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In need of help for my daughter.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:23 am
by Multistar
I joined your forum only yesterday, and i think it is geat, however....there is an awful lot of information here and i do not know where to start looking. :shock:

I have been doing solitary casting on and off for the past 6 years. Thus i am not very confident when it comes to writing my own spells.

My problem is this. My daughter is 4 yeas old and very much affraid of thunder storms. And in the past two months here in South Africa we have been having thunderstorms evey single day.....dont get me wrong, i enjoy the rain, but my daughter is suffering and it pains me to see her all scared and shaky when there is thunder and lightning. So much so, that she refuses to sleep in her own bed, scared that the storm is coming to get her.

Is there a simple spell, chant or the like i can use to calm her down and take away her fears wrt the storms?

Thanks and blessings.....

Re: In need of help for my daughter.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:35 am
by shadowx
I dont know if there is anything magickal that can help, however a few mundane solutions could be at hand.

Is she interested in music or singing nursery rhymes etc? If so im sure google has a few storm related ones that you could sing together when she is scared. No doubt she has been taught some at pre-school if she goes so it might keep her mind off of a storm.

Other than that expose her to storms in a safe and non threatening way. Teach her about them, if there is one a long way away watch it with her etc...

Re: In need of help for my daughter.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:40 am
by Ginger Faith!
shadowx wrote:I dont know if there is anything magickal that can help, however a few mundane solutions could be at hand.

Is she interested in music or singing nursery rhymes etc? If so im sure google has a few storm related ones that you could sing together when she is scared. No doubt she has been taught some at pre-school if she goes so it might keep her mind off of a storm.

Other than that expose her to storms in a safe and non threatening way. Teach her about them, if there is one a long way away watch it with her etc...
I, honestly, thought you were going to say something mean when i saw you name and that you posted back.
Haha, sorry 'bout that.
But, i actually agree with this^^


Re: In need of help for my daughter.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:11 pm
by _Kaimira_
there is a calming spell but i can't remember where i saw it

Re: In need of help for my daughter.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:54 pm
by Traumwandlerin
Talking and playing works almost magickally on children. Maybe invent a story of the lightning princess and the thunder prince. Something like a fairytale were thunder and lighting isn't mean and dangerous. Or where a girl beats thunder and lightning with a spell, so she is safe. Think of a "spell" which you both can do together. Involve this spell in the fairytale and teach her the fairytale and the spell.

Re: In need of help for my daughter.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 2:15 pm
by WhiteOne
I agree with other suggestions. Also, storms seem to create a whole new atmosphere--like a holiday does. If you could change "storm time" from scary to fun, it might help. For example, people often spend rainy days at home, with a fire and a cup of hot chocolate--this is vastly different from the rainy day experience of being cold, lonely, and wet, and wishing for the damn rain to go away. It is good to note that I live in a part of California that usually only rains for --maybe a couple weeks to a month out of the year?-- total. So rainy day is more of a holiday for me than for those people who live where it rains more.
You could celibate how the thunder storms nurture the thirsty plants and keep the wild animals healthy. But the point is, that you can use the storm as trigger for good things. Kind of like Pavlov's dog. Thunder storm can be changed to a holiday where you do fun things like reading stories, and drinking hot chocolate.

Re: In need of help for my daughter.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:17 pm
by Ravencry
As with Shadowx's reply, you can give her a carnelian necklace. Its good for courage, and you can tell her it will keep her safe.

Re: In need of help for my daughter.

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 6:06 am
by Greek_Male_Witch
Phobias are in human nature, there is not mamgickal help because its not a problem, its just a reaction, she is afraid of lightnings, as she will grow up she won't be scared of them, or she might still be, the thing is it is not a problem...

Re: In need of help for my daughter.

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:04 am
by Traumwandlerin
Well obviously you has no clue about children, greek ;) Children learn how to deal with their fears due to their parents, that's how they grow up into non-phobic-adults. So you help the child to deal with her fears.

Re: In need of help for my daughter.

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:20 pm
by )O( Krystal Raven )O(
There are real legends about the dancing fire spirits that chase away all bad things in many tribal cultures. I like the suggestion that you should invent your own. Not only will this be a memorable story that brings you together, it will also strengthen your practice in the Craft. Blessed art thou and thy daughter. )O( R )O(

Re: In need of help for my daughter.

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 5:27 pm
by Asch
Greek_Male_Witch wrote:Phobias are in human nature, there is not mamgickal help because its not a problem, its just a reaction, she is afraid of lightnings, as she will grow up she won't be scared of them, or she might still be, the thing is it is not a problem...
Not to dog you or anything but the entire point of a phobia is that it is an IRRATIONAL fear, which makes it abnormal. Being afraid is a normal reaction to perilous situations, but a phobia is never normal and they can be crippling.

Re: In need of help for my daughter.

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 6:13 am
by Multistar
Thank you all for your most valuble advice. I will take these tips and hints and put it into a fable like story that i am sure will calm her come the next storm.
Thank you once again, much love and blessings.

Re: In need of help for my daughter.

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 11:53 am
by IVYlilith
i think you sould talk to her theres is nothing to do with magic....its YOUR daughter you cant cast a spell on your own blood the solution is not magic.....however tell her that thunders are safe and there is nothing to be afraid of tell her that the god or gods send them to scare the thiefs....this one works my moms when i was young was telling me...:)...kisses and blesses

Re: In need of help for my daughter.

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:47 pm
by JBRaven
After you have calmed her by telling a story, ask her why she is afraid. While you may not get a linear answer because she is 4, you may get insight.

IVYlilith, What are you talking about not being able to cast a spell on her "own blood".

Re: In need of help for my daughter.

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:43 pm
by EtherStar
I think the fable story is a wonderful idea. Perhaps you could incorporate a spell or chant into the story - say, one that the princess uses to defeat the thunder and lightning - that you and your daughter could chant together. We all feel better when we feel we have some control, or that we are able to do something about what's happening - your daughter might very well feel not only calmer, but empowered with her magick chant. And empowering children is so important.