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Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:06 pm
by Ravencry
Quite a few people on the site are interested in shamanism. So, here is a bit about it for you:


Shaman is a term often mistakenly used in reference to a wide variety of occult practitioners otherwise known as Medicine Men, Witches, Wise Ones, Healers, and others involved in the occult arts for the purpose of divination or healing. One of the main reasons for the popularity of the term Shaman today is that it does not carry with it the strongly negative connotation which has come to be associated with many of the other titles previously mentioned.

The term "Shaman" actually refers to a man or a woman who is able to enter into an altered state of consciousness for the purpose of embarking upon a spirit journey into alternate dimensions and realities in order to access hidden knowledge or power to help others. During this journey, the Shaman uses "spirit helpers" as an integral part of accomplishing his or her work. The work of finding and allying these spirit helpers is a critical part of the shaman's daily life.

Shamanism is one of the oldest spiritual paths on Earth. It offers a way for people to wake up to their potential, and begin to explore their spiritual relationship with the universe, with other forms of life, and with each other. Shamanism is a way in which humanity has sought a connection to the world of healing, maintaining balance and harmony in society and with the individual and keeping our connection with Mother Earth and All Creation.

A Shaman walks with one foot in this world and one foot in the spirit world. Our outer world may be different, but our human inner landscape has the same components as always. Our outer health and wholeness is an expression of our inner health and holiness. We are here to bring spirit into matter and matter to spirit.

Shamanism is a system of healing based on spiritual practices that originated in tribal cultures. The shaman is a healer who acquires knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual power from personal helping spirits whom the shaman encounters on journeys into other realities. In other words, shamans know and use specific techniques for altering consciousness so that they can access spiritual realities normally invisible and undetectable to people whose consciousness is usually focused on the ordinary reality of daily life. The shaman is a "walker between the worlds," able to see and enter realms intentionally that most people encounter only in dreams and myth, and from these realms the shaman brings back vital information for the healing of individuals, the community, or the Earth itself.

Shamanism is a set of tools and techniques used to interact with the spirit world and the world around us. It has no specific pantheon of gods and is attached to no particular culture. It is a way of looking at the world and at yourself. There are no hard set rules, no hierarchy to try and work through. Shamanism is the oldest known form of spiritual practice. It is a time-tested practice, what works is kept, what doesn't is left behind. When our ancient ancestors prayed that the spirit of the Deer would come to them allowing them a good hunt, they were using shamanic techniques although I am sure that was not the word they used to describe it.

Shamanism is a personal quest for knowledge and inner power, but it is a quest that has traditionally taken place within the confines of a tribe or family group. The same holds true for those who follow a shamanic path today, but our groups might be different. We could work to guide and aid our family or a group of friends or a pagan circle. These groups are just as valid and appropriate a place for a modern person walking a shamanic path as a tribe was to an ancient one. A shaman's place is within a community, not apart from it.

Shamans have held an important place in many different cultures throughout the world since our beginnings. They have been mediators, ceremonialists, healers, diviners, many different kinds of artists and much more. They learn and work with power for both themselves and the good of those around them. They understand the connection and need for balance amongst all things, that all aspects of the world that we share with the rest of creation is alive, humans, animals, plants, rocks, and even the wind.
Traditionally people generally came to a shamanic path by being chosen and trained by an experienced shaman, or by inheriting the role from a parent. Often people choose or are led to follow a shamanic path after a near death experience, but that doesn't mean that you have to go out and try to kill yourself if you want to learn shamanism. In today's world many people come to the shamanic path becasue they feel drawn to it or curious about it. Anyone can incorporate shamanic practices into their lives. You only need to believe that you can.

However, interest in shamanism does not make you a Shaman. If you are just starting this path it is much more appropriate to say you are following a shamanic path or a student of shamanism. Shaman is one among many titles that can be used for a person who has followed and studied this path for many years. Another common title is Medicine Woman or Man.

