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Good questions to ask before joining a coven

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 12:02 pm
by Pinkpower_80
I finally found a coven nearby me, which makes me really excited. I emailed the "leader" last night to ask if it is still in operation. She emailed me back today and invited me to a meeting Wednesday evening from 6-9pm with the rest of the coven. Now I just need to talk my fiance into taking me there since I can't drive, but that's another set of issues lol.
What are some good questions I can ask to find out if it's a good fit? Basically, all I know at this point is that they focus on Celtic beliefs, which is what drew me to it. I REALLY want to join a coven. I'm solitary, but not by choice. It would do me a world of good to belong to something so special. I want to make a good first impression and I want to ask the right questions.

Blessed Be,
Pink :fairy:

Re: Good questions to ask before joining a coven

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 3:47 pm
by Firebird ... cs&id=2877

The above is a link to Issac Bonewits cult danger evaluation. Posted by him at the Witchvox site.
[EDIT=and now that Witchvox is gone try this link for the same info]

I suggest you read it over before going to meet them, so you can have an idea of what you are looking out for, other than what he has laid out, see how you mesh, perhaps see if you can circle with them a time or two or more before making any long term commitment.
Good luck! How exciting!
Bb, Firebird

Re: Good questions to ask before joining a coven

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 4:44 pm
by Pinkpower_80
Thanks Firebird. Somehow I knew you'd be the first to reply to me here, as I was hoping. :fairy:
I found this coven on the witchvox site, and I like that the lady replied to me quickly. I will check out that link!
I am super excited because I have wanted to be in a coven for a long time. I don't want my enthusiasm to cause me to make the wrong decision though, which is why I asked you lovely folks. <3

Re: Good questions to ask before joining a coven

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:51 pm
by Echo_of_shadows
Echo's Tumblr dashboard to the rescue! :lol: Here's another link from Tumblr that might help: ... -leader-if
If you can find any books for covens, borrow them to not only prepare yourself for coven work, but to also see if there's a list of potential questions to ask. "Coven Craft: Witchcraft for Three or More" by Amber K is a decent place to start. You can buy it on Amazon for about $5. That's cheaper than what I paid for it when I ordered it in May. :annoyed:
This may sound kind of out there, but you might want to ask how involved with member's personal lives these people get. Not every High Priestess is the lemon that my former High Priestess is, but getting too involved can turn sour. It's cool to be friends outside the covenstead, but there's just some things you shouldn't involve your friends in.
You might want to get to know these people in both a coven and non-coven setting. Ask yourself if these are people you would befriend if you weren't going to be working in a coven with them. Ask yourself if you think you'll still feel the same about them in 5 or 10 years. A coven is supposed to feel like family and give you good vibes. If anything feels off, please look for other options.

Re: Good questions to ask before joining a coven

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:29 am
by Pinkpower_80
Thank you Echo! I wrote those questions down so I won't forget. I don't know where I could borrow a book about covens but I'll do more research.
I've seen you post about you lemon HP before, I would love to avoid that lol. I want to be involved in a coven, but you are right that there is a line that should be drawn. I spent enough time in a church that wanted to control everything & everyone so I'm not too eager to do that again!
The first meeting is their monthly meet & greet with prospective newbies and it will be at a restaurant. She even told me I could bring my family if I want, which made me happy. My 4yo won't let me out of her sight & isn't used to me going anywhere without her. My fiance will be driving me. She said she will have a coloring book & crayons for Charlotte, and that my fiance is welcome to sit and ask her questions too. I have a good feeling about it since she is already being so open and I can usually get vibes from people even through email. I hope I'm right!

Re: Good questions to ask before joining a coven

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:00 pm
by Firebird
That sounds really positive, Pink... crossing my fingers for you.
Echo, really good advise, thanks for bringing up the part about ...would you be friends with these people outside of circle.
I forgot to mention, there is another book similar to Amber K. .
..Is "wicca covens", by Judy Harrow. These books are great for starting your own groups, but they also outline what a coven is all about.
bb, FF

Re: Good questions to ask before joining a coven

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 12:20 pm
by Pinkpower_80
I get to go! As long as this spider bite on my boob doesn't get any worse between now & then. :surprisedwitch: It's turning kinda black around the bite so I'm kinda freaking out.
My mom has my little one until Friday, so tonight is perfect timing and I really don't want a thing like a spider bite ruin it for me!

Re: Good questions to ask before joining a coven

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 12:32 pm
by Firebird
Oh crap girl! Have you taken a benadryl? Also put a baking powder paste on it to draw out the poison.
Crossing my fingers for you

Re: Good questions to ask before joining a coven

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 12:42 pm
by Pinkpower_80
firebirdflys wrote:Oh crap girl! Have you taken a benadryl? Also put a baking powder paste on it to draw out the poison.
Crossing my fingers for you
Thanks! I took a Benadryl about an hour ago, but I will try the baking soda paste too. My whole boob feels all tingly, in a bad way lol. It actually kept me up most of last night. I think the black area is more of a bruise than dying tissue. It doesn't really hurt per se, it's just very uncomfortable. I know for a fact that necrotic tissue hurts like hell. My right ovary twisted & turned necrotic when I was pregnant with Charlotte. Scary, painful stuff!

Re: Good questions to ask before joining a coven

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 12:57 pm
by Firebird
Ugh, miserable stuff to go through. :cry:
I'm not really sure how a reculse spider bite might manifest, (on the very off chance it was one of those) but if you loose tissue in the area at a rather fast rate...get to the ER.
Ice might help some too.
Fingers still crossed.

Re: Good questions to ask before joining a coven

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 1:58 pm
by Pinkpower_80
Thanks FF, I'm keeping an eye on it. I think I'm going to mark around the dark part so I can better monitor the spreading. At first, my fiance thought it might have been a brown recluse, but it happened 3 days ago so I think it would be A LOT worse by now had it been that kind. I just took a nice, cool shower and it seemed to help ease the agitation of it.