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Dragon Wishes

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2017 5:33 am
by GemmaVonDrachä
I have read countless articles, listened to lectures, and thought long about meeting my Dragon guide. But still.. Nothing. I have always had a passion for dragons, so I don't understand why none have come. I am at a point in my life where the guidance of such a powerful being would be such a blessing to me. Again I don't understand why..

Re: Dragon Wishes

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 2:56 pm
by GemmaVonDrachä
So I think I saw him! I had strange dreams all last night, and I can't remember anything except his face. He was a black and grey Dragon with eyes one color of a red ember and one peridot.

Re: Dragon Wishes

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2017 9:01 am
by SpartanOdyssee
Hey Gemma!

The first 2 guides from the Dragon realm we humans start working with are the red and blue dragons (fire and water). They look like the dragons from Chinese lore. Ask for these two dragons to come to you, whatever sentence you can come up with. Repeating the sentence 3,6 or preferably 9 times will make sure they got by our message. Intent is really important!. After doing your incantation go lie down, or sith in a comfy chair and start meditating! To make it easier for you to connect with them, red and blue agate could be of help and holding these during meditation (make sure to clean them before using them).

The Dragon you mentioned above seems like a metal dragon (don't know if you've got any special interest in metals?).

Hopefully this has been of any help to ya 3=).

Kind regards