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Oils for fibromyalgia?

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 3:24 pm
by incenseNpepRmints
Hello all -

Just wondering if there was an oil mixture that could help ease the pain of fibromyalgia? I bought a bottle that would allow me to rub it on my pressure points as they got sore. I'm also learning how to make my own oils using olive oil as a base (just some fyi). Any help would be appreciated :)

Re: Oils for fibromyalgia?

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 4:41 pm
by Symandinome
this isnt specifically about oils to treat it but it does offer a variety of information in regards to the subject including homeopathic remedies

Fibromyalgia afflicts between three and six million Americans, women more often than men. It often occurs in more than one member of a family, which suggests it may be an inherited disorder. Other possible causes include a virus or an injury that affects the central nervous system. Symptoms may be triggered or exacerbated by stress, anxiety, depression, poor sleep habits, or a change in the weather. For many years, fibromyalgia was thought to be a psychosomatic disorder because no one could find a definitive cause of the pain.
Signs and Symptoms

Chronic, widespread pain that lasts three months or more, with no clear cause, combined with tenderness in at least 11 of 18 well-defined tender point sites on the body
Pains, aches, and stiffness in several muscle groups, joints, and in all four quadrants of the body
Pain that moves from one part of the body to another, most commonly felt in the neck, chest, arms, legs, hips, and back
Pain that may be variously characterized as deep aching, radiating, gnawing, shooting, or burning
Body aches and stiffness upon awakening
Headaches and jaw pain
Disturbed sleep patterns
Digestive system difficulties, as in swallowing, alternating diarrhea and constipation, or recurring abdominal pain
Numbness or tingling in parts of the body
Increased sensitivity to bright lights, noise, odors, and various foods
Alternating feelings of hot and cold

Conventional Medical Treatment

Diagnosis is frustrating, because fibromyalgia mimics the symptoms of other diseases, such as Lyme disease, rheumatoid arthritis, hypothyroidism, or low-back degenerative disease. Diagnosis usually comes after these and other conditions have been investigated and dismissed. There is no known way to prevent fibromyalgia, and the symptoms can come and go, often lasting for months or years. However, the disorder leaves no permanent damage, and in most cases it eventually does subside.

A doctor may prescribe a combination of muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatory, and antidepressant drugs. The antidepressants amitriptyline (Elavil) or cyclbenzaprine hydrochloride (Flexeril) are beneficial in relieving some symptoms, but can have side effects, including weight gain, urinary retention, and morning grogginess. Other muscle relaxers and antidepressants are occasionally prescribed.

The treatment for fibromyalgia also includes a combination of healthy diet, exercise, and rest. Stationary biking, low-impact aerobics, swimming, and walking may help alleviate symptoms; slowly work up to 60 minutes of exercise 3 or 4 times per week. Warm up and cool down the muscles gradually before and after exercise, and avoid exercises that can cause joint pain. Proper sleep is also important. Experts recommend eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables because these foods provide trace elements and minerals that help muscles. High-fiber foods help the digestive system perform its functions. Massage and physical therapy (with heat) may bring some short-term relief.
Complementary and Alternative Treatments

Nutrition and Supplementation

When it comes to fibromyalgia, it seems more important to avoid certain food than to include particular foods in your diet. Eliminate meat, dairy products, and all other foods high in saturated fats; these fats interfere with circulation and increase pain. Likewisee avoid fried and processed foods, shellfish, whith bread, and pasta. Eliminate sugar products from your diet, as sugar in any form disturbs sleep and promotes fatigue. Avoid caffeine and alcohol as well. If you have been consuming these foods on a regular basis, you will go through a short with-drawal period where your symptoms may worsen once you eliminate them from your menu. Before long, however, you will notice improvement.

Center your diet around raw foods and fresh juices. Eat lots of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts and seeds, skinless turkey or chicken, and deep-water fish. These foods provide nutrients that help energize and build immunity. It is important to flush out toxins, so drink steam distilled water and herbal teas. Eat four or five small meals daily so your body is supplied with a steady intake of proteins and carbohydrates necessary for muscle function.

Malabsorption problems are common in fibromyalgia, so all nutrients are needed in amounts greater than normal. A daily plan would include:

Most Important

coenzyme (75 mg)-improves oxygenation of tissues
lecithin (as directed on label)-energizes and improves circulation
malic acid and magnesium (as directed on label)-assist in energy production in many cells
proteolytic enzymes (as directed on label, 6 times daily)-improves the absorption of foods, especially protein
vitamin A (25,000 IU for 1 month, reduce to 10,000 IU; not to exceed 8000 IU if you are pregnant)-protects the body's cells; use the emulsion form
vitamin E (800 IU for 1 month, then reduce to 400 IU)-enhances immune function; use the emulsion form
vitamin C with bioflavonoids (5000 to 10,000 mg)-energizes; use buffered form
a prodophilus formula (as directed on label)-supports intestinal function

