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Dreamer's Forest

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:20 am
by Forest Girl
I hope it is okay to post excerpts of my novels here.

FROM "A Bridge in the Forest", CHAPTER 7 - Metamorphosis (pages 136 & 137) :

Dreamer pulled the hood of her cloak all the way back off her head and away from her shoulders. He nearly dropped her. “What is this?” he demanded. His voice became hard and angry. “What kind of game are you playing? Why all the lies, Lily?”

Lily blinked in surprise. “Huh? What is what? What do mean?” She started coming out from her trance.

“Did you think you could hide it from us?” His voice was low, but full of accusation.

“Dreamer, what are you talking about? What did I do?” The pain was slowly easing away. She felt nauseated again.

Dreamer took her by the shoulders and looked her straight in the eye. “You told us you are human.”

“I am.”

“Stop lying!” Dreamer pulled the startled girl to her feet and hauled her back to the river. She saw her reflection in the water and immediately saw why he was so upset. She doubled over holding her stomach and breathing hard.

Lily stared at the young fairy in the water. She recognized her own face. That was all that was familiar. She began shaking; she reached up and touched the tip of her pointed ears and then one of the delicate silvery antennae.

She gasped when from behind her, Dreamer unexpectedly ripped the back of her T-shirt, revealing delicate blue and green wings on her back.

“Explain this,” he demanded. He reminded Lily of a courtroom prosecutor presenting devastating evidence against a criminal.

She had no answer. Lily’s hold on her world back home was gone. Looking at her reflection she saw a truth she wasn’t ready to deal with. She was frightened. Lily heard the sound of the roaring ocean in her head. She felt herself losing her balance. Then everything went black.

Dreamer caught Lily before she fell to the ground.

FROM "A Promise in the Forest", CHAPTER FIVE - Otherworld Vacation (pages 94 - 96):

The friends visited two major department stores, two shoe stores, a music shop, two book stores, a sporting goods store, and a candy shop. The expedition was going well until they passed the pet store.

Dexy stopped and stared; her face went pale. Dreamer and Nicholas stopped also and looked shocked.

Lily kept walking. She couldn’t stand to be near the store. Hearing the thoughts of all the animals at once was too much for her to bear. The twins and her brother knew that; they always skipped the pet store.

“What is this place?” Dexy asked horrified.

“It’s a pet store,” Amanda said. “People come here to buy pets, animals they keep at home as companions. Why does it upset you?”

“Look at the poor creatures; they are prisoners in these small cages! Where are their mothers?” She pressed her nose against the window. “Look at the kittens and the puppies.” Then Dexy looked in through the door and saw the rest of the animals. “This is an outrage!”

Lily looked down the corridor at her friend. She could see where it was going, but Lily wouldn’t move from her spot. She was already having difficulty blocking the voices in her head.

“Dexy let’s go,” Will said calmly.

“No William, I will not!” Dexy charged into the store and asked loudly. “Who is responsible for keeping these animals incarcerated? Who is responsible for keeping the young ones separated from their mothers?”

Several customers looked at her in surprise. The store clerk raised his hand. “Uh, can I help you miss?”

“Yes, you will set these animals free at once.”

Will, Nicholas, and Amanda hurried in after Dexy. Alyssa and Dreamer stayed with Lily.

The store clerk looked at Dexy like she was crazy. “Miss, will you please leave the store?” he asked calmly.

“No! I will not go until you free these poor creatures. Or if you will not, I will free them myself.” Dexy headed for the pen that held the litter of kittens.

Amanda was afraid the clerk would call mall security. Nicholas was concerned about Dexy becoming too angry and her pixie dust becoming elevated and shining. Will was worried that both things would happen.

“Miss, please step back and leave the store or I will have security remove you.” The clerk reached for his phone.

“Sir,” Will spoke up, “uh, our friend is … foreign, and I’m afraid her … uh, country of origin isn’t as modern as ours, see? Anyway, uh … she isn’t really aware of what she is doing. Look, we will take her out of your store.”

“William, I am not leaving these animals like this,” Dexy whispered angrily.

Re: Dreamer's Forest

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 5:11 am
by Symandinome
your a very talented writer I wish you much success.

Re: Dreamer's Forest

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:22 pm
by Forest Girl
Thanks for reading. :)

I've posted excerpts from books 3 & 4 on the next thread, if you want to check those out too. :type: