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Beware of Gremlins in your Wastebasket

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:38 am
by Heartsong
~Based on a true story~

I was sitting at my computer, doing a bit of writing after I got home from work, and I heard rustling in the kitchen. Naturally, when one has a gremlin in the home, one's first instinct is to immediately investigate. I got up, tiptoed to the doorway and poked my head in with suspicious squinty eyes. I didn't see anything at first, so a bit puzzled, I took a step forward to peer around the corner of the bar. Another rustle. This one was louder.

I took another step, leaning down to peek around the edge of the table, towards the far wall where the trash can is. It sounded like it was coming from there. Marching over with a determined expression, I put my hands on my hips and leaned down to inspect what I believed to be a large mouse rummaging through my garbage. There are now twenty perfect crescent holes in my ceiling where I jumped up like a scalded cat when something significantly larger popped out.

All I saw at first was the ears, twitching forward like little satellite dishes. Seeing them, I was reassured to some extent, and released myself from the death grip I had on the ceiling. It was, of course, Pippi, my one gremlin army of destruction, and she had apparently burrowed herself well into the trash can in search of sustenance that was more appropriate for her species than the kibble I'd been buying her. Glaring, I folded my arms, trying to look furious, but it wasn't easy. She, however, seemed to be convinced. Slinking out of the trash can and hopping lightly down, she crouched low on her belly and slithered over to her food bowl, glancing back at me as she gave it an imperious sniff, which absolutely belied the chastised appearance she was trying to employ.

Settling back on her haunches, she picked one, tiny piece of the hard food out of the bowl before her ears quivered indignantly. She proceeded to promptly spit it out on the floor next to the bowl and give me a positively venomous look, as if to ask how I could dare and attempt to feed her a meal that was far more fit for the wastebasket she'd just left. I simply stared back at her pointedly. Head bowing, and with a minimum of the grumbling I'd expected to hear, she picked the kibble back up and chomped on it quickly, swallowing it down with a great show of licking her chops distastefully.

Negotiations for the sanctity of both gremlin bellies and their mother's kitchen cleanliness is still ongoing.

Re: Beware of Gremlins in your Wastebasket

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 7:43 pm
by shatteredsouls
Hahaha! Pippi's demanding for yummy human food, how dare you feed her kibble?! :D