Another common misconception is that shamanism is synonymous with Native American spirituality. Native Americans were one of many groups that used shamanic practices in their spirituality. Many other cultures did and still do, from South America all the way to Siberia in fact. Some of the better known shamanic paths include Native American shamanism, Celtic shamanism, and Siberian shamanism. The following pages are purposefully very general, except for a few that were written by someone with a Native American background as an example of that path. Almost all forms of shamanism hold to the main ideas and concepts that follow, although the particulars and dieties will vary from group to group and even from tribe to tribe.














April 2020 edit - links don’t work
(Posted from varied sites,,,, and So for more information, please check those sites. I am quite unfamiliar with the practice, so I had to copy and paste :oops:

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 2:52 pm
by Traumwandlerin
Thanks for this information. I'm considering myself a called Shaman in training. I still lack a community, but I know how this is important for a Shaman and without a community a Shaman is quite useless. I'm waiting, it will come (which will not hinder me looking on my own ;) ).

I know, you probably can't answer any questions on this, but maybe others can:

I'm quite irritated by those rules. Since when does Shamanism has rules? Those are probably a nice set of common rules for everyone, but it's not a must for a Shaman to follow this code. I'm not the "love you all"-kind of person and I never will be. And I seriously doubt that Shamans in the past were, since they did all kind of harmful things to people outside of their tribe. This code seems a bit fluffy, nice but not even a guideline to a Shaman. A Shaman listens to his spiritual guides and not to a code that was written in this world (at least not until he thinks it's worth it).

That's way you also don't need a teacher or have at any time the need to read a book. You are connected to your spirit guides. Those are your teachers and your source of information. It's still a nice thing to read book or have a this-world-teacher, but it's not neccessary at any point of the training. I would like communicating with other Shamans, though. It's nice to socialize ;)

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 4:45 pm
by WitchyLady506
I think the rule of ethics is a general outline type of thing for those interested, not necessarily for those who truly are shamans.

I say this because my Great grandmother was medicine woman/world walker and it was hell or high water trying to tell that woman what to do, let alone her living by someone's rules. She did as she pleased and taught our family motto, it's better to ask forgiveness than permission. I also know of many practices, especially for wartime, that the Cherokee paint clan took part in and they definitely weren't part of the harm none aspect.

So basically you don't want people hellbent for power learning some of the techniques. It can be dangerous and you want someone who thinks before they act. Not only that, but depending on the type of shamanic path, there's several types of magical practices involved that can easily be used for the wrong things once the basics of them are learned.

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:36 pm
by reikihealer83
Thank you for posting this one. I have been looking into Shamanism lately as well and I have been doing some research. A lot of the info out there is great but this is nice and easy to understand. Thank you again!

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 1:58 am
by Traumwandlerin
So (´-`&#6528, you are saying those code was made from those afraid of the power of Shamans? ;) Or older Shamans who have seen the damage that can be done if someone comes to the power and is just mean. Well, I'm not so sure about the power of a Shaman who is not listening to his spiritual guides and lives his life in accordance to them. This might seem weird or even evil to others, but in the whole context it's not, cause the Shaman sees this world and the other.

Personally, I think, you can only get the needed bond with your spirit guides when you are a special kind of person (in addition to any spiritual abilities). Like being protective to your tribe, want to help them, want the best for them and don't have much interest in harming others or gain something for yourself. This is not necessary for anyone with spirit guides, but for a shamanic bond, I think it wouldn't work well otherwise. Your guides are testing you in some ways.

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:55 pm
by WitchyLady506
Traumwandlerin wrote:So (´-`&#6528, you are saying those code was made from those afraid of the power of Shamans? ;) Or older Shamans who have seen the damage that can be done if someone comes to the power and is just mean. Well, I'm not so sure about the power of a Shaman who is not listening to his spiritual guides and lives his life in accordance to them. This might seem weird or even evil to others, but in the whole context it's not, cause the Shaman sees this world and the other.

