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Am I doing this right?

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:50 pm
by Li Li
I tried out a spell "to communicate with an absent lover", funnily enough I can't find the link to the spell, luckily I've written it down.

To communicate with an absent lover

* Light up a pink candle and hold the picture of the person and look into their eyes. then put a crystal ball or magnifying glass (I've used magnifying glass) and speak directly to the picture. when the eyes, mouth and facial features look like they're moving, then you've made the connection....

and there's more stuff that comes up but this is the bit that kinda throws me. when i do it my eyes start to wonder and it becomes a bit blurred and at one point my body's even started trembling a bit. I just wanna know why my body's done that. I mean, does that usually happen when you're connecting to someone and I just need more practice? or am I going way off topic and doing something totally different to what I originally wanted to do?

help, it's kinda freaked me out now :shock:

Re: am i doing this right?

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 11:51 am
by SpiritTalker
Old topic

IMO Long distance projection is more easily done as remote viewing and there are YT vids & teaching websites to browse. Body trembling could be strain from clenching muscles. It could also indicate a shift to out of body misalignment of the light body and physical body due to intense out-pouring of energy. Both are pretty ordinary experiences. To correct it go deeper into center. Hunker down and focus on the target person within the belly.