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Music in strange places

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:42 pm
by ness
This one is out of my journal. I thought I should share it here.

Feel free to add if someone has had some wonderful/out of the world experiences while travelling.
It is an amazing feeling when you experience music in the strangest places. When that happens, music elevates the beauty of the place. Your experience of the place turns magical and sometimes only a tear can express how blessed you feel. I am lucky to have had this happen to me twice! Actually, I think I am blessed to have witnessed such beauty!

1. When I visited Portland, I went to Multnomah Falls. It was a slightly cloudy day and looked like rain had visited the falls before I did. Rain makes everything new. The plants, trees, mush, and leaves were radiant green and they looked happy. With the constant sound of waterfall, that place looked like a place out of a fairy tale.
While I was trying to take it all in, I suddenly heard music of an instrument. I didn't know what it was and it took me a while to realize that the music was real. I turned to look and I saw a group of people playing bagpipes. They walked to the falls as they played the music. I took one more look at the water falling on rocks, at the leaves, at all that was green, at the grey clouds... while the music of bagpipes filled that place. Suddenly I was in a place called heaven...

When I got back home I read about the bagpipers.
Every year, The Sherlock Holmes Society of Portland holds Reichenbach Day, a commemoration of the death of Sherlock Holmes at the hands of the fiend Professor Moriarty. Members of the Society, clad in Victorian mourning attire, and accompanied by a bagpiper, will proceed to Multnomah Falls at 11:40 AM exactly.

who knew! I never knew bagpipes sounded so magical! I don't if I should call it a coincedence that I was there, that day, at that exact time, to experience something like that.

Re: Music in strange places

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:46 pm
by ness
2. I recently visited Antelope canyon in Navajo Parks and Recreation. I visited during winter. It was cold but the place was less crowded than it would be in summer. That's a treat. As our guide was walking us through the canyon and pointing people with cameras to the right photographic spots, I heard flute music. If I have to put it in any mild words, I think my heart stopped a beat. I stood there surrounded by the canyon walls as the flute music was travelling through the narrow spaces. I just couldn't handle the feeling it brought over me. I stood there facing the direction of the music while others moved on. I thought I would break down and cry... to be among a wonder, among the walls shaped by water, among the dark, cold corridors of deep earth... and to hear a flute music! How can one describe it in words? It was just one of the most surreal moments of my life.

I finally found the source of the music. One of the Native American tour guides was playing a Native American double flute. My guide told us that Navajo tribes believe that it's inappropriate to play music within the canyon walls, for they fear they would wake up the sleeping rocks... this person who played flute was from a different tribe.

Re: Music in strange places

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 9:13 pm
by Jen
Those are beautiful stories! Thanks for sharing your experince.

Re: Music in strange places

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 11:19 am
by ness
Thank you, Jen. I feel very blessed to experience such coincidences.