Personally, I think, you can only get the needed bond with your spirit guides when you are a special kind of person (in addition to any spiritual abilities). Like being protective to your tribe, want to help them, want the best for them and don't have much interest in harming others or gain something for yourself. This is not necessary for anyone with spirit guides, but for a shamanic bond, I think it wouldn't work well otherwise. Your guides are testing you in some ways.
Definitely don't think it's to be afraid of shamans, but to keep those with ill intent away. I know many teachings of my people, having the path I walk now start with being trained to be my great grandmother's successor (though that could be said to have not worked out) and some techniques can be very easily abused for some very bad things.

I believe anyone who came to shamanism and said they could live by those rules would be a good candidate to be a shaman, but in their learning and their further exploration of the other side would see how they can't be always be abided by, kinda like how a lot of witches start out living by the rede and after sometime they realize some times you have to say to hell with it or abandon it all together.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 5:02 am
by Traumwandlerin
I never read the Rede nor lived by it. But I always had my own codex, which seem to me more stricter than most of the things I read. Especially it seem to me more honest than all those witches who say "Oh, I would never do black magick, cause I know about the rule of three and how this will harm me more than him", cause this is not what it's about. That's fear of punishment and not the feel of not wanting to do harm cause you just don't want to harm. That's why I'm suspicious if there are any rules. Are you following those rules cause you just follow rules to get want you want or are those rules a reflection of your inner believe?

But when it's a reflection of your inner believe you also will know when it's essential to break the rules. I will fight for those who are belonging to me, I don't want to harm anyone, but I'm there for the ones who belong to me, I'm protecting and healing, and sometimes in this act, you will deal harm to others. Minimal harm, and probably in the long run this will work for a catalysator for healing in the harmed person, but anyway wasn't probably nice.

I've never thought of how one could use those Shamanic technics with ill intentions. I guess I just couldn't, my guides wouldn't be there to help me.

I'm interested in what you are learning and how your path looks. Do you want to tell more?

Re: Shamanism

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:16 pm
by Little Moon
Ive been looking into a lot of religious things on this site. Trying to figure out where I fit in. So I of course came to this one along with the rest. From what i have read this is where I fit in. I would like to learn more and if there is someone who could teach me i would be very grateful. I know i teacher is not needed but it wouldnt hurt to have someone wiser to learn from. If you could help me or teach me etc. Please message me i would be most abliged.

~Little Moon

Re: Shamanism

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 12:23 am
by hecate8
Most Shamans are anarchists, whether they would call themselves that or not. We generally have a deep distaste for rules of any kind. ::coolglasses::

Re: Shamanism

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 1:19 am
by dreadedpsychopomp
Traumwandlerin wrote: I'm quite irritated by those rules. Since when does Shamanism has rules? Those are probably a nice set of common rules for everyone, but it's not a must for a Shaman to follow this code. I'm not the "love you all"-kind of person and I never will be. And I seriously doubt that Shamans in the past were, since they did all kind of harmful things to people outside of their tribe. This code seems a bit fluffy, nice but not even a guideline to a Shaman. A Shaman listens to his spiritual guides and not to a code that was written in this world (at least not until he thinks it's worth it).
I agree with this. One of the reasons why those who fit under the general term of shaman, necromancer, witch, etc. in the past were feared is because they had the power to curse enemies just as easily as heal others. They knew poison very intimately, as well as herbs to heal. Most cultures did not and do not have the Harm None attitude, especially tribal and ancient polytheistic ones. The otherworlds can be very dangerous, and as far as I understand, true Initiation is far from gentle or earthly.

Re: Shamanism

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:49 pm
by sillyoldman
I have to agree with hectate8.I have no ties to any organized religion as I feel they are to restrictive in their ways.The rules above are the same.

Re: Shamanism

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 4:49 pm
by SpiritTalker
Bumping 2020