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Very offended

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 7:01 pm
by __Oracle__
I have friends from many different religious backgrounds. One of my close friends is an atheist and he dates a girl who is from a Catholic background. She gets very offended and annoyed with my husband on Facebook because he jokes about the devil and stuff. ( my husband is an atheist too). She got so upset that she wrote a status saying " So you know what Christmas is a CHRISTIAN holiday, if you are not a christian then you should not celebrate, the end" she took it down shortly after but I really could not help but be offended and see her in a completely different light. I think it is extremely ignorant to say oh Christmas is for Christians only. I have always celebrated Christmas with my family. And I love everything about Christmas ! Sorry for the rant just had to get it off my chest. I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday .

Re: Very offended

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 9:31 pm
by SnowCat
Has this chick ever looked at the origins of the holiday?


Re: Very offended

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 1:18 am
by __Oracle__
I want so badly to say something to her !!! I have nothing against Christianity. I grew up in a Christian house hold. She has no idea that their are many Christmas traditions that are actually pagan ! I know fighting with her will only create even more distance then there already is from our friend. She controls everything he does !

Re: Very offended

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 1:27 am
by __Oracle__
Sorry for the negativity , I don't hate her. She is just not someone I would go out of my way to be around. I wish their was some way I could not come off as sounding mean to her.

Re: Very offended

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 3:02 am
by Firebird
Ummmm I don't think you sound mean, you sound like you are on a reasonable rant. It's hard to be around people who are negative to what we do. It doesn't surprise me that she is controlling, I feel that Christianity is overtly controlling in it's's kinda how we got where we are today...look at politics nowadays ...ugh.

Re: Very offended

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 8:16 pm
by AnaisStar
I think you have a right to be offended. She is clearly speaking from ignorance (on many levels).

I grew up Catholic and still celebrate Christmas but more for the joy and traditions of my youth.

Re: Very offended

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 12:41 am
by __Oracle__
AnaisStar wrote:I think you have a right to be offended. She is clearly speaking from ignorance (on many levels).

I grew up Catholic and still celebrate Christmas but more for the joy and traditions of my youth.
It is hard to argue with people like that because their minds are so closed that they cannot think outside their bibles. Which she clearly has not read all the way through. Both my parents were Christians but never baptized me because they wanted me to have a choice when I got older. I just found Christianity to oppressive.

Re: Very offended

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:04 am
by __Oracle__
firebirdflys wrote:Ummmm I don't think you sound mean, you sound like you are on a reasonable rant. It's hard to be around people who are negative to what we do. It doesn't surprise me that she is controlling, I feel that Christianity is overtly controlling in it's's kinda how we got where we are today...look at politics nowadays ...ugh.
She is super controlling ! Lately it seems as if she is trying to distance him from us because we are "bad influences".I wish their was something I could do to break her negative hold :-/. I don't even follow politics anymore to be honest, it upsets me to much.

Re: Very offended

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:14 pm
by Lillady
Well you could always show her this for proof :) LOL! Seriously though I can see where you are offended, I would be too.

Re: Very offended

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 12:41 am
by __Oracle__
Lillady wrote:Well you could always show her this for proof :) LOL! Seriously though I can see where you are offended, I would be too.

I should post this to Facebook lol. But I won't because I know a few others who would cause me some trouble over it. I will just let her stay in her ignorant bubble for now but I can only be quiet for so long. I'm so tired of them saying how evil wicca and paganism is, its like have you ever read how much violence is in the bible??? That book terrified me as a child. We are some of the most friendly people they will meet ! We just pray in a different way! I never look down on anyone for what they believe in but when they start attacking my beliefs I just can't be quiet anymore .

Re: Very offended

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 6:00 am
by Lillady
I defintely understand where you are coming from. I didnt really come out about my beliefs fully until several years ago. Since I feel a lot more secure, not everyone is like that though as we all have our own situations. I am just the type of person now where if you can't like me for what I believe in then that is not true love or friendship. We are all unique and beautiful no matter the belief in our higher power(s). I do giggle though on almost a daily basis when I see posts or hear about us being evil, worshipping Satan (Hello, do not believe in him LOL) etc. To each his own :) You will feel it as you already are when the time is right to not be, like you said, quiet anymore.