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Do you think Texas will ever let gay marriage become legal?

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:58 am
I think Texas is the most conservative state in the country.. We still have Blue Laws. We are a Republican state with a asshole for a governor.. who is a xtain to the core.. As is most of the state.

However, we have a major LGBT amount of citizens here.. We deserve the right to marry. I just wonder, because we are the largest (besides Alaska) state and we are the only state in the US who can break away from the US and be its own republic. And IF that happens, we are taking dramatic steps backwards to ensure that we won't be able to have the rights to marry. I love our constitution. It states that we have the right to pursue happiness. Well, marrying the one you love, would be doing that. I just don't get it. (or handfasting) ..

Will Texas be the last to pass the law? If ever?


Re: Do you think Texas will ever let gay marriage become leg

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 9:24 am
by Xiao Rong
Well, I don't know if this will happen, but it is possible that the Supreme Court will overturn the Defense of Marriage Act and basically all states will have to recognize gay marriage (as they did about 50 years ago, with Loving vs. Virginia and interracial marriage). Although the current Supreme Court is pretty conservative and may not pass such a ruling, if marriage discrimination is declared unconstitutional, perhaps we won't need to wait until each and every state decides to pass marriage equality.

Re: Do you think Texas will ever let gay marriage become leg

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 3:49 pm
by HippieWitch
It will happen, but it will take some time. May not be in any of our lifetimes even. But, everyone in the LBGT community needs to be a part of the changes, not sit back and hope. Years ago after I came out I helped run an LGBT support group in Knoxville, TN. Now, the LBGT community is somewhat more open since the group helped many people get past the point of wanting to just hope for change and got them to make the changes. Keep in mind this is a state run by bible thumpers, so any progress is good.