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How to tell when you have a connection with the divine

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 7:46 am
by Newbiewitch94
Hello people i was just wondering is there a way to tell when one is connected to the divine? Im just wondering as the first few times i cast a circle up until i had my little scare while meditating i at least got the sense of like i was vibrating while i was meditating in my circle but since then i have felt nothing so to say. Like the most I've had since is earlier i got what felt like pins and needles in my legs and like id got a pin in my side. Has anyone got any advice on how to reconnect if i have lost my connection

Re: How to tell when you have a connection with the divine

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 8:43 am
by Kassandra

In my opinion, connection is not always a "feeling." Connection can be a knowing. For instance, do we have to "feel" a warm, loving sensation every time we see someone close to us, a parent or a spouse for instance, and if we don't feel it we're no longer connected to that person? Or do we just know we are connected? Yes, it is nice sometimes to feel pleasant sensations, as evidence of connection. But should we base the existence of a connection to something or someone soley on what bodily sensations we feel or don't feel?

For this reason, in many of the meditation teachings of Eastern spiritual paths they teach people to just observe bodily sensations, and never chase after them in our thoughts, never become attached to them. You seem to be discovering that basing your divine connection on how your body feels has become a disappointment and a trap. In fact, some paths teach that you are a reflection of the divine, that you don't have to "connect to it" because it's not something outside of yourself. It's not like an internet connection, where you have to "log on" or else you're offline. Maybe that approach will help so you don't have to chase after a bodily sensation as "proof" of divine connection.

As to the pins and needles sensation in your legs, it just means you need to make some adjustments to your posture while you're meditating. Try to elevate your butt, such that is is positioned higher than your legs. The "butt-higher-than-legs" configuration is why we don't feel pins and needles when we are sitting in a chair, for example. If you are sitting on the floor, just put more pillows under your behind. It will enable better blood circulation between your heart to your legs, and thus alleviate that pins and needles sensation. Also, shift your weight from time to time, from one side to the other. This helps, too.

The best.



Re: How to tell when you have a connection with the divine

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 9:51 am
by Newbiewitch94
Thank you. Maybe i am just over thinking things and probably because on some level im still scared im not fully opening up myself to energy. Could be that i need to just work at it. I think it also dosent help that i know alot of people feel sensations when a circle is cast yet i no longer feel anything which could be caused by the doubt i have in myself.

Re: How to tell when you have a connection with the divine

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 10:34 am
by Kassandra

Yes, to me it seems you're way overthinking it, very in your head. One can't open one's self up to energy when one is "scared" of this or that, trying too hard. One has to be relaxed to sense energy. Work less, not more.

Try doing a "moving meditation" before sitting-meditation or spell work. It might help you to relax, get out of all the worries in your head, and get into experiencing your life in the present moment. It will also help you release pent-up kinetic energy in the body that can be distracting, so that afterward the mind is clear. Some people do moving meditation as an enjoyable, standalone meditation practice by itself.

Moving meditations could be chi-gong, tai chi, or yoga, for instance (in fact, it is said the real purpose of yoga postures is preparation for meditation, not to get in good physical condition, which is a by-product).

Other moving meditations could be walking, jogging, swimming...anything where the movements are somewhat repetitious and produce a relaxing, hypnotic effect.

Some find doing something as simple as taking a long, hot shower helpful to clear the mind and relax the body, making it excellent preparation for meditation and/or spell work.



Re: How to tell when you have a connection with the divine

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 4:57 pm
by SpiritTalker
And maybe try not to think in terms that you lost some former sense-ability, but that you now have the invitation to go deeper; to move beyond what has-been-already-done, and to trust what you cannot feel with the body but must feel with the soul. Spiritual paths usually push us forward just when we think we've blown it. It sucks, but that is pretty common. I think self doubt is a tool the Greater Mind uses to get our attention, y'know, so we shut up and listen.

Re: How to tell when you have a connection with the divine

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 4:59 pm
by Newbiewitch94
Excellent points. I think i will just keep meditating and trying to go deeper practice makes perfect as they say

Re: How to tell when you have a connection with the divine

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 7:34 pm
by corvidus
Kassandra wrote: Moving meditations could be chi-gong, tai chi, or yoga, for instance (in fact, it is said the real purpose of yoga postures is preparation for meditation, not to get in good physical condition, which is a by-product).
I completely agree. The 'deepest' connection I've ever experienced was after an hour or so of yoga, and then meditation.

This is pretty much a basic routine for my more mystical of practices...

Re: How to tell when you have a connection with the divine

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 1:19 pm
by Thomasmariel
Kassandra wrote:.

Yes, to me it seems you're way overthinking it, very in your head. One can't open one's self up to energy when one is "scared" of this or that, trying too hard. One has to be relaxed to sense energy. Work less, not more.

Try doing a "moving meditation" before sitting-meditation or spell work. It might help you to relax, get out of all the worries in your head, and get into experiencing your life in the present moment. It will also help you release pent-up kinetic energy in the body that can be distracting, so that afterward the mind is clear. Some people do moving meditation as an enjoyable, standalone meditation practice by itself.

Moving meditations could be chi-gong, tai chi, or yoga, for instance (in fact, it is said the real purpose of yoga postures is preparation for meditation, not to get in good physical condition, which is a by-product).

Other moving meditations could be walking, jogging, swimming...anything where the movements are somewhat repetitious and produce a relaxing, hypnotic effect.

Some find doing something as simple as taking a long, hot shower helpful to clear the mind and relax the body, making it excellent preparation for meditation and/or spell work.


Those are some good points. One idea is out of context behaviour, like having the same thought but out of normal context, which can motivate the body or mind

Re: How to tell when you have a connection with the divine

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 7:00 am
by Newbiewitch94
Thank you all
I did finally refind my connection to the divine after I stopped letting my fear of the unknown and spirits hold me back.