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Attention Fellow Canadians, re: Bill C-279

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 8:44 am
by NP
As some of you may know, the senate has recently added an amendment to Bill C-279 rendering it essentially useless.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the bill, due to lack of exposure, or because you aren't Canadian, or you're unfamiliar with the amendment, here is a quick rundown.

Bill C-279 would make gender identity and gender expression protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights. It would thus make life far easier for trans Canadians.

Opponents (such as Senator Don Plett) claim it would give predators free access to private spaces and put children in danger. Some also claim that trans people are already protected based on the protection from discrimination due to sex clause in the Charter, and though there has been some success in using that to protect trans people from discrimination, the language and Canada's stance on the issue must be clear. We must protect against transphobia.
Now to the amendment added by Senator Plett. The Bill passed through parliament, and has been in the Senate for quite awhile now. This month, Senator Plett added an amendment that would prevent trans people from accessing sex-segregated facilities such as washrooms, change room, domestic abuse shelters, etc. Senator Plett has said he considers trans women to be men, and as such they should have no right to access these spaces. We know that's not true.

As a Canadian trans person, I implore you to write, email, phone Senators. Tell them why this isn't right. Tell them why Bill C-279 needs to pass without this horrible amendment.
Estimates say that the Bill will likely remain in stasis for a year, so we have time to fight this. We have time to sway hearts and minds.

We need to make our voices heard. I will be posting about this on other forums I frequent, and I implore you to do the same. We need to be heard.

Thank you.

Re: Attention Fellow Canadians, re: Bill C-279

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:03 pm
by SnowCat
This issue has been fought in the United States. Elementary school children have been victimized for being trans. Being told that you have to identify with your body parts is ridiculous. I didn't know my cousin was transgendered until he/she died last month. Not a lot of contact between Colorado and Texas, but I wouldn't have cared if Jerry had sprouted antennae and polka dots. We are, what we are created to be. No law can dictate creation.
