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Re: Fairly New- Standard Questions

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 3:13 am
by YanaKhan
Hello, CrystalStar.
Please go to the top section and introduce yourself. Thank you.

Re: Fairly New- Standard Questions

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 11:05 pm
by SpiritTalker
Hoping comments are never too late...since you live in an ocean town & feel charged by water & moonlite, you could consider sea witch craft. For BOS planning use a cheap spiral notebook for outline notes. No need to worry about messing up or blots. Then transfer info to your actual BOS. Or use a ring binder & buy printed pages on line & blank pages with printed borders from InkWitch. Study groups at bookstores are a good way to start with like minded others. There is no overseeing authority to say yay or nay so nobody to offend.

To start - build a personalized starter kit
1. Use sea kelp and sea shells, sand, sea water
2. Collect natural stones from different locations. Look for markings & that they’re easy to hold. Water smooth stones aid healing, banded stones aid wishes and stones criss-crossed with map-like lines assist path finding. Stones with holes clean through them are symbols of the womb of the Primordial Mother, protective amulets & good luck. White quartz is all-purpose.
3. Basic Gear: heat-safe incense bowl, any candles & holders, potion cup, offering dish, oil & Sea salt.

Starter exercises
. Practice grounding - anchor your energy-body into the earth; centering - follow your breath to draw power into the belly.
. Extend your psychic senses to greet the genius loci "spirit of the place" where you stand. Leave offerings.
. Practice feeling energy - hold your palms open & facing but not touching. Focus on the space between your hands. Push energy from the belly to your hands👏🏽. Notice any sensations.

Beginning practice
1. Use your starter kit. Make an altar - use symbols of Deity & Nature’s elements of land, sea, sky & fire.
2. Cleanse sacred space by sweeping in a circle ↪️ widdershins; center & project the circle deosil ↩️. Go on with your purpose. Ground yourself to close. A simple circle will dissipate when walked through.
3. At full moons sweep & cast a circle; Moon-gaze 10-mins while a cup of water charges in the moon-light; do divination; drink the moonlight infused water to aid psychism, & even better at the sea shore.
4. At Sabbats - Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane & Lammas sweep &'cast circle, reflect on the spirit of the season & give food/water offerings to the genius loci.

Re: Fairly New- Standard Questions

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 9:21 am
by Lydia
CrystalStar wrote:Also- does anyone have any spells for OCD to maybe inscribe in a grimoire? I keep trying to start a book, but OCD takes over and prevents me from starting one.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder? Spells don't help with mental health problems.
See a psychiatrist and ask for a prescription for the glutamate release inhibitor called riluzole.
It's much more effective than SSRIs, and it doesn't cause PSSD like SSRIs do.

Re: Fairly New- Standard Questions

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 12:57 pm
by moonraingirl
Lydia wrote:
CrystalStar wrote:Also- does anyone have any spells for OCD to maybe inscribe in a grimoire? I keep trying to start a book, but OCD takes over and prevents me from starting one.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder? Spells don't help with mental health problems.
See a psychiatrist and ask for a prescription for the glutamate release inhibitor called riluzole.
It's much more effective than SSRIs, and it doesn't cause PSSD like SSRIs do.
Great reply, Lydia!
Also I want to say from my own experience that religion made my OCD worse, or better said, it caused it. I developed an obsessive need to pray, otherwise, I believed, something terrible would happen to someone from my family.
For now, I'm avoiding that religion which caused my symptoms (Catholic) but I know that I'll have to face it some day. And trust me, more prayer isn't going to help. I tried that already.