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Extremely Easy Homemade Hot Chocolate

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 10:44 pm
by Deerstep
This recipe is very simple, and very rewarding. In my book, it is quite superior to any Hot Cocoa mix in a store (I'm lookin' at YOU, Swiss Miss.) Excellent fare for a group of small children (or witches who are young-at-heart) after a hard day of playing in the snow. Best served right after everyone's tired of hauling sleds up and down hills and after the last snowfort has been knocked down.

Bar of Chocolate (Any, but not Carob. Doesn't work. If you're vegan, you can probably find a dairy-free bar that uses chocolate.)
Room-Temperature Milk (Any. Hemp Milk is my personal favorite, but I love full-fat cow milk for this as well.)
Sweeteners, whipped cream, and spices, to your liking.

1) Heat chocolate bar in a pot on medium heat until it begins to melt. Don't let it burn!
2) Add your milk slowly about a half a cup at a time. Let it simmer and keep breaking down the chocolate. Stir constantly. Keep adding milk until it is the color and consistency you prefer. Experiment with this as much as you like!
3) Raise the heat, just a little, and add your sweetener. Any spices (like cinnamon) that require high temperatures to bring out their full flavors, add them now.
4) The instant you see bubbles, remove it from the heat.
5) Pour it into a mug. Add whatever things you like adding to chocolate; candy canes, whipped cream, steamed milk, whatever tickles your fancy. For me, a sprinkle of cinnamon and nutmeg does just fine.

The only possible 'wrong' way to do this is if you burn the chocolate in the first step, and even then that's only if you don't like the extra-bitter, coffee-like kick. I prefer using extra dark for this. If you do use extra dark, add a little milk to the pot to help keep the chocolate from turning into a dehydrated clump. It tends to lose moisture quite quickly.

BB, and sip slowly! :fairy:

Re: Extremely Easy Homemade Hot Chocolate

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:31 am
by Bychan Wulf
Wow! This sounds delicious!
Thanks for sharing it!

Re: Extremely Easy Homemade Hot Chocolate

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:47 am
by smogie_michele
This sounds amazing. I just got this brand new and HUGE Christmas coffee mug that says "hot chocolate." Need to do this now :)

Re: Extremely Easy Homemade Hot Chocolate

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 6:50 am
by moonraingirl
Oh my gosh! I'll need new, larger jeans again!