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First Guardian Angel Experience!

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 3:26 am
by Witchy333
Yesterday, I bought the book 'Ask Your Guides: How to Contact Your Angels and Spirit Helpers' by Sonia Choquette In the book, before she writes about contacting your guides, she writes about contacting your angels because it is meant to be easier. I did the exercises and I did the prayer before bed and in the morning to meet my guardian angel. To my surprise, in the middle of the day, I spoke to my guardian angel and received the name, telepathically, 'Kalafina'. And then I closed my eyes to sense my guardian angel to realise that he was standing at the front of my bed. It was just so breathtaking because I have never experienced this. I can now sense positive spirits as well, thanks to this book (I used to only be able to sense negative spirits and not positive spirits).

Yesterday night, when I was going to bed, I felt my guardian angel 'spooning' me, if you will. I felt his protective arms around me as I fell asleep. I was so happy and began talking to him. But then I forgot that he was there when I fell asleep, but remembered I was being protected by Kalafina.

Right now, Kalafina is sitting next to me as I type on this computer. I wonder if he'll come to me one day in human form. Just now as well, I asked Kalafina if his name was really that; I said 'if your name is Kalafina, make my entire body warm up, if not, make it cold' and my entire body, especially my heart, warmed up. That was confirmation that I indeed have connected to my guardian angel.

Well, I am glad that I bought the book and I am glad that I met my guardian angel. I recommend the book to anyone who has trouble contacting their guides and angels, and to even the advanced ones who speak to them daily. In the beginning of the book, it also talks about feeding your spirit and sensing people's vibrations and by doing so, learning about their personality (I learnt a lot about my mother from just tuning into her vibration frequency). The book also talk about different kinds of angels and different kinds of guides.

Please share your first guardian angel experiences too! :D

EDIT - Can guardian angels be funny? I know guides can, but I don't know about angels. This is because I just asked for a sign that he is here, and he began rocking my head back and forth. So I shut my eyes, and I could see his figure in my mind's eye doing it. Really weird. So I moved and tried to keep still and he began rocking my head again. Haha.

Re: First Guardian Angel Experience!

Posted: Sun May 08, 2016 10:19 am
by SpiritTalker
My guardian angel has been riding shotgun all my life.

Example: our family visited Niagra Falls when I was 5. Being a short, skinny kid I could not see over the stone wall that supported the iron railing, so I climbed up and over the rail and could have gone right on over the Falls but for the invisible arm supporting me around my waist before dad snatched me back.

in my teens sis and I were helping dad with a roofing project. She hit a tack cockeyed and it flew up and hit me square between the eyes. My head was held firmly on each side by two invisible hands over my ears, to position it so the tack didn't hit an eye. I still have the dent in the bone from the tack.

Same thing happened a few years ago when I fell backward down a flight of steps. Two invisible hands supported my neck and shoulders when I hit bottom head first to prevent a broken neck.

I worked at a summer camp & 2 friends and I were caught in our canoe on Lk Huron in a sudden storm. We had to go to deep water to avoid the waves crashing over us close to shore, and we were 2 miles from camp. I told the others we would make it safely and I knew because my GA told me. My paddle had broken so I took the task of bailing. The camp staff had people standing arm to arm on the shore searching for us when we literally blew in to shore and beached the canoe.

At least twice a voice has shouted out when I was driving to divert me from other drivers who caused highway accidents. And once an arm became visible and pointed in time to stop me from driving over a cliff in the desert that I could not see.

Angel, I owe you! :wink: