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Myrth's Musings

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:13 am
by Myrth
This seems like a good place to record some of my thoughts and experiences. 2014 has been a hard year, with the deaths of both my father-in-law and my mother-in-law.

My DH has been grieving, and his own health has faltered. He had a very bad gout flare up at Yule. I have a number of remedies I pull out for acute gout, but this time I added a new one, Epsom salts. I made a solution in hot water, dissolving a bit over a cup in about 5 quarts of hot water, letting it cool to just bearable, and having him soak his foot once per day for three days. The healing was fast, faster even than prescription drugs he has taken for gout in the past. I am impressed by this and note it for future reference. I suspect his gout has a magnesium deficiency as a one of its causes. It is a key nutrient for metabolism.

I have personally found that the last few weeks since my MIL's death have been hard. A week before she died I was thrown from a young horse I am training, and broke some ribs, injured a hip, amongst other things. I was able to do Reiki and it helped greatly, allowing me to heal enough over a few days to return to work. Since her death, however, I have had some problems getting Reiki to flow. Grief impacts us in a variety of ways. I know if I can just do it, just make myself do Reiki, the blockage will clear and the Reiki will help me to heal, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. But it is difficult. So tomorrow, I will make time for me, and for Reiki.

I did some prosperity and abundance magic a few weeks ago. We got some apparent results already. I am thankful for that. I will renew it tomorrow and again regularly in hopes of more positive results.

Here's hoping that 2015 is a good year.

Re: Myrth's Musings

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 4:21 pm
by Myrth
2015 brought more loss. Most significantly, our grandbaby died in a freak accident. It was horrible. The grief has been severe for us, but our daughter is suffering the worst. Add to that, my old horse died of cancer - I had had him since he was a colt. And I also lost my dear old dog who was, quite honestly, my best friend. We have layer upon layer of grief to deal with. My mother is elderly, ailing, and frail. I am bracing for that loss. We have reached that age when death becomes a constant backdrop to life. That is the downside of living to be a crone - the compounding losses one must endure.

The abundance magic has continued to bring about positive changes in our lives. It cannot alter the reality of aging and death. But it has brought some very good aspects to our lives. I will continue to do it.

Reiki has returned despite the grief. Speaking of Reiki, I got a kitten this year who, as it turns out, is an energy worker. When I do Reiki around her, she purrs and then sends energy too - I can feel a powerful surge when she does. She did that for the first time the day I got her and I knew I had found a familiar. Her photo is now my avatar here and on my website. I have given her a Reiki attunement, although I am not sure she needed one - she is a natural when it comes to energy work.

May 2016 bring us all bright and beautiful blessings!

Re: Myrth's Musings

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 5:39 pm
by Becks
There are no words. :(

Re: Myrth's Musings

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 11:44 pm
by smogie_michele
I'm so, so sorry for everything you have gone through this year. I hope this year brings you nothing but healing and joy.

Re: Myrth's Musings

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 9:18 pm
by Myrth
Thank you, Becks and Smogie_Michele.

Re: Myrth's Musings

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 10:22 pm
by Firebird
Hi Myrth, that is a very hard year, sorry for your many losses. Death is not something I think we can ever get used to....and I totally get what you mean about the older we get and it seems much more prevalent.
Light for continued healing to you and your daughter, many hugs to you both.
Blessings, Firebird

Re: Myrth's Musings

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 1:55 pm
by Myrth
Thank you, firebirdflys.