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The Littlest Gremlin

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:15 am
by Heartsong
Just a little short piece that was inspired by my dogs' antics. Enjoy. :)

Warm sunlight washing over one, honey-colored ear was the first thing she noticed. That ear quivered once, the long, wide appendage quivering as a second lifted, and it looked as though her head had been framed by two, ginormous bat-wings. Barely cracking open one, caramel eye, the small dog burrowed her nose deeper into her tummy, unwilling to relinquish the hard-won warmth that deliciously covered every strand of fur from tail to snout to pad.

No, it felt waaaaaaay too good to remain curled on the plush pillow than get up just yet.

At least, it did right up until four, teeny tiny paws landed hard on her delightfully warm belly!

Eyes bulging, her head jerked up with a yelp, all four legs scrambling in a tangle of paws and claws as she desperately tried to roll away from the defiler of her sleepy glow time. There was a ripping sound, and another startled yip that she couldn't be sure was from her or the perpetrator. Either way it echoed in her voluminous ears as, with a squeak, the solid mattress disappeared. She fell with a loud OOMPH on the floor, the wind knocked out of her as she blinked, stunned. She stared up towards the now seemingly ridiculous height of the bed, wondering at both its sudden vastness so far above her, and at the multitude of white, fluffy feathers that were floating lazily in the morning sunlight.

Bright, glittering black eyes peered over the edge of the bed. A very small black nose eased out over the side of the mattress, twitching madly. It was soon framed by small, sweetly flopped ears, nearly identical in color to her own, although far less in stature. In a blur of black and tan fur, the tiny creature sprung, launching from where it had crouched over her and flopping itself across her already pained abdomen, forcing another whoosh of non-existent air out of her mouth.

Then she was nose to nose with her assailant, who was staring down at her, curled tail wagging furiously.

"Morning, Pippi!" came the horribly cheerful, youthfully exuberant greeting. "Morning, morning, morning, morning!"

Pippi wheezed, gulping precious air back into her slender frame as she wriggled her paws until she could shove the tiny terror off. Rolling over, she staggered to her feet, coughing.

"Fidget...evil...assassin...death," she gasped, eyes wide as she let herself sort of flop into a sitting position next to the bed.

Content to remain prone on the floor, Fidget dropped her head between her front paws, tilting it slightly as she watched Pippi slowly recover her breath, the tip of her tail slowly brushing back and forth against the inky fur that covered her back.

"Better, now?" she asked brightly, to which Pippi snorted, shifting to scratch furiously behind her left ear.

"Blasted gremlin," the older dog muttered under her breath, slinking away beneath the bed irritably.

Her tail still flicking back and forth in lingering excitement, Fidget rose up with her nose furiously twitching again. If she wasn't mistaken, there was a trace of bacon in the air. Someone always poured the grease over their dog food when it'd cooled. The thought made her little mouth water, and she immediately scampered off towards the kitchen. Her successful campaign definitely deserved that kind of reward.

Re: The Littlest Gremlin

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:38 pm
by Xiao Rong
Heartsong, this is the most adorable thing ever! I love it!!!

Re: The Littlest Gremlin

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 1:46 pm
by Heartsong
Aw, thank you. ^_^

Re: The Littlest Gremlin

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 11:57 am
by Alura Noel
This is so cute! The way you described the story I could picture it perfectly!

Re: The Littlest Gremlin

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 11:59 am
by Heartsong
Thank you, Alura! They get into so much trouble, but then they have moments like these when they're so damned adorable, I can't be anything but charmed by them. :)

Re: The Littlest Gremlin

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 7:37 pm
by shatteredsouls
This is so adorable! I can picture them happening. I hope to adopt a puppy someday when I'm living alone and have enough space for the puppy to run around :D