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Indigo Children...

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:35 am
by Alchemist of Blue Roses
A few weeks before I was told by Travis I was an Indigo child, I have been giving off a Dark Blue Aura...

I heard that the children who are resposible for shooting school are indigo children...

Please Enlighten me about the Indigo Children..

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:32 am
by Kassandra
Hi. As far as Trav's advice to you, guess it takes one to know one :wink: hehehe

Please see the video embed I stickied in this forum regarding this subject. It is informative.

To answer your question, basically indigos can't handle bullshit. They see right through it, they literally see right into it. They get more frustrated with it because they don't know how to "play along" with it, as some would grin and bear it, doing that two-faced thing. Indigos don't know how to be two-faced. Usually this results in them going toward one of two extremes.

Often they are healers and advisors, like Trav. But an indigo that "turns bad" like with Columbine, etc., probably didn't take care of his health, mentally and probably physically as well.

This is because physically, indigos are highly sensitive to all chemicals around them, in the food, in the environment...just highly, highly sensitive.

And mentally/emotionally, they also are extremely clairsentient empaths, that is, they don't just feel the energies and emotions around them, they experience them as their own. If there is a lot of turmoil, war, fear, anguish, etc. vibrating in the air (as there is now in the world), they will absorb, embody and even act on it.

They, more than anyone else in the population, must learn basic grounding, centering, shielding, meditation, and other energy techniques, to protect their physical and mental health (the two always go hand-in-hand).

In my forum, Ask Elisa, I stress self-healthcare, because the American "healthscare" system, as I call it, does not have your back on this. You're on your own.

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 9:12 pm
by MoonDust
I've suspected for a few years that I'm an Indigo because the BS is a killer to my spirit. I like spitting back the BS that people at work try to give me so that they can experience the same crap that they try to dish out. Pure and simple, a persons faults and honesty resonate much better with me because I know that it is the truth and that no one is perfect. I don't like the empathy and being empathic at all. It literally makes me crazy because many people are hurting or on a vibe I don't want to be on. The "psychic" vibes I feel just happen to be that I can feel what people are feeling. It's annoying and makes mall trips and trips to other places where people congregate, a type of hell on wheels. I will try more of grounding and centering and seeing if that helps, because the "embodiment of others' emotions" are killer and a damper on my own personal bright and happy mood. On a lighter note, I really do feel like people are and can be inherantly good if only they will let go of the ego that is only self serving.

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:28 am
by Kassandra
MoonDust wrote:I've suspected for a few years that I'm an Indigo because the BS is a killer to my spirit. ... I really do feel like people are and can be inherantly good if only they will let go of the ego that is only self serving.
Yeah, and the way the Earth's going, the BS is waning off and ego-based agendas are dissolving because the traditional power structures are crumbling. Things are changing for the better, but it will be a violent shedding of the old skin before it's all said and done. Hang in there, and know that in the long run you could do a lot of good in the world with your abilities.

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:45 am
by MoonDust
Thanks Elisa! I really appreciate that and I definately hope that the world is getting better. "A violent shedding of the old skin"... I can definately see that happening.

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:21 pm
by reikihealer83
I know this is an old post but I just HAD to ask this question.

I was born in June of 1983 and think I am a crystal child. I have the power of mediumship and empathy along with a natural pention for the healing arts such as aromatherapy and Reiki. I am just curious what you all think I am. I think I fit the Crystal child but could I be an Indigo?

Thanks :)

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 9:22 pm
by kimilynnekandikane
i have the same sort of delemma with the crystal vs. indigo. nobody has ever read me aura, but charateristicly, i fit most all traits of indigo and crystal. i found this described only once, and it was called blue-ray children. google it, might be worth reading. (=

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 11:42 pm
by Isadora
I relate to this a lot. The bullshit thing is true. Even if I'm not directly involved, I'll have this huge need to say something if I hear someone saying something like that.

Especially the clairsentient empath part. I've had that exactly and it would mess me up really bad. I won't go into all of it but when I was younger, I was convinced I had been raped even though it was obvious I never was. I had found writing as a release for it. No one understood what I meant when I said to "Keep me talking." because if I could just stay in mindless conversation or be kept busy by friends, I could keep that feeling at bay. Nights are the worst. As soon as I'm not busy, I quickly try to fall asleep because otherwise I start getting those feelings again. I've tried medication and it works a little but not much. I hope I don't sound crazy or anything. If I do, feel free to tell me though. I'm not trying to try too hard at it, I'm just wondering.

I haven't had my aura read because I don't know anyone who can. I'm becoming friends with a girl who's Wiccan but I don't know if she can do it.

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:49 pm
by Ravencry
Reikihealer, try to take this test. If you aren't Indigo, you are definately Crystal. I am an Indigo :) ... gochildren


Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 10:05 pm
by reikihealer83
Ravencry wrote:Reikihealer, try to take this test. If you aren't Indigo, you are definately Crystal. I am an Indigo :) ... gochildren


Thank you so much for those links. I read one link and took the test and found out that I am an Indigo and I fit almost all, if not all the characteristics. I am going to go book searching now lol. Thank you for posting these. I figured I was an indigo but there were a couple things that could have pegged me as a Crystal child but not enough for it to be overwhelming.

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:27 am
by Ginger Faith!
I am a definite indigo adult.
No joke. It's nice to know, though.
Thanks for those links, Raven.

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 5:12 pm
by Ravencry
I'm an Indigo Adult, also :D I'm glad I'm not alone, and I'm glad those links helped the both of you :D

Re: Indigo Children...

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:27 pm
by ikaba
Well ok. This is creepy. I've been into new age, the occult, paranormal and all that jazz since my early years and yet I have not heard of Indigo children until now. And as I read about it I got chills down my spine. I almost feel like crying because it explains so much I couldn't understand about myself. I guess knowing this is somewhat of a relief. That I am not just a bitchy, odd, insane person with authority issues and emotional outbursts. And that the feeling Ive had inside of me, that longing for a home somewhere out of this very planet or existence as we knew it, wasn't just a BS thing in my mind and somehow I feel more encouraged to act on my life path which I've known since forever but never understood why.

Heck, Ive even always thought of myself as a warrior.

Re: Indigo Children...

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:18 pm
by Purewitch22
Whats the most important "gift" about Indigo Children? I cant deal with crap, but I stop it before it starts. Do you get what I'm saying? I hate crap like BS...but I can tell when something is about to come down, so I stop it. I can tell whats going to happen, from the people who are ganna start it. I can tell who has positive energy and negitive energy. I'm not an Empath, but I need to be at least in the same room as someone to feel it.