the one from Syria; I mean the natural one, cause by a natural disaster.
About a war coming, I agree with Moon. I have these dreams of taking care of a little girl (around 6 y.o.) or a boy ( around 3 y.o.) who is not related to me, and everything there are bombs falling and hurt and head people. We just keep looking for their parents and we end up in a cave with a wolf protecting us. Not only the dream, but there is also this feeling that there is an end. I don't have the view of the doomsday preppers who think everybody will die if it's not prepared. The way I see it, is a natural selection. The people who have darkness represented by the desire of money, power and blood will go and only a few that have a truly light soul will survive. There is no guarantee for me that I would survive this, but like I said, I don't fear the natural death, even though it is unexplored territory. It feels like a balance that has to be restored and at this point, can only be restored by extreme violence....nature's answer to the acts of the human kind.
Many people don't feel sorry or responsible for taking a life or means nothing to them if they have to reach a goal, and I don't only mean my recent personal case. I mean what happened is Syria and how people fight for nothing....for power, money and religion. Do these really count? Is that what we live for? What about the love that is the point all religions started from?
We might be the ones who make a change, or me might be the ones a change will be made through...either way, the balance will be restored and the world will reset at some point. This could be this year or in 20 years...but the way things evolve around us and the decline of yhe human nature really makes me think that this change is necessary and that it will come.

But this is only my view and I might be wrong.
How do you people, feel this change this " something is coming" thing?

Re: The change

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 3:13 am
by moonraingirl
Thanks for starting this thread!

I too had a dream about war day before yesterday.
Middle East is in total chaos and it is causing massive amount of suffering and human lives. These once prosperous countries were totally destroyed by multiple forces, not only terrorists themselves. It would be the best if they were left alone but of course, that would decrease profits of military industry and price of oil would increase, too. So we can't expect end of it. If Syria is in peace, another country would be attacked soon.

Moreover, I'm sure that the EU will lose a large portion of our social system and political liberties that we took for granted . It will be a result of all the terrorism. We see the first signs today and it will get worse. Eg. Slovak employees in Austria are going to get lower child support although equal pay and benefits for all EU citizens were granted until now. They have to save on second class EU citizens in order to support refugees and calm native Austrians down.

But soon it will not be enough and Germans and French will see decrease in their social and health system. The cost of what is happening now is too high. This will make people angry and will cause social tension.

Google announced it is working on an algorithm that will filter/order search results based on ideology

Facebook has already blocked profile of third most popular party in my country that has been democratically elected into the Parliament. Reason? They don't like them.

We already have ideological police and another unit will be created in autumn. Their job will be going through the internet and deleting or blocking all sites and posts that are against EU or nato. Of course, it's an impossible task that will never be effective. But just mere existence of such an office reveals A LOT about situation of democracy and how EU feels it is getting serious.

Just for your record, I'm PRO EU and I was seriously glad when we joined. I would be so happy if it worked properly because I like the idea very much. I still remember going through boarders to Western Europe. It was very scary for me as a young child, being checked by serious armed men in uniforms and police dogs. I really don't want it to happen again!

Unfortunately, there are problems in united Europe and media and politicians ban and demonise everyone who dares to mention them. They pretend everything is pink and nothing serious is happening. They only increase safety measures but don't address the cause. And THAT is the problem. If mainstream openly acknowledged facts and tried to solve them, people would not vote for populists and right wing extremists. Of course, there are other problems related to free trade and capitalism that discriminate small countries, too. They aren't being discussed either because it isn't comfortable for Germany.

And let's not forget that in next decades we may see climate change refugees as well.

I also totally agree with Bychan that moral and ethical standards are changing.

I'm not too much afraid of death, either. But I feel very worried about the amount of suffering and hatered that is in front of us.

Re: The change

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 3:29 am
by moonraingirl
Also let's not forget the new tension between the US and North Korea. And possibly US and China if China refuses to be a puppet of the US as Trump wants. We may see serious international tension soon.

Re: The change

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 1:20 am
by TwilightDancer
I fear this coming change.

I don't think people are waking up fast enough to stop it.

The world is a rat race. Money talks.
It's a sad world we live in. People value things over others lives.

Re: The change

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 9:26 am
by Xiao Rong
I've heard a lot of people saying that these are Tower Times; this is a moment of enormous crisis and change. I asked my cards, though, and we are on the cusp of a very positive and hopeful future; we just have to get through this first. It's the wildfire that destroys the forest but clears the brush and fertilizes the soil for new life.