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Psychometry Tips?

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 12:21 pm
by raynelae
I'm interested in practicing psychometry and was wondering if anyone has some advice for me.
Thank you! Bright blessings :)

Re: Psychometry Tips?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 3:17 pm
by p3nathan
I find it helps to meditate beforehand, try to clear your mind as much as you can. See if you can borrow a few objects from people or use something that has perhaps been given to you from a while back...then you can ask them about it accurate to see if your visions/senses have any meaning. Sit with it, close your eyes, feel it in your hands and let the essence of the object wash over you: how it feels, smells etc. Then just see if anything pops into your mind.

I find with any psychic ability, clearing your mind is half the battle. So regular meditation is greatly beneficial when doing these sorts of things :)

Re: Psychometry Tips?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 6:51 pm
by Firebird
Hey Ray...this is one sense I haven't honed well at all. I had a real bad experience at a natural history museum in L.A. once, and I haven't really opened my self up to it much since then. What happened is ...there was this mirror from the Aztec or Mayan culture I don't remember now, the reflective part was made up of lots of broken bits of shell (as I recall) The piece grabbed up my attention right away. I stood there transfixed or something and went into a deep skrying trance. I began to see blood and hear people screaming and screeching for their lives, horrible whaling and sense of desperation.

I couldn't snap out of it...the friend I was with, sensed my dilemma and said "common we gotta get out of here" I had absorbed all the pain it was associated with and I found myself crying and breathless, my heart rate was a million miles a second...we went outside and I sat on the something to eat a drink,...that helped. But it scared the holy you know what out of me and I have tried to stay away from that sort of thing nowadays. I think some sort of personal protection should be in place before you go opening yourself up to unknown energy...I didn't think of that when I started skrying on the piece. Just my 2 cents.

So maybe someone who has more info on this will be of more help
Blessings on your endeavor Ray, Firebird

Re: Psychometry Tips?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 8:53 pm
by raynelae
Thank you both! Yes, Firebird, it sort of scares me because I tend to pick up on emotions/negative energy and let them bother me. I shield daily, however, and that does help some. Now for an update...I went to a friend's house and asked her if I could practice my psychometry. She gave me a necklace she always wears. I held it in my hand and just knew (I can't explain was just a knowing.) that it symbolized her dedication to the military. Mind you, she had never discussed with me why she wore the necklace until then. I was so accurate I almost scared her lol.
Bright blessings!

Re: Psychometry Tips?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 12:11 am
by earth_love
@firebirdflys, I seriously got chills reading your post! Aggh! I read something online, it was a similar story. An antique mirror from a house that had a fire & 1 person sadly died in that fire. New owner of mirror had nightmares of fire & screams. Your story blows me away. I love museums & no wonder I felt very strange looking at some ancient objects. I never even realized, until now. firebirdflys, was it also a mosaic, it sounds like in your description? The shells were the "mirror?" Anyways, I'm glad u were okay. What u saw was terrifying, I'm sure!

Re: Psychometry Tips?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 12:25 am
by earth_love
@raynelae..That's really amazing, with your friend's necklace. Do u get 1 quick, short point, like "military" or do u feel a lot of different things, when u hold item?

Re: Psychometry Tips?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 12:48 pm
by Firebird
Yes It was chips of something reflective in moasic type application, maybe even mica... just remember feeling so horrified.
Another museum piece smacked me with emotion was a traveling Smithsonian tour, in this collection was Abraham Lincoln's top hat, but that's not what got me, there behind a glass case was a leather shirt from the Ghost Dance, it was a pale beige with blue stars as I recall, the feeling of utter sadness and despair smacked me like a freight train, I burst into tears and had to excuse myself, (I was a chaperone for my daughters field trip, that was embarrassing). I think because I tend to shield more regularly now might be why I'm less affected anymore. But just thinking of that shirt got me emotional right now, so it may be more of I knew what it was associated with, the mirror had no details like the terror I felt and saw in it's description, it was just a mirror.
Ps, sure hope Ray comes back some day.

Re: Psychometry Tips?

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2021 2:05 pm
by Coven
raynelae wrote: Fri May 24, 2013 12:21 pm I'm interested in practicing psychometry and was wondering if anyone has some advice for me.
Thank you! Bright blessings :)
I don't have any advice ~ it just happens for me ~ i just think in my head that I'm going to do psychometry on this object and it always works.

I used to pull on a palm tree leaf everyday when I went out of my apartment and then one day I didn't feel like reading my oracle cards ~ so I just did psychometry on the whole deck ~ and I got a very clear message from the palm tree