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The Craft - Binding spell?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 8:11 pm
by Sakura Blossom
So, I'm REALLY glad we have this forum now, because it's a lot better for this question I've been meaning to ask and bring up.

I've always been interested in the movie "The Craft" because in terms of movies and pop culture I've seen, it seems mostly accurate (save, of course, for all the flying and all that). I did read somewhere that there was someone who practiced Wicca or something of the sort, who helped keep it accurate for the movie but used a fake God in hopes of not insulting anyone with it.

ANYWAYS, one of the spells from this movie that I really was curious about, was binding where Sarah binds the picture of Nancy to keep her from doing harm to herself and to others.

Do you think this might actually work? I wouldn't want to interfere with free will, of course, but to do something to keep others from hurting themselves, say for like... Depression or something of the sort?

And as a side note, I like how they touch on Natural Witches, which I've seen another thread floating around about that.

Re: The Craft - Binding spell?

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 9:30 am
by Xiao Rong
Do you think this might actually work? I wouldn't want to interfere with free will, of course, but to do something to keep others from hurting themselves, say for like... Depression or something of the sort?
Hmm, I don't know about depression (in my book, it's a totally different animal). I prefer the thought of using binding spells against people whom you can't exactly banish from your life, but are abusive to you and others whom you'd like to stop. At any rate, I do like the binding spell in the Craft, perhaps because it sounds so hypnotic ... ("I bind you, Nancy, from doing harm / Harm against other people and harm against yourself / I bind you, Nancy, from doing harm ...")

Re: The Craft - Binding spell?

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 11:06 am
by Sakura Blossom
[quote="Xiao Rong"][/quote]

Yeah, that's true. Though, having suffered from depression I thought it might fit rather well, but I'm still not sure. Haha. I'd have to look into it a bit more. You could always change the wording a bit too, who knows? And with depression, it is abuse to yourself if you're wanting to harm your body or something along those lines, so that's why I was thinking like that.

I do love it, it is so hypnotic but it also sounds really powerful too. I just liked it a lot. And, of course, I always tried to do the pencil thing she did in the movie. This movie was the one that got me into really wanting to explore real witchcraft.


Re: The Craft - Binding spell?

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 12:57 pm
by loona wynd
You can bind some one from self harm which is what you are talking about with depression (and self harm is a separate mental health issue....). The spell Nancy does says "Harm against others and harm against yourself". So it would be effective if that is what you are trying to do-stop self harming behavior. In the movie Nancy was doing harm to herself she just wasn't seeing it. Sarah did see it though.

I have heard of many witches using that binding spell effectively. It would be worth a shot to give it a try.

However if they are self harming themselves then a spell to get them help would be a better choice. Self injurious behavior occurs often times because the person doing the behavior feels so much pain inside that they can't get it out through words or tears or any emotion. The physical pain or injurious they do to themselves provide them that relief they need.

Re: The Craft - Binding spell?

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 1:07 pm
by loona wynd
Xiao Rong wrote:Hmm, I don't know about depression (in my book, it's a totally different animal).
I agree. self harm and depression while related are seperate issues that when treated properly take different routes of treatment. Magically there are ways to address depression without using bindng. It would depend on the issue that spirred the depression though.
Xiao Rong wrote:I prefer the thought of using binding spells against people whom you can't exactly banish from your life, but are abusive to you and others whom you'd like to stop.
This is another good point. She still had to deal with Nancy as a classmate. The actions she was takking would protect the rest of their classmates from Nancy's nasty magic work. She had already killed two people at that time.
Xiao Rong wrote: At any rate, I do like the binding spell in the Craft, perhaps because it sounds so hypnotic ... ("I bind you, Nancy, from doing harm / Harm against other people and harm against yourself / I bind you, Nancy, from doing harm ...")
I have used it on some one who was harassing me and my friends. The behavior didn't stop, it just wasn't directed at me or my friends any more.

Re: The Craft - Binding spell?

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 1:42 pm
by Sakura Blossom
That's what I was thinking, and self harm isn't always a separate mental health issue. It does come along with depression at times, I am quite familiar with it as I've had personal experience (not with myself, but with someone close to me and I did at one point consider doing it with my depression) and I've done research into it being in the psychology field. It's something that I would like to keep on hand, as I tend to be friends with others who struggle with mental health just the same as I do. So it's more a precautionary measure for me, which is why I was curious. (:

And of course! I wouldn't even do a spell to help them, I would do my best to help outside of magic work to get them help. Having worked/volunteered within the mental health field for the past two years already, I would rather help than do a spell. The binding would just be an extra aide, until I was able to get them the help they need. I have the resources available to do that, thankfully, but I'd use the spell as an additional aid with the situation, just for extra energy and help.

I'm not dealing with anyone who has this going on at the moment, though, it's just for future references. (: And I was curious if it could work the same for that. I was thinking yes, but wanted to see others takes on it.

Re: The Craft - Binding spell?

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 4:10 pm
by Lillady
This is one of my favorite movies. Anyhow to answer the question here binding spells do work, this one in particular, I have never tried it but have heard of others who have and were successful. Just like any other spell the words and energy you have behind it are what creates the magick. If you twerk the words to make them work for you then do so. Binding someone from doing harm to themselves or others is a good thing. Depression stinks and many things happen within one's mind when you are depressed, including suicidal type thoughts, anger, lashing out etc. By binding someone it is a preventitive measure so bad cannot happen. I wish you luck if you decide to try it. Blessed Be.

Re: The Craft - Binding spell?

Posted: Mon May 26, 2014 4:41 pm
by Sakura Blossom
Yes, this is why I was asking. (: I was thinking that you could just tweak the wording a bit, and make it fit to the situation you need it for, and so I'm glad I'm not the only one in this thought process! (:
And I do love this movie too! It's one of my favorites about witchcraft and magic. I also really like The Covenant, even though that's not really witchcraft exactly, but dang those men are fine. Haha.

Anyways! Yes. (: I suffer from depression but not so much anymore, but I do have friends that do, some worse than others, so I remembered it and thought it might be something good to keep on hand for that reason. (:

Re: The Craft - Binding spell?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 1:30 pm
by Echo_of_shadows
If I remember correctly from the behind the scenes footage on the DVD version of The Craft, it was Fairuza Balk (Nancy) that helped with some of the real craft aspects of the movie. I believe she was a practising Wiccan at the time the movie was made. I'd go double check that, but I no longer own the DVD version. I own a copy on VHS. blue_shocked
Sakura Blossom wrote:This movie was the one that got me into really wanting to explore real witchcraft.
Same here! :)
I would try it in conjunction with prayers asking for help that is for the person's greatest good. Don't forget the mundane stuff too. If the person in question won't seek help, ask friends loved ones to intervene.

Re: The Craft - Binding spell?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 3:36 pm
by Sakura Blossom
Oh, really? I thought they brought in someone else and Fairuza only helped? I could be wrong. I know she is still Wiccan, though, she has a store she owns. (: I looked at it when I found out she actually was! So I was happy that it was close to accurate with some things, because it wasn't making unrealistic expectations. Well, it kinda did, but hopefully what I'm trying to explain makes some sense. haha!

Oh, yes! The movie had some good advice hidden away in it, and I just... I love that movie. I mean, I don't like the movie itself, I personally get a bit bored when I watch it, but the witchcraft in it is what I love to see. (:

Re: The Craft - Binding spell?

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 9:18 am
by loona wynd
According to her IMDB bio she no longer runs the store and sold it to her co-owner a few years ago.

Re: The Craft - Binding spell?

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 12:01 pm
by Sakura Blossom
Ah, alright. That would explain why it's still up and I saw the website. Haha. I thought it was her, but I guess not. (: Thanks.

Re: The Craft - Binding spell?

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 2:13 pm
by loona wynd
Sakura Blossom wrote:Ah, alright. That would explain why it's still up and I saw the website. Haha. I thought it was her, but I guess not. (: Thanks.
She did own it for a few years. And it was her that brought in the other Wicca experts to help where she couldn't from her contacts in the area.

Any way this is getting off topic. I created a topic just for discussion of the movie and its impact on our practices and witchcraft so maybe we should move the discussion over there.