Also Recommended

vitamin B complex (as prescribed by a doctor)-energizes and increases normal brain function; injections are best
free-form amino acid complex (as directed on label)-supplies protein necessary for repair and building of muscle tissue
magnesium glycinate (1000 mg)-a deficiency is common in people with fibromyalgia
calcium citrate or calcium lactate (2000 mg)-balances with magnesium
potassium (99 mg)-aids in muscle function
selenium (200 mcg) -an antioxidant
zinc (50 mg, not to exceed 100 mg total from all supplements)-helps the immune system function properly
melatonin (as directed on label, 2 hours or less before bedtime)-promotes sleep
vanadyl sulfate (as directed on label)-protects muscles and reduces fatigue
L-glutamine (2 g)-supports immune system functioning
live cell therapy supplement (as directed on label) (thymus, adrenal, liver, and pancreas)-Supports glandular functions Consult your healthcare provider regarding the duration of treatment.)

Herbal Therapy

Since fibromyalgia presents a variety of stressing, even incapacitating, symptoms and discomforts, more than one herb is necessary for relief. try a combination of the following herbal remedies:
To boost blood circulation, alertness, and the immune system, use astragalus, echinacea, and ginkgo. You might also try these teas: burdock root, dandelion, and red clover. To make the teas, steep 1 to 3 teaspoons dried herb or root in 1 cup boiling water for 5 to 15 minutes; strain. Drink several cups daily. You also can brew a blend of the herbs.
For relief from muscular pain, use a topical application of 1 part cayenne powder and 3 parts wintergreen oil. You also can try cayenne (in capsule form) and flaxseed oil (as directed on the label, three times daily).
Sip skullcap or valerian root tea to improve sleep. To make the skullcap tea, steep 2 teaspoons dried leaves in 1 cup boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes; strain. To prepare the valerian tea, steep 2 teaspoons dried, chopped root in 1 cup boiling water for 8 to 12 hours; strain. Both skullcap and valerian are available in tincture form. Be aware that these herbs can cause drowsiness and should not be used to excess.
Grape seed extract helps to protect muscles from free radical damage. Use as directed on the product label.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture Most of the symptoms and side effects associated with fibromyalgia can be treated with acupuncture. The acupoints to be manipulated will, of course, depend entirely on the symptoms presented by the individual.

Formulas often used for fibromyalgia muscle pain are Corydalis Formula, Ginseng and Tang Gui Ten, Ginseng and Atractylodes, Peony and Licorice, and Tian Qi and Eucommia.

Re: Oils for fibromyalgia?

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:41 pm
by FireQueen
I have FM too and have found that a muscle relaxant blend works best especially when the oils are added to a warm bath.

From Massage Today:
Essential oils to help the FM client during massage also can be used at home in bath and body oils, as well as simple diffusion (releasing in the air) or inhalation. For the purpose of therapeutic massage, up to 10 or 12 drops of a blend of essences can be used in a 1-ounce base of carrier oil, which should be a cold-pressed nut, seed or vegetable oil. I highly recommend fractionated coconut oil, which can be found on the Internet. It is clear, light and odorless, never oxidizes, and there is total skin penetration. The essential oils most useful in treating the symptoms of FM are:

For pain relief: spike lavender, sweet marjoram, lavender, petitgrain, Roman and German chamomile, clary sage, lemongrass, helichrysum, peppermint, ginger and black pepper. Spike lavender with peppermint and helichrysum creates an anti-inflammatory synergy.
For stress/anxiety relief: rose otto, frankincense, clary sage, sweet orange, bergamot, grapefruit, ylang ylang, sandalwood, neroli, sweet marjoram, petitgrain, mandarin, lavender, rose geranium, tangerine, jasmine.
For peaceful sleep: lavender, neroli, jasmine, marjoram, Roman chamomile.
For a feeling of harmony and safety: frankincense, lavender, rose, mandarin, neroli, helichrysum.
For headaches: lavender, peppermint, marjoram, Roman chamomile.
For increased circulation: rosemary, ginger, black pepper, peppermint, lemongrass, rose geranium.
NB: it is important to waft test any oils you may be thinking of using before buying (no point wasting money) or adding it to a blend (no point using something that doesn't agree with you). If you find the aroma unpleasant do not use it. When you find a number of oils that you like the smell of then gather together all the un-stoppered bottles and waft the lot before going ahead and mixing ~ if the combination is unpleasant then there is an imbalance between the top, middle and base notes of the aromas that needs to be changed.

Ideally, it's best to consult with a qualified aromatherapist to create a blend that is specific to your body's needs.

Brightest blessings.

Re: Oils for fibromyalgia?

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:10 am
by hachiban08
I wonder if there is anything for MS patients, because I have probable MS, perhaps some of the same things will work for me